Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2633: Netherworld

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With Ye Hong's medical skills, he can see at a glance that this person must be in a hurry to cause herpes.

In layman's terms, it is getting angry.

Of course, this kind of anger may be due to foreign object stimulation, or it may be due to impatience.

Obviously, the youth in front of them should belong to the latter.

When the youth in white appeared, all the Tao Tao students were honest.

Immediately afterwards, he asked the youth anxiously for news.

"Xiaoshu, how is the Taoist now?"

"Xiaoshu, you let us go in and see your father."

From this group of people, Ye Hong knew the identity of this person.

It turned out to be Tao's son.

"You are so noisy outside, your father is so good before hell!"

The young man in white reprimanded with a cold face.

The students all lowered their heads, and dared not look at the young people.

After reprimanding this group of people, the young man in white shook his head and sighed, "Father is not very optimistic.

The experts at Xianhe Hospital did not have a diagnosis of the cause of their father, and they are still discussing the specific treatment plan. "

"This group of **** quacks!"

"What time is it, still discussing? Discuss **** a hammer!"

Tao Yan's students lost all manners and kept swearing, greeting the eighteen generations of the ancestors of the experts in the villa.

The young man in white shook his head again and again and sighed, but suddenly frowned and asked, "Right, haven't you told me what I was arguing just now?"

The students calmed down slightly and pointed to Ye Hong, who said: "This kid said he would treat weak-qi syndrome, and he didn't know whether it was true or not."

"Treat weakness?"

Young people in white, like other students, seriously looked at Yehong.

In his eyes, Ye Hong's appearance was just a handsome young man under twenty.

But if you look closely, you can vaguely perceive a distinctive atmosphere.

There is unstoppable domineering in the indifferent, seemingly easy-going but as if there is a certain gap with the world.

He had seen many young talents in Xiandu, but most of them were the same, and few of them felt as bright as the boy in front of him.

He remembers his father reminding that once he meets such a person, don't forget to make friends.

The young man in white suddenly looked serious, came to Yehong, and performed a standard ancient ceremony: "Little brother, I'm disturbed. In Xia Taoshu, it is the father Tao Nian who is suffering from the disease.

If this little brother really has the ability to heal his father, he still hopes to help him.

Regardless of success or failure, our Tao family will pay generously. "

It is worthy of being the son taught by Grand Master Tao Nian, and Tao Shu feels like a gentle gentleman who is as gentle as jade.

But what made Ye Hong most interested in Tao Shu was the phrase "regardless of success" in his words!

Such a wide and generous attitude is really difficult for ordinary people to possess.

With this in mind, Ye Hong actually made friends with this person.

It just happened, let the secret Wu teeth and Zhao Daoqin taste the taste of lifting a stone and smashing their feet!

Therefore, Yehong also smiled back: "Yemou can't guarantee that it can be cured, and it's okay not to take a look at it."

"It turns out that the little brother's surname is Ye?" Tao Shu said enthusiastically: "Ye Xiao brother is willing to promise to help, and Tao has been very moved.

It's not too late, please go with Tao as soon as possible! "

So Yehong asked Fei Long to wait outside, and entered the villa side by side with Tao Shu.

Wu Ya and Zhao Daoqin, who saw this scene in the distance, looked at each other, and their faces were strange.

Ye Hong finally did as they thought, and promised to heal Tao Yi.

But he was not forced, but took the initiative!

The gap between the two is like a world apart.

"You can rest assured that the thirteenth youth, the entire Xianhe Hospital is helpless, and he can't be cured by Ye Hong!"

Zhao Daoqin said viciously: "As long as he doesn't heal people in the end, we can easily incite the emotions of these Tao Tao students and make them blame on Yehong!"

Wu Ya laughed at ease, but suddenly said: "What if he was cured?"

Zhao Daoqin's face suddenly stiffened, trying to squeeze out a smile and said: "Should, should not..."


The guards outside the villa are well guarded, and inside the villa are three steps and one post, and five steps and one whistle. There are guards everywhere.

Ye Hong followed Tao Shu to the second floor of the villa and found that the main bedroom door was open.

A group of experts from Xianhe Hospital stood behind the door and discussed anxiously.

Beside them, Lu Wenchao, the dean of Xianhe Hospital, was pale, and his eyes were full of anxiety.

Tao Shu took Ye Hong to approach this group of people and asked softly, "Dr. Lu, everybody, have you discussed the treatment plan?"

The experts suddenly looked embarrassed, and none of them spoke.

Lu Wenchao saw Tao Shu's face cold, and he was so frightened to appease: "Tao Gongzi, please rest assured, we will have results soon!"

At this time, some people in this group of experts recognized Ye Hong who was beside Tao Shu: "Why are you a liar here?"

This person is Dr. Liao, the attending physician of Ferron's mother.

Of course, Lu Wenchao also noticed it, and could not help but glance at Tao Shu and Ye Hong, secretly guessing the relationship between the two.

"Liar?" Tao Shu frowned, and keenly noticed what Dr. Liao called Ye Hong.

Seeing that Dr. Liao finally had the opportunity to debunk Ye Hong's true face, he quickly confronted Tao Shudao: "Tao Gongzi has no idea. This person even boasted that he could cure weak-qi syndrome. How could this be possible?

He is not a liar. What is that? "

The experts next to them also heard about this for the first time, and they all scorned Ye Hongsheng.

If it wasn't the wrong occasion, they must have laughed contemptuously.

Facing Dr. Liao's triumphant identification, Ye Hong just smiled faintly, like looking at a clown.

And Lu Wenchao was keenly aware that Tao Shu's reaction seemed to be somewhat wrong.

I saw that Tao Shu not only did not believe Dr. Liao, but asked with a cold face: "Dr. Liao wanted to say that Tao found a liar to heal his father?"

Dr. Liao was stunned, and then waved his hands frightenedly: "How could that mean that, but this kid is definitely a liar!"

Lu Wenchao couldn't help but covered his face and turned his head.

Lamented in my heart: This guy might as well not speak!

Tao Shu made it clear that people who no longer believe in the Xianhe Hospital, otherwise how could they hire another doctor?

In this case, Dr. Liao also bite Ye Hong that is a liar, which only makes Tao Shu even more disgusted with him.

I really don't see anything at all.

But as the dean of Xianhe Hospital, Tao Shu's behavior was equivalent to a slap in his face.

So he also reminded faintly: "Tao Gongzi, the ugly words are at the forefront, if you insist on letting this kid take over the task of treating Mr. Tao, what happens afterwards will have nothing to do with our Xianhe Hospital."

"Humph!" Tao Shu firmly believed that he saw people's eyes, too lazy to take care of Lu Wenchao's quack doctors.

After a cold snort, he turned to Yehong and asked, "Brother Ye, I'll trouble you next."

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