Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2644: Arrows made no mistakes, even breaking Jiuyue!

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In the dark caves, there were constant noises.

Most of them are the sounds of Yehong’s water shadow arrows hitting the players of the Golden Lions.

Each sound means that someone's equipment is directly destroyed by the destruction characteristics.

But with the exception of Ye Hong, the other people's moves seem to tickle this group of senior players, and they have no effect at all.

Even more outrageous is that these Golden Lion players are rich in oil.

One piece of equipment was shot and the other piece of equipment was immediately taken out of the backpack.

Under such an offensive, step by step oppressed toward the depths of the cave.

Yehong's water shadow arrows can only shoot one arrow at a time, and they have gradually been unable to keep up with the opponent's advancing speed.

The situation suddenly became dangerous to Ye Hong and others!

But Yehong did not know that at this time, the players of the Golden Lions were also extremely annoyed.

They have fought for centuries in the Dojo of Immortals and have fought against countless powerful enemies.

But now they are so embarrassed by the few country players they despise!

They are rich, but they can't resist such tossing!

Every time a piece of equipment is damaged, their hearts will tremble.

For the archer who shoots water and shadow arrows deep in the cave, he can't wait to swallow and peel and peel bone!

Ye Hong also felt the pressure of getting closer and closer and suddenly took a deep breath.

The attack of the water shadow arrow, which had originally flew out of the arrow, suddenly stopped.

"He is not blue!"

"Everyone rush!"

The players of the Golden Lions were immediately energized and accelerated their pace.

However, at this time, Ye Hong's eyes were shining, and he said coldly in his head: "System, carry out the ability transfer!"

"Ding! Using the ability transfer, the host's designated ability has been transferred to the mastery bow and arrow mastering ability."

"Ding! Mastery level bow and arrow mastery ability upgrade, current level: Grandmaster level,

Gain master-level effects [Arrows without arrows]: Multiple arrows can be fired at the same time, the number is linked to proficiency, and the number of arrows can be fired simultaneously: one hundred. "

Yehong held the Yuxian bow, his eyes were as sharp as electricity!

Above the bowstring, one by one water shadow arrows formed quietly.

In the blink of an eye, there are already a hundred water and shadow arrows in the void!

"go with!"

Ye Hong shouted coldly, such as Yi after shooting the sun, and suddenly pulled the startling fairy bow.

The mighty force pushed a hundred water and shadow arrows in the void, flying out like lightning!

"Boo babble babble--"

When the players of the Golden Lion Army suddenly discovered that a rain-like water shadow arrow was shot from the darkness, they all opened their eyes in horror.

"Who told me there was only one archer?"

"It's a legion!"

They screamed and scolded, but they backed off one after another.

The water and shadow arrows in the cave seem to be endless, forcing the players of the Golden Lion Army to return to the cave entrance and under the waterfall.

That is to say, they had rushed for a long time before, and now they returned to their liberation overnight.

Deep in the cave, Feilong, Lin Le and Cheng Hu handed blue medicine to Yehong.

Looking at the Golden Lion Repelled by Ye Hong's Arrow Rain, several people had uncovered worship in their eyes.

Yehong is here, as if carrying an entire army, let them feel at ease!

However, at this time Lin Le exclaimed: "Oops, I have run out of blue medicine."

Fei Long and Cheng Hu were also bitter and shook their heads. Obviously the situation was similar.

However, Ye Hong did not panic, but continued to shoot the arrow rain, while said lightly: "Don't panic, Qiao Yun should be coming soon."

The other three nodded desperately, hoping to look behind them.

There was an excavated tunnel, and Qiao Yun was nowhere to be seen.

By the waterside, watching the men who flew out of the cave one by one, the look of [ZiXi] became colder and colder.

"A bunch of waste!"

She suddenly stretched her hand aside and a golden spear appeared in it.

There is a faint golden awn flowing on the gun body, can you still hear the sound of the lion roaring from the point of the gun.

He Ran is also a fairy with a gun!

"[Golden Lion Xianwu·Lian Po Jiuyue]!"

Raise the golden gun and swing it forward.

A golden mountain that hit the sky directly hit the waterfall.


With a loud bang, the falling waterfall was directly disconnected from it.

Jinmang is still in the cast, ramming deep into the cave!


Jin Mang hadn't arrived yet, but Ye Hong and others had a roar of angry lions in their heads.

A sense of dizziness inevitably came from my mind.

"It's [Dementorship] feature!"

Ferron exclaimed.

Dementia, like destruction, is a special feature of dojo competition.

The effect of dementia is to directly hit the target soul, causing dizziness for a certain period of time.

The greater the gap between the two forces, the longer the stun duration.

So at this time, Feilong and others were all set in the distance and could only shout anxiously on the team channel.

Even though Ye Hong is not at a high level, his body reacted automatically at the moment when he felt dizzy.

"Ding! Trigger mastery-level anti-stun ability to remove the stun effect."

Eyes, instantly restore clarity!

And the move that followed the demented lion's roar was also impressive!

That move was released by [Purple Scorpion] across the sky!

Golden Lion Xianwu·Lian Po Jiuyue!

As the name suggests, this shot seems to break through the nine-fold mountains in a row.

With every passing weight, the power skyrockets by one point!

When I came to Yehong, I almost torn the space!

Compared with Wu Xian, this [Purple Scorpion] from Xianshi City seems to be worthy of the word Zhanxian!


At the edge of the water pond, Purple Scorpion is confident and calm.

She's proud, it is estimated to be able to penetrate the entire cave together, not to mention the few hidden rats.

When the situation was critical, Ye Hong's heart, tempered by the strong winds and waves, became more and more calm.

With a firm tone, he shouted in his mind: "Continue, ability transfer!"

Because his current martial arts and medical skills have reached the king level, he can already use the ability transfer twice a day!

I just used it once, and now there is one left!

"Ding! Using the ability transfer, the host's designated ability has been transferred to the master-level anti-strike ability.

Current defense multiplier: 300 times! "

Without any hesitation, Ye Hong reached out directly to Jinmang in front.

"He's crazy?!"

"Is President Lian Po Jiuyue physically able to come next?"


The players of the Golden Lions at the entrance of the cave are all mocking and sneering, ready to see how Ye Hong's hand was blown into pieces.

But the next moment, their smiles all froze in their faces.

The golden mango dispersed, and the hand inserted in the golden mango was unharmed!

Yehong, proudly standing like a ghost, is unfathomable!

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