Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2628: Unwilling! No! No!

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"Boss, he seems to be the thirteen young man of the Wu family."

Fei Long looked a little ugly and whispered in Yehong's ear.


Ye Hong didn't feel much about the thirteenth youngster. After hearing Fei Long's words, he looked at this person with interest.

Mentioning the 13th Young Wu Family [Wu Tooth] is not well-known in the field of immortals, but it is well-known among the civilian class.

Of course, this reputation is mostly notorious.

The so-called Longsheng Jiuzi, Wu Jian's so many children, not all have talents, nor do they all have the talent to practice.

Like Wu Kuan, Wu Dao, Wu Xian...the descendants who can trust the industry are only a few.

Most of the children are ordinary people who do not practice, and rely on the Wu family, a big mountain, who eats and dies.

Among them, the 13th Shao Wu tooth is the most famous.

As the first person in the Wu family, this person is extremely overbearing and overbearing in Xianhe City.

I don't know how many people have been attacked by him, but they dare not speak because they fear his background.

If it were not for the Wu family to protect him behind his back, he might have been thrown down into the crane city by sacks.

Unexpectedly, such a "celebrity" actually appeared in front of his eyes, but it gave Yehong a peculiar feeling of watching golden gorillas at the zoo.

But the name Wu Diya...

Ye Hong could only give thumbs up to Wu Jian, a named ghost, in the bottom of his heart.

Wu Dao and Wu Qing don't even need to be like this. Was the name Wu Dian conceived with his toes?

To be honest, even if Wu Fa, Wu Tian, ​​Wu Qiong, Wu Jing, Wu Sheng, Wu Xi, etc. came up in the future, Ye Hong would not feel the slightest surprise.

A normal name like Wu Kuan is like a rare treasure in the Wu family.

But Wu Ya's name really fits the shameless character in front of him.

A pair of eyes clearly saw that Ye Hong first occupied the car, but forced Ye Hong to let out.

Who is shameless if he is not shameless?

No wonder Zhao Daoqin dare to stretch out his head and barked at Ye Hong. It turned out that he had a new thigh.

However, Daoqin Zhao did not know Ye Hong’s past at Blue Star, otherwise he would understand that Ye Hong’s dealing with a young boy like Wu Ya was like bullying a three-year-old.

It's just that Ye Hong came to the hospital today to do the right thing, too lazy to have general knowledge with these two people.

No longer glancing at them, ignoring Zhao Daoqin's murderous look, he took Ferron directly into the car.

Then in the stunned expression of Ferron, he pressed the start button on the mechanical servant in front of the car.

After a steady start, the white car drove straight to the east.

"Thirteen young people, look at them!"

Zhao Daoqin's lips were trembling with anger.

And Wu Ya's complexion suddenly gloomy.

Then the expression looked daunting: "Very good, even if I don't give Wu Dian's face, then I let him understand what the name of Xianhe City is!

Zhao Daoqin, go and find out what ward building they are going to. "


Seeing his hard work, Zhao Daoqin finally succeeded in causing Ye Hong to anger Wu Ya's anger. He was excited and agreed quickly.



Xianhe Hospital, Dean's Office.

The dean of Xianhe Hospital is named [Lu Wenchao], and he is an old man with a good appearance.

At this time, he was looking at Wu Tee sitting on the sofa with a headache. He sighed secretly and frowned and asked: "Thirteenth younger, although I am the dean of the Xianhe Hospital, I have no right to force a weak person away. People with Qi syndrome.

After all, the son of the family pays the medical expenses on time. How can you make excuses to embarrass others?

What's more, how easy it is to use your Wu family's power to deal with an outsider, why do you have to toss the old man? "

Wu teeth on the sofa tilted Erlang's legs and sneered on his face.

Just now, Zhao Daoqin finally heard about the purpose of Ye Hong and Fei Long coming to the hospital today, and quickly reported to Wu Dian.

As Lu Wenchao said, Wu Dian has many ways to deal with Ye Hong.

But what Wu Ya wanted was to make Ye Hong pay the most painful price and let Ye Hong completely regret offending him Wu Ya!

So Wu Dian went directly to the head of the Xianhe Hospital and prepared to let Lu Wenchao force Feilong's mother out of Xianhe Hospital.

As a result, Fei Long will blame Ye Hongsheng.

In this past, Wu Ya did not know how many times he used the method of alienating people and betraying his relatives. He tried many times and wanted to use it again.

"Principal Lu, don't fool me with these virtual things. I don't believe you can't deal with a patient with the energy you have."

Wu Dian's voice suddenly fell deep, with some kind of bewitching power: "President Lu, I remember your grandson just graduated from Xianwu College this year?

In my hand, there is an entry disciple of Tai Yi Xianzong, but I don’t know if President Lu will win for your grandson? "

How did Lu Wenchao refuse?

He shook his head and smiled bitterly: "It's okay, this matter will be handed over to Lu Mou. I only hope that the thirteenth youth don't forget about it when it's good."

"Humph! When did my Wu family thirteen promises have not been fulfilled?

That's all for this matter. Dean Lu is also asked to do it as soon as possible! "



Ye Hong didn't know the small movements Wu Jie was doing behind his back. Now he is standing in the observation room next to a ward.

Because of the nature of asthenia, it will greatly damage the patient's organ system.

Therefore, the wards of patients with weak gas are designed with super strong aseptic isolation.

Families who want to visit the patient can only watch through the partition glass in the observation room next door.

Even if you want to enter the ward, you have to wear several layers of protective clothing and disinfect it several times.

Otherwise, a little carelessness and bringing the germs into the ward would be a fatal blow to the weak-qi patients.

At this time, an old woman with her eyes closed and her expression blank was lying on the hospital bed.

The extremely thin body is almost like a skeleton lying on the bed.

Medical tubes were inserted all over the body.

All kinds of nutrient solutions, medicinal solutions... are constantly being transported into her body.

She is Ferron's mother.

Ferron said that his mother was less than fifty this year.

But because of weakness, it is as old as an 80-year-old lady.

The most disturbing thing is that even though the medicine has never stopped, the body of Ferron's mother is still aging day by day.

In the end, like most patients with weak gas, in the daytime failure, it will become a dead bone.

This is the fate of patients with weak gas.

Before isolating the glass, Ferron was already wiping tears.

Ye Hong also sighed secretly and couldn't help but start to question this absurd world.

Leaving the Nine Heavy Immortal Seal, the human race will be trampled by foreigners.

But with the Ninefold Immortal Seal, the bad results are the weak-qi patients like this.

Do human races really want to take shelter under the nine-fold immortal seal forever?

No, absolutely not!




As long as Yehong is in this fairyland for a day, this dark fate will not be allowed to come!

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