Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2654: Purple scorpion

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"Reporter, the old man is [Blood Scorpion Poison]!"

A doctor reported to Wu Mou in a panic.

While he was talking, some people in the dojo followed by the symptoms of death.

Just like that old man.

The dojo, which had just been quiet for a while, was confused again.

"The poison of the blood scorpion?" Wu Mou's eyes were cold, "Isn't that the scorpion in the forest" is a kind of poison used by him?"

Many guests around Wu Mou heard this sentence, and all stood up in shock.

Scorpion of the Forest, the most mysterious killer organization in the ancient world!

It is also a terrible organization that likes to use drugs the most and is good at using drugs!

When the cranes at the crane hatching base were poisoned, it was also suspected that this organization did it.

Just because there is no evidence, it can't be done.

Hearing that this organization actually infiltrated the birthday banquet and poisoned, where can the people present remain calm?

"Quickly open the door! I'm leaving here!"

An obese old man rushed over and grabbed Wu Mou's collar angrily.

"Kill." Wu Mou said blankly.

Immediately, he stretched out a long sword and stabbed the old man with a cool heart.

This scene instantly scared the surroundings.

"Everyone, you must have heard it.

The killer of the scorpion of the ghost forest is likely to be hidden among you!

Now you can only save your life by cooperating with me and pulling out people! "

Wu Mou picked up the horn in his hand and shouted at the banquet scene.

"How do we cooperate with you?"

"It's very simple. Everyone reports their origins, and I will let people verify them one by one.

Anything of unknown origin must be disguised by the killer of the Scorpion of the Forest, and it is killed. "

Wu murdered with anger.

Aside, Tao Xi and Tao Shu and his son looked at each other, both worried.

They did not expect Wu Mou to still remember Ye Hong.

While dealing with Yulin's Scorpion, he never forgot to extend the butcher knife to Yehong!

Don’t forget, Ye Hong is also an unknown person!

Soon, a member of the famous Sword Crane Corps began to check the identity of the guests at the scene.

From the front of the palace, continue to check towards the entrance of the dojo.

A faceless Sword and Crane Legion disciple walked towards Yehong near the entrance.


Yehong kept still.

"I ask your name!"

The disciple raised his voice.

Ye Hong looked expressionless, watching the disciple's eyes mockingly.

In my mind, this face overlaps with a certain face.

In the siege operation that night, this person also aimed at Hong Kong overnight with a gun!

"Unpretentious, even if you do not cooperate with the investigation, it must be the killer of the Scorpion of the Forest!"

The disciple pulled out his long sword and aimed at Ye Hong.

And just when he was about to start, there was a commotion in the nearby Ming clan team.

Ye Hong looked up, but found that some disciples of the Jianhe Legion who wanted to investigate the Ming clan team were kicked out.

"Master Xiaojun, what do you mean?

Could it be that you have a killer of Scorpion in the forest? "

Wu Mouyao sneered at the sedan where Xiao Mingjun was located.

"No, I'm just not used to being checked."

In the sedan chair, there was a lazy voice of the teenager.

Halfway through, I yawned.

"Then don't blame Wu Mou offended!"

With a big wave of Wu Mou's hand, a large number of disciples of the Jianhe Legion surrounded the Ming tribe.

The people of the Nether tribe have no movement at all.

Xiao Mingjun in the sedan just continued to yawn.

But at this moment, there was a scream in the dojo.

The doctors who were treating the poisoned people looked at the blade pierced in the chest.

The people who shot the sword are the "family" and "friends" beside the poisoned people!

Ye Hong silently looked at the doctor who was judged to be mild not far away, and was killed by a seemingly innocent woman.

The hunch in my heart came true instantly.

Poison is just a means.

The purpose is to lead the medical team out and then kill instantly!

The dojo that has lost its medical power can only be slain by the killers of the scorpion of the forest!

What a sinister ghost scorpion!

The medical team was caught off guard and suffered heavy losses.

"Extremely arrogant!"

In front of the palace, Wu Mou's face was gloomy and he shouted angrily: "Kill me!"

The disciples who were being investigated at once quickly encircled the exposed killers.

The disciple in front of Ye Hong glared at him unwillingly, but he could only turn away and join the encirclement and suppression team.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion. Ye Hong felt that he heard a chuckle from the sedan chair.

With mocking, with disdain.

The killers of the Scorpion of the Forest are extremely sensitive.

With the help of the complicated terrain, the people of the Jianhe Legion were chased and breathless.

Wu Mou's complexion also became more ugly.

"Brother Wu, and let the soldiers of my fairy lion city help you!"

In the fairyland, all the disciples who belong to Taiyi Xianzong are logically the same root.

Therefore, even many people who are not related to each other will call each other brothers and sisters.

In front of Wu Mou, there was a woman who revealed the breath of Yingwu.


Ye Hong couldn't help looking at the figure, his eyes blinked slightly.

Although this person is not wearing gold belt armor, but that face Ye Hong is still fresh in memory.

It was the conflict in the secret mission not long ago, [ZiXi] of the Golden Lion Army!

"Then I would like to thank Sister Zival."

Wu Mou arched his hand and thanked.

Purple scorpion, Zi Val, it turns out that the ID in her game is a homonym of her real name.

Ye Hong once heard Tao Xi mention that in the fairy lion city, the surname is the first big family.

Therefore, the status of Izi Val must not be low, no wonder that a strong Golden Lion Army can be established in the game world.

"Brothers, kill them all!"

When Zi Val raised his hand and waved, there were dozens of strong men around him echoing loudly.

This female **** of war temperament is the same as in the game.

However, no one noticed that at the moment when Zi Val looked down, the strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

More than a dozen big men from Fairy Lion City soon joined the battle group.

"The good brothers of Fairy Lion City, I really feel very much..."

A disciple of the Jianhe Legion looked at the big man who came to him with a look of gratitude.

However, before he finished speaking, his eyes looked at the abdomen in horror.

There was a dagger from the opposite big man!

This scene happened beside every big man.

In an instant, the disciples of the Jianhe Legion fell to the ground in an instant.

"Zi Val, what do you mean?"

Wu Mou looked at Zi Val angrily.

"Jin Jie."

Zi Val's face, the strange smile slowly swayed like a wave of water.

Suddenly she lifted her robe, revealing a purple armor!

This set of armor is layered, and a curved nail thorn extends from the hip.

The child valor wearing this armor is like a purple humanoid scorpion.

"The Scorpion of the Forest, code-named Purple Scorpion, has seen you all."

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