Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2651: Prosperous feast, open!

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To be precise, as long as Tao Xi was in Xianhe City for a day, Wu Mou could not move Yehong.

"Oops." Wu Mou shook his head in disappointment. "After all, the teacher of the world, Wu Mou dare not give it."

He waved his hand and said lightly: "Dissolve."

Then press the wheelchair, as the brought people gradually retreated to the night.

Throughout the journey, I did not look at Ye Hong again.

But Ye Hong understood that this person had become his first enemy in Xianhe City!

As the killing ended, the rest of the Wu family also left.

But before everyone left, he shook his head and sighed, letting Ye Hong stay at home for a few days.

Only before Wu Xian left, left a sentence different from the rest: "Brother, I will find another opportunity to persuade.

During this period, you give me a good life! "

Then, the Tao family father and son and Ye Hong, as well as the guardian disciples who guarded the surroundings, remained at the door.

Ye Hong, thank you sincerely.

If it were not the two of them, it is estimated that there is another situation today.

The question why they knew about it, they said that a homeless man named Shou Hu went to Xianhe Hospital to report the news.

It seems that this kid's intelligence network is well built, so soon his eyes and ears were placed near the dojo.

Since then, the topic of both sides can not help but focus on Wu Mou.

"The murderous character of Wu Mou is really the best in the world!"

Tao Shu was indignant.

Tao Nian agreed to nod: "This control of Xianhe City is a blessing to the tranquility of Xianyu."

He said seriously to Ye Hong: "Most of my strength is in Xiandu, and he is not Wu Mou's opponent in Xianhe City.

Today he was able to retire for a while, just because he didn't expect the old man to appear suddenly.

Wait until he comes to Japan to prepare well, and will never let you go!

So, after the sword and the fairy lord's birthday, please follow me to Xiandu. "

Ye Hongsi comes and goes, and it seems that only this road is the safest.

It's a pity that the Night Blade branch that was just established in Xianhe City seems to be moving with him.

A Wu Mou who suddenly jumped out, disrupted Ye Hong's overall plan!

This feeling of suffocation made Ye Hong secretly grind his teeth.

Wu Mou, you are waiting for the master!


For the next three days, Ye Hongquan was in Xianhe Hospital.

Only here, because of Tao Nian's existence, Wu Mou couldn't find a chance.

Because of fear that Wu Mou would anger Feilong and others, Ye Hong called them to the hospital together.

But over Wu Mou, it was unexpectedly calm.

After that day, Wu Mou seemed to disappear.

On the contrary, it was a strange team, and one after another came to the Crane City.

There are white-haired silver pupils, gods from the **** domain.

There are gray hair and gray eyes, from the Netherworld.

The most striking thing is a group of orcs with human heads but the characteristics of the beast!

These orcs, from the Valley of the Beast Emperor in the extreme southwest of the ancient world, are tribal races inhabited by them for generations.

Fairy Crane City, the more lively and chaotic.

People of different races, because of different cultures and customs, will inevitably quarrel and collide.

The major platforms took the opportunity to rise, while providing venues for both parties to resolve their hatred, while opening gambling games on the periphery to make money.

Until this day, when the maintenance of the dojo was completed, someone sent an invitation to the father and son Tao Xi at the Crane Hospital.

Tomorrow is the day of Wu Jian’s 300th birthday!

Strangely, there is a copy of Ye Hong's invitation letter.

Of course, regardless of whether the other party gave an invitation or not, Ye Hong would go to the birthday banquet with Father Tao and his son.

On the one hand, you can see this hundred-year feast.

On the other hand, it is to prevent Wu Mou from taking advantage of this opportunity to secretly engage in mobs.




The next day, the salute rang in unison and the smoke shook the sky.

A total of 100,000 salutes shook the whole crane city.

In the sound of salute, the birthday banquet was officially opened.

The venue of this grand feast spans the five major ring areas of Xianhe City.

Of course, people with different identities will also participate in birthday parties in different ring zones.

A group of people with the most identities were invited to the dojo in the first ring zone.

Tao Yan and his son and Ye Hong are also listed.

Amidst the salute, Ye Hong entered the dojo again.

In front of the palace surrounded by dozens of wooden towers, there was already a long silk carpet running across several miles.

There is a table seat around the rug.

Of course, the closer to the palace, the more honorable the identity of the guests.

As a world teacher, Tao Xi was famous, but he was invited to the first table on the left.

At the same table, they are all the old people who are famous in the fairyland, just like Tao Nian.

And the first table on the right hand side opposite is some guests from outside the domain.

Ye Hong's eyes moved slightly, and he saw Yot Kris on that table.

Yotkris seems to have noticed Ye Hong too, toasting away with a smile.

Since that defeat in the game, Yotkris seemed completely silent.

But Ye Hong knew that this person was quite unwilling.

As soon as the wind blows the grass, he can make it into a storm.

Somehow, Ye Hong felt that at today's birthday feast, everything would be tossed out by this guy.

Here, under the guidance of the reception staff, Ye Hong and others are preparing to sit down one after another.

But when Tao Xi and Tao Shu and his son sat down one after another, the receptionist looked at Ye Hong with embarrassment: "Sorry, Mr., I didn't find your name on the list of the table. Did you come to the wrong table? ?"

Ye Hong's eyes narrowed suddenly, sneering in his heart.

The seats at the birthday banquet have a corresponding remark on the invitation letter.

However, Ye Hong has an invitation letter, but there is no corresponding position!

Only one thing can be explained.

Someone deliberately made a ghost and prepared to embarrass Ye Hong.

Thoughts and thoughts can only be written by Wu Mou.

Could it be that he could not kill himself, so that he could only use this kind of tricks?

But I have to say that this trick is effective.

At least those old people at the same table looked extremely bad at Yehong, thinking that Yehong deliberately wanted to rub the position of this table.

Only Tao Yan frowned and sneered at the receptionist: "Call your master and tell him not to play with such naive means!"

It seems that Tao Xi also saw Wu Mou's careful thought.

"This this......"

The reception staff didn't seem to expect Tao Nan to speak so directly, and he didn't know what to do.

The panic behavior of the reception staff also caused doubts on the table.

At this moment, a voice moved from far to near.

"Old Tao, why should you be so angry, don't hurt your just recovered body."

Wu Mou pushed a wheelchair out of a wooden tower beside the palace.

The smile on his face was so kind that he couldn't think of a person who had a good chance to kill him that night.

Under the attention of many people, Wu Mou came to the table, then raised his eyes slightly, and looked at Yehong who was standing.

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