Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2642: I suspect seniors are driving

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In the top waterfall, there is also a cave.

However, compared to the dampness of the previous two caves, the eyes were dry.

The stone tables and stone benches in the cave are complete, like a human room.

But the figure on the stone bench made everyone understand that it was still the territory of the monster.

I saw it was a golden-haired monkey in armor.

He held a wine glass in his left hand and was sipping a glass of Chinese and American wine with satisfaction.

On his right hand was a golden stick, exuding an indescribable momentum.

"Great, Great Saint?"

Ye Hong's heart was like a storm.

It's really because of the appearance of the monkey in front of me, which is so special like the Monkey King in Journey to the West!

He finally understood why this task was called [Shuiliandongtian]!

But Yehong couldn't help but wonder, could the designer of the mission also read Journey to the West?

But if you think about it carefully, the time when the ancestors ascended to heaven was more than 10,000 years ago.

So how was the content about the Journey to the West brought to the fairyland of the ancient world?

Not only that, Ye Hong suddenly thought of a creepy thing.

In the fairy land, there are a lot of elements of the ancient Yan Kingdom.

Architecture, culture, language, calligraphy... There are traces familiar to Ye Hong.

All the things that have only appeared in the Yan Kingdom since nearly 10,000 years ago, it should be reasonable that none should appear in the ancient world!

Ye Hong didn't think much about it before, but at the moment it was like a catfish!

Why do two worlds that have not been entangled for nearly 10,000 years have a lot of coincident historical and cultural overlap? !

In the midst, Ye Hong seemed to perceive a secret about the ancient world.

He realized that if he dug deeper, he would unearth incredible things!

It's just that now without waiting for him to think about it, the monkey on the stone bench has stood up with his eyes wide open.

Without saying a word, lifted the stick and attacked the crowd!

"Everyone be careful, it should be the final boss!"

Without the reminding of Ye Hong, everyone also played a twelve-point spirit.

This monkey is very impressive.

Not only did the stick in his hand dance to the wind, but his body was extremely agile.

Several people's moves can't get in it, but they are attacked by several sticks.

Just being hit at the edge of the body, he directly knocked Qiao Yun, the weakest of the people, into a trace of blood, scaring Qiao Yun to quickly retreat to the back to fill the blood.

The original chaotic line of defense was lost because of it.


The monkey roared excitedly, and the stick in his hand suddenly increased several times.

When the void is lifted, it will fall down to everyone!

At a critical moment, there was an ice gun like a meteor, which directly penetrated the monkey's armor and emerged from behind it.

The monkey froze, staring blankly at the big hole in his chest.

Then, in an unwilling roar, he fell to the ground.

Everyone was stunned for a while, and then they all looked at Ye Hong who was pale in the venue.

The ghostly ice gun can only come from his hands!

"This thing tells us the truth: the bigger the stick, the better."

Ye Hong said indifferently, and raised his foot towards the monkey corpse.

If the monkey is playing steadily, with its strange speed, Ye Hong may not be able to find a good opportunity.

The self-defeating monkey actually expanded his weapon, undoubtedly self-cutting his arm, which is equivalent to giving up his sensitive physical advantage.

It also gave Yehong a better opportunity to aim.

With a penetration capacity of 250 times, Ye Hong didn't give the monkey any time to struggle, and he solved it with a clean shot.

But his words were misunderstood by everyone present.

"I suspect seniors are driving."

"Be confident and get rid of doubts."

After the crowd, the only **** the scene, Qiao Yun, looked blushing and did not dare to look up.

Ye Hong, who came to the monkey's body, frowned.

Before he reached for his hand, the monkey's body suddenly disappeared into white light.

Nothing left at all.

And everyone, still did not receive the prompt to complete the task!

This can only explain one thing.

The real boss is still there, the real token has not been found!

"But we have cleared three levels?"

Cheng Hu said uncomfortably: "Isn't this a BUG mission?"

Ye Hong shook his head, closed his eyes, and began to think whether something had leaked midway.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed through his mind.

He suddenly discovered that there is one of the most obvious differences in the three-story cave!

That is the statue!

Only there are statues in the lower caves, not in the middle and upper floors!

There must be something wrong with that statue!

"Quick, go back down!"

Ye Hong urgently took everyone back from the upper level to the lowest level.

Sure enough, the original prawn statue has disappeared, replaced by a prawn jumping around in the same place.

The prawn was glowing with strange blue light all over its body, and it carried a golden stick that everyone knew.

It is actually a collection of three-tier monsters!

Ye Hong can be sure that this guy should be the final boss.

Without hesitation, he greeted the eighteen generations of the ancestors of the mission designer a hundred times in his heart.

Who would be a normal person thinking that the real boss is actually in the lower level? !

If it weren't for their high efficiency, where would they have time to come back to the lower level after killing the upper monkey?

But in this situation, Tucao was useless, and had to concentrate on dealing with the prawn in front of him.

This BOSS, which also has super attack power, super defense power, super sensitivity and destruction characteristics, is really not easy to deal with.

After being in danger of being hung up several times, Yehong found a chance and stabbed him with a shot.

After BOSS fell to the ground, Jinmang scattered.

The equipment and treasures in one place appeared in front of everyone.

[Ding Dong! Congratulations to the player team for killing the BOSS in the secret realm. Please place the token in the pool in front of the waterfall and open the exit to the outside world. 】

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and counted the loot with joy.

It has to be said that although this task is very simple, the return is not stingy at all.

Ye Hong's stagnant experience value suddenly jumped two levels, approaching the forty mark.

As long as you have passed level 40, you can enter the realm of the fairy from Daxian!

At the same time, the equipment and treasures from the BOSS explosion are also good.

Because this time, Yehong made the most contribution, and everyone did not hesitate to let Yehong distribute the loot.

Yehong did not disappoint a few people, and generously distributed the rest of the equipment to everyone, leaving only one auxiliary treasure to himself.

[Water Shadow Arrow Box: A ground-level auxiliary treasure, can be attached to bow and arrow weapons.

Additional effect: [Water Shadow Arrow] is automatically generated, with additional [Destroy] feature. 】

It is this destructive feature that attracted Ye Hong.

What's more, he does indeed have a bow and arrow weapon rewarded by the system not long ago-Jingyu Fairy Bow!

The combination of the two is even more powerful.

After distributing the spoils, everyone's eyes were focused on the so-called tokens-

A golden stick.

Next, as long as the golden stick is put into the water pool, everyone can complete the task and leave the secret realm.

However, when they just came out of the waterfall cave, they found that a team of people had stood murderously by the water!

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