Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2639: Before Taishan collapsed, splice it back

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What happened later was very simple.

Under Wu Kuan's coercion, Wu Zhi reluctantly told what happened today.

Among the crowd, knowing that they were doctors instigated by Wu Dian and Zhao Daoqin and those Tao Tao students, their eyes burst into flames!

If the eyes can kill people, Wu Dian and Zhao Daoqin have been slashed by them!

Even if the doctors are, most of them are frightened by Wu Dian's identity, dare to speak out.

But the Tao Tao students are all elites who graduated from Zhaoxing Academy, and none of them are fuel-efficient lamps.

No one of them would take Wu Ya in his eyes, and the cold words flew towards Wu Ya.

"What a thirteen young Wu family, just playing us like monkeys!"

"This matter, somebody will be facing the sword crane fairy king to explain!"

The sentiment was turbulent, and the waves of power were almost like drowning waves.

Wu Ya saw that things were getting louder and louder, and she was so scared that she cried out.

Holding Wu Kuan's thigh, he wailed and said, "Sixth brother save me!"

However, Wu Kuan also had frost on his face, and he wished that Wu Jian could be killed with a sword.

He never imagined that he was trying hard to pull Ye Hong, but on the other side there was a Wu tooth demolishing his stage!

It's like building a city wall. Looking back, someone is demolishing his hard-working wall tiles!

And this person has the same surname Wu as himself!

This is what makes Wu Kuan most annoying.

For this idiot, Wu Kuan did not want to control him.

He kicked the people in disgust and turned back to Ye Hong to solemnly explain: "A Hong, I will definitely give you an account of this matter!"

Then he said to the person who brought him: "Come here, take this shameful thing back to the clan!

and also......"

His eyes turned to Zhao Daoqin on the ground, and he said aggressively: "Exclude the dog slave with a bad stomach from the fairy book, cut his tongue, and send to the prison of exile!"

After hearing this murderous verdict, Zhao Daoqin finally turned his eyes and completely fainted.

So, there were only two people left on the scene who were not dealt with.

When everyone's eyes were focused on Lu Wenchao and Dr. Liao, Dr. Liao's crotch was so cold that he was terribly incontinent!

Lu Wenchao was so pale, he came to Yehong's feet and climbed to the ground, begging desperately, "Mr. Ye, no, Master Ye!

You have a lot of adults, just bypass me this time!

I, I was only blinded by lard, only to listen to the thirteenth young... No... It was the dog thief of Wu Tei!

I beg you to give me a chance to make a contribution! "

"Daily meritorious service?" Ye Hong seemed to laugh, "How do you do it?"

Lu Wenchao was overjoyed in his heart and knew that he was seeking the right person.

In this group of people, it was really centered on Yehong!

He suddenly thought of Fei Long, and his mother, busy: "I'll let people arrange the best ward for Mr. Fei's mother!

I will also arrange for the best doctors and nurses to take care... No, I will take care of her personally!

Do you think it's okay to arrange this way? "

Ye Hong chuckled: "How do I remember that someone had planned to drive the patient out of Xianhe Hospital?"

"That's all joke, joke, hehe!"

Lu Wenchao has long stopped face, while wiping his cold sweat, while smiling at Ye Hong, just to get through the difficulties.

Ye Hong snorted and recruited Fei Long to his side.

Because it concerns his mother, he had to ask his opinion.

Ferron, already agitated on the side, could not help himself.

Today, after a day, he watched with his own eyes how Ye Hong established his prestige step by step, and how to play Wu Ya and others in applause.

Tao Jiazi and Ye Hong are brothers and sisters, Wu Jia Liu Shao is very pleased with Ye Hong!

And Lu Wenchao, once the dean of the Xianhe Hospital, is now kneeling like a dog in front of Yehong!

This is Yehong!

A magical man who collapsed in front of him but could splice it back!

Fei Long had no other ideas at all, and excitedly said to Ye Hong: "It's up to the boss to decide!"

Ye Hong pondered for a moment, but still decided to temporarily leave Fei Long's mother in Xianhe Hospital.

Only when she finds a place where she can use the antiquity, she is transferred out.

And after today's things, there is no need to worry about Lu Wenchao's unsatisfactory efforts.

When Ye Hong informed the decision, Lu Wenchao's heart that had been hanging finally landed.

Touching his back, he was scared out of the cold sweat, and the whole person seemed to have just been taken out of the water.

As for Dr. Liao, like Zhao Daoqin, he passed out in a coma.

Of course, no matter whether he is a real or a fake, he will not be seen in Xianhe Hospital from tomorrow.

The matter ended successfully.

Everyone went back to their homes and looked for their moms. In the middle of the night, the East Three District finally recovered.


In the next few days, Tao Xi was meditating in the villa.

Under the harmony of the formula developed by Ye Hong, his body is gradually recovering.

Then Ye Hong handed the formula to Tao Shu and let him stick to it.

As for him, he is back in the world of dojo competition, ready to continue his upgrade plan.

As the level of contact became higher and higher, Ye Hong felt that his strength was not enough.

Surrounded by a sense of crisis, he desperately needed a way to upgrade his level.

It is now the end of August, and it is getting closer and closer to the great birthday of the sword crane fairy king in early September.

In the real crane city, there are more and more guests from all over Xianyu, and the city is becoming more and more lively.

The fairy crane city in the game world is also surrounded by a strong festive atmosphere.

The lanterns were lit up everywhere, and the red lanterns hanging for the sword and crane fairy to celebrate their birthday.

The only thing that hasn't changed is that the Jianhe Legion never had an online president.

Since losing to Ye Hong that day, Wu Xian has never appeared in the game again, and it is still in a state of being hit.

"Did I make the grandmother sick?"

Ye Hong was inexplicably uneasy.

However, he quickly threw this turmoil out of Jiuxiaoyun and took several younger brothers out of the city.

Just a few days ago, when Ye Hong was busy treating Tao Ji, Qiao Yun in the younger brother's trio received a hidden mission.

Hidden mission is a very special mission in the dojo competition.

The trigger probability is very low, and the remuneration is far more than the average task.

Of course, the corresponding difficulty is also much higher.

Qiao Yun, who triggered the mission, was not confident to do it, so he always waited for Yehong to go online, preparing to ask Yehong to complete the mission together.

Ye Hong certainly will not refuse this.

Uncertainly, he can get the much-needed experience from this hidden mission.

This hidden mission requires them to arrive in a secret realm located thirty miles west of Xianhe City to solve the BOSS in the secret realm.

A group of people, riding the bought mount, went west.

At the same time, there is a team heading northwest of Xianhe City towards the same destination.

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