Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2636: Drug poison!

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Seeing the unstable defense line, Zhao Daocin, who had been hiding in the crowd, immediately discovered the opportunity.

Pretending to be a doctor at Xianhe Hospital, he took the lead and entered the villa in one arrow step while the disciples of the General Sect did not respond.

The disciples of the General Sect saw that someone had already entered, and in their hearts, they were almost convinced. They opened one eye and closed one eye, allowing the doctors to enter one after another.

For a time, a torrent of white coats poured into the villa.

As long as they reach the second floor, Ye Hong will be blasted away from the villa!

However, at this time, a gunshot broke the tranquility of the night sky.

There was a huge cry of exclamation in the villa.

The doctors who had not entered the villa for a long time stopped together, looking at the white figure in the stairs with horror.

At this time Tao Shu did not have the slightest peace of mind at all, only full of murderousness.

In his hand, he held a delicate white revolver.

There was still smoke lingering on the barrel.

On the ground, Zhao Daoqin, who was rushing to the front, pressed his wound on his thigh and looked at Tao Shu in horror.

It was just at that time that Tao Shu shot through his left leg with a shot, which also made the team of doctors move forward.

He couldn't help being secretly angry, why did he rush to the first one silly?

But Zhao Daoqin never thought that Tao Shu even had a gun in his hand, otherwise he would not dare to rush in with 10,000 guts.

"Who dares to go one step further, Tao's next bullet will stay for you!"

Tao Shu said aggressively.

The doctors suddenly froze, and then left with a bluish complexion.

"Eh? Who, who will pull me?"

Seeing that all the doctors had left, Zhao Daoqin couldn't help but shouted when no one took his own.

However, he was just a fake doctor. No one in Xianhe Hospital knew him, and no one answered his call for help.

At this time, Zhao Daoqin felt a chill from his head.

His body shook and he looked up hard, just in time to meet Tao Shu's cold eyes.

"Hey, this gun... is pretty."

Zhao Daoqin squeezed a smile that was uglier than crying, and he didn't know what to say in a mess.

What happened on the first floor, Ye Hong in the room on the second floor knew it well.

But he never worried for Tao Shu.

If even this trivial matter can't be solved well, he has also failed to cultivate Tao Yi for so many years.

Just like Zhao Daoqin, Ye Hong never thought that Tao Shu had a gun on his body.

Like Blue Star's Yan Kingdom, in the fairyland, such things as firearms are strictly controlled.

Especially under the nine-fold immortal seal, the firearms are even more lethal.

Of course, this rule does not apply to some people.

For example, the army guarding the city is not in the ranks.

Another example is that some people who have been granted special guns can also carry guns.

Presumably Tao Shu is the latter.

Even though Ye Hong was not on the first floor, he could imagine Tao Shu wearing an ancient white robe and holding a smoking pistol in his hand.

Presumably, this kind of scene can only be seen in a place like Xianyu.

Perhaps this is Xianwu Punk!

Until the early morning, there was no new commotion outside.

During this period, Tao Nian did not wake up again.

But when the bell passed the zero hour, Ye Hong raised his sleeves and prepared to heal Tao Nian.

"Ding! Triggered ability transfer, the host's designated ability has been transferred to the master-level medical skills.

Current medical skill level: King level, current proficiency: 100010000. "

At the moment when the medical technique reached the king level, Ye Hong only felt that all the new changes came from the facial features.

The texture on the medicinal materials can be seen more clearly.

With the subtle fragrance of the medicine, the year of the medicinal herbs can also be determined.

Pulling a blade of herb into the mouth, Yehong Lima can judge the hidden effect of the herb.

The whole person seems to be sublimated.

This breakthrough feeling in reality is far more wonderful than the king-level martial arts breakthrough in the game world.

It's like stepping from a low-level field to a brand-new high-level field!

However, these are not the key.

If you still cannot find out the cause of Tao Nian, then you are all doing useless work.

With anxiety, Ye Hong put his hand on Tao Nian's wrist again.

The feedback from your fingers is completely different from the daytime!

Like entering a vast forest, all directions are new novels that Ye Hong has never felt before.

It turns out that the inside of the human body is so delicate!

That meridian, root blood vessel, seems to be a complex picture engraved in my mind.

Ye Hong is a painter who revises the picture!

It can be felt that the situation of Tao Xi's "painting" is quite bad.

However, this kind of bad does not mean how damaged his body is.

On the contrary, Tao Yan's body is intact.

The only thing different from ordinary people is that Tao Yan is filled with a lot of liquid medicine everywhere!

Yehong quickly recognized that these medicines were not poisons, but were all good tonics for the body!

I don't know if it is because the medicine is too strong, so that the ball of liquid has not melted in Tao Xi's body.

A large amount of accumulated liquid medicine interferes with the normal operation of the meridians in Tao Nian's body.

Judging from the in vitro performance, it was the swelling of the sarcoma.

"Ding! Trigger the king-level medical technique, the target disease has been diagnosed because-[drug poison]."

No wonder the experts at Xianhe Hospital wanted to break their heads and could not find the cause.

Guin Taozheng is not sick at all, but poisoned!

This kind of poison is called "drug poison"!

There is a saying in ancient medicine that it is a drug that divides into three!

Under certain circumstances, poison can be transformed into medicine to attack poison with poison.

But in the same way, medicine can also be transformed into poison.

The formation of drugs and poisons is not so easy.

The medicines that make up the poison must stay in the body without reaction.

There is a problem with the blind medicine in the middle, and no poison will be formed.

Even at the time of Blue Star, Ye Hong had only seen this phenomenon in his books, which was unheard of in reality.

It's no wonder that with the previous master-level medical skills, the cause could not be found.

As the saying goes, it is not enough, this body's tonic is not only not helpful to Tao Xi, but has become a poison that harms him!

Could this be the reason why Tao Xi was difficult to tell?

Ye Hong didn't think too much and decided to take the treatment.

The most important thing in treating drug poison is to expel these medicines.

However, this is not a simple task, and it is necessary to expel the medicine in Tao Yan's body at the same time.

Otherwise, if there is any medicine slowed by a beat, it is likely to give up.

So twelve gold needles are definitely not enough.

"Brother Tao, help me prepare a thousand golden needles!"

Ye Hong shouted at the door.

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