Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2646: Pets, great beluga!

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The headache is splitting, and the body seems to be falling apart.

Since the battle between the fifth and the fifth Jun, Ye Hong hasn't felt such a pain in a long time.

Like being stuffed in a sack, consciousness was dim.

Suddenly, there was a moistening on his face, which made Ye Hong gradually regain his sense of control of his body.

Open your eyes and your vision gradually becomes clear.

The jungle before entering the secret realm, but the puddle disappeared.

Instead, it was a big white whale that was more than ten meters long.

Looking at its shape, it is simply a smaller version of the giant kun we saw before.

Ye Hong lay on the back of the big whale.

The coolness on his face came from the water sprayed from the nostrils of the big whale.


What is the situation?


Seeing Yehong woke up, the big whale made a clear cry.

At the same time, another small water column splashed on Ye Hong's face.

Ye Hong was immediately embarrassed and stood up straight.

"Ang-Ang -"

Seeing Ye Hong's embarrassing appearance, the big whale seemed very happy, screaming again and again like a child who succeeded in mischief.

Just when Ye Hong was at a loss, the private chat channel sounded.

[Senior, where are you? 】

[Boss, please reply! 】

It was Ferron and a few of them.

Yehong turned his head to scan, but found no trace of several of them.

Not only that, but those of the Golden Lion Army were also gone.

In the entire jungle open space, only Yehong and this big white whale were left.

Simply chatting with Fei Long, Ye Hong learned that after the mystery collapsed, they were all sent back to the nearest city.

But when they were awake and didn't find Ye Hong's figure, they looked for him urgently.

Although Ye Hong didn't know where the Golden Lions were, he thought it was a similar experience.

It turns out that only you were left here?

Also, what is going on with this silly beluga whale.

Suddenly, Ye Hong saw the prompts in the game during his coma.

[Ding Dong! Congratulations to the player for completing the hidden mission (Mystery: Shuiliandongtian), the level has been raised to level 39, the reputation is 5000 points, and the chance of random treasure extraction is awarded. 】

One step closer to level 40, the reputation and random treasure extraction opportunities also made Ye Hong very satisfied.

The generous remuneration made him feel that the efforts of this trip were not in vain.

But his eyes are now on another tip.

[Ding Dong! Congratulations to the player who triggered the hidden secret realm [End of Time and Space] in the end of the night, and obtained a [Time and Space Fairy]. 】

Ye Hong finally recalled the scene he saw before the coma.

The mysterious woman in white fluttering and looks exactly like the receptionist 4396.

The huge Kunpeng, who was flying for thousands of miles!

There is also a sentence that makes Ye Hong feel terrified when he thinks about it now.

"When time and space are integrated, the game of destiny will officially start."

Even Ye Hong didn't know why he attached so much importance to such a sentence.

What do you want to say?

Who is that woman in white?

And if the so-called hidden secret realm refers to the picture that you see, is the so-called [time and space fairy]...

Ye Hong suddenly looked at the beluga whale strangely.

As his gaze gazed, a column of game tips jumped into his eyes.

[Please name your pet (race: time and space fairy). 】

This silly big beluga turned out to be his pet!

In the dojo competition, pets are also an extremely dazzling setting.

In the whole game world, pets are all kinds of strange things.

There are non-lethal ornamental pets, life pets that assist players, and fighting pets like the bright big element rhinoceros owned by Jot Kris.

However, Ye Hong's repeated observations can't see the characteristics of this big beluga in addition to being big and fool.

In order to see the information of this big guy as soon as possible, Ye Hong easily named it.

"Fatty, just call you [fat meat]."

Although this big white whale looked at Han Li Han, he seemed to be able to understand people.

When Ye Hong was named, an angry little water column spewed out of its nostrils, nourishing Ye Hong.

However, this still cannot change reality.

Ye Hong stared at the fat meat fiercely and opened its property panel.

【Name: Fatty Meat

Race: Time and Space Fairy

Level: 39 (Grows with the owner)



Special ability: Space devouring.

Features: Evolvable. 】

Although the fat is also 39, but that's far beyond Ye Hong's attribute value, it is almost blinding Ye Hong's eyes.

This one-body attribute is replaced by ordinary players. Yehong estimates that only players above level 50 have it.

But what Ye Hong cared about most was the two lines of characters behind these values.

Special ability: Space devoured!

There is no need to explain this point. After all, the entire secret realm was swallowed by this guy.

It's just that Yehong Leng didn't know what use this ability has in battle?

Go straight up and swallow the people?

Imagine that cruel picture, Ye Hong's body could not help shaking.

What Ye Hong noticed more was the last line.

Features: Evolvable.

Now that the ability is weird enough, can it continue to evolve?

Ye Hong suddenly flashed the huge giant Kunpeng in the secret realm.

Could it be the final evolutionary form of fat?

Thinking of this, Ye Hong was excited for no reason.

In this way, this guy is really full of potential!

It's just in a flash, Ye Hong is in pain.

The growth of pets requires a lot of resources.

With the magnificence of Yot Kris, the entire Protoss Guild was devoted to the growth of the bright big element rhino.

And when he thought of the horrible figure after he grew up, Ye Hong suddenly lost his nerve.

I'm afraid he can't afford this guy by smashing pots and selling iron!

But at this time, when Ye Hong concentrated his attention on the attributes of fat, a line of small characters appeared on the spatial engulfing ability of fat.

[Remarks of space engulfing ability: The body of the space-time fairy can be used as a dimension storage space. 】

Ye Hong's eyes lit up suddenly.

The so-called dimension storage space is the official name of the dimension backpack in the game.

When players play on weekdays, they can throw their props into the dimensional backpack, greatly reducing the pressure on travel.

Each player's initial backpack space is very small, only to spend money to upgrade, or through other channels to get more space backpack, you can install more things.

Like the Golden Lions before, backpacks that can keep pulling out all kinds of treasures are worth more than seven-digit Dao!

Only high-end cities like Xianshicheng can be equipped with such backpacks.

However, the fat in front of him gave Yehong a big surprise.

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