Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2670: After the curtain

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The three hundredth birthday banquet of the sword crane fairy monarch ended in a weird situation.

The grand banquet ended.

This feast of the flourishing world is like a grand chessboard, and people from all walks of life have fallen on it.

Yunbo is tricky and intriguing.

Means, fighting wisdom and courage.

The ridiculous person is not Wu Jian, not Wu Mou, not Wu Di, not Xiao Mingjun, not the scorpion of the forest, nor Jotter Chris...

It was Yehong who was born out of nowhere!

After this battle, the name Yehong has been firmly imprinted in the Crane City.

Countless years later, someone will mention this **** war, mention the invincible boy who stepped on the fame of the two immortals!

However, Ye Hong, who became the focal point of Xianhe City, took advantage of Ye Xie and Tao Yan and his son to leave Xianhe City.

After all, because of its antiquity, Ye Hong could have the opportunity to defeat Wu Mou and threaten the two great monarchs.

However, the wooden tower will eventually be erected again, and the leaked ancient gas will also be recovered.

At that time, Ye Hong was no different from the toothless tiger, and could only be slaughtered.

Although the two immortals have vowed to give Yehong a thirty-year safety period, Yehong is very distrustful of Wu's family.

Especially after he did that kind of thing to Wu Mou, when Wu Mou woke up, he would surely retaliate wildly.

In the eyes of a lunatic, the so-called oath is not reliable at all.

So Ye Hong decided to leave the night while his deterrent was still there.

Taken together, there are several cronies in the Crane City.

Gong Sun Yang, Fei Long and Shou Hu.

And Fei Long's mother was also taken out from the Crane Hospital.

That night, Ye Hong was already taking advantage of the antiquity to block the cyclone at Fei Dandan, at least so that she would not be comatose, close to a normal person.

Only because of lack of time, it is temporarily unable to cure.

However, Ye Hong was confident that when he found another place with antiquity, he could completely solve the weak gas syndrome in Fei Mu's body.

Fei Long's most worried problem was solved, and there was no more concern.

Not to mention Shou Hu, this is a homeless man, and home everywhere.

Only Gongsun Yang, who opened a mobile phone shop in the city, was in trouble.

However, Gongsun Yang also took the opportunity to shut down his mobile phone store and resolutely followed the pace of Yehong.

Anyway, the money that Yehong handed him was enough to open multiple mobile phone stores, and it didn't hurt.

The only pity is that the intelligence network was not established long ago.

However, Ye Hong agreed to let them find a place to lurk for the time being.

When he had a firm foothold in Xiandu, he summoned them.

Of course, Ye Hong will not forget the **** crane two dogs.

During this period of time in Xianhe City, Ergou was no longer a stunned look when he first met.

After Ye Hong's careful breeding, he has grown into a handsome and beautiful crane.

Especially after seeing the powerful black cranes of the Xuanhe Legion, Ye Hong was more interested in training the two dogs.

Furthermore, this time going to Xiandu, Ergou is also a good mount.

In this way, while Xianhe City was still busy cleaning up the mess, Yehong, Tao and his sons, Gongsun Yang and others left the Xianhe City while taking advantage of the night.

Starting together, there were also the first batch of disciples of Taiyi Xianzong who protected Tao Xi.

There are about fifty disciples in this group.

From the perspective of Ye Hong, each of them is an elite disciple of the war fairy level.

However, for some reason, President Ye Hong felt that they and the father and son Tao Tao were separated from each other, and the appearance of a public official did not have much sense of closeness.

Quietly asked Tao Shu on the road, only to understand the whole story.

Speaking of this matter, one must mention the place of Zhaoxing Academy.

Zhaoxing Academy is the first academy of human races famous in the fairyland and the entire ancient world.

In the academy, it can be said that it is a top talent.

However, there is a characteristic of Zhaoxing Academy, that is, the average age of students is very young.

The young man has a strong blood and always likes to slam at things he doesn't like.

In the beginning, the goals of these students were just some phenomena in society.

But gradually, their appetite became bigger and bigger, and they finally stared at the monster, Taiyi Xianzong.

The Zongzong, also located in Xiandu, naturally became the target of criticism by students.

In the chief sect, some people take things seriously, and the clouds are light and windy.

But there are also narrow-minded people who can't hear the sharp words of these students.

Because of the hatred of these people, the relationship between Zhaoxing Academy and Taiyi Xianzong is not very harmonious.

This time, Tao Xi was entrusted by the palm palace of the Xuegong Palace to come to Xianhe City on behalf of Zhaoxing Xuegong to celebrate the birthday of Jianhe Xianjun.

According to the agreement between Zhaoxing Academy and Zongzong, Zongzong will send out Zongzong disciples for protection.

But for these disciples, they just acted as a protector, not as a slave to Tao Nian.

Therefore, the indifferent and indifferent attitude in front of him can be understood.

When thinking about the appearance of the group of disciples who had perverted outside the villa, Ye Hong had a deep understanding.

In addition, Tao Heng happened to be poisoned by medicine, which made Ye Hong helplessly think about it.


Along the way north, the team was slightly silent.

However, as the first guru of Immortal Territory, Tao Nian possessed the intelligence channels unknown to ordinary people.

Along the way, intelligence kept being passed to him.

Ye Hong followed Zhanguang, and knew the situation of Xianhe City after he and others left.

After the birthday feast was over, the interior of Xianhe City began a major cleaning and investigation.

The object of the cleansing is a traitor like Wu Di.

All of a sudden, everyone in the city was in danger.

And those people who took the lead in the troubles that day had encountered bloodbaths.

The first batch of assassins who attacked the Jianhe Palace were also the killers suspected of being instructed by the Protoss. One was not left, and all were beheaded.

The most suspected Jotte Criss, because there is no evidence, and Swire Technology Protoss Headquarters personally put pressure on Xianhe City, he had to let him go.

The second man is the masked man suspected to be a companion of the scorpion in the forest.

Those who were masked were also one who did not stay and were all executed on the dojo.

However, regarding the indicator behind the masked man, there was no news from the official Xianhe City.

I don't know if it's a result of no investigation, or I dare not publish it because of some scruples.

The third horse is, of course, the scorpion killers of the forest headed by the purple scorpion.

It is worth mentioning that these killers come from the first killer organization in the ancient world, and their ability to escape is first-rate.

When Ye Hong and Wu Mou confronted each other, many killers fled the scene.

The purple scorpion, although they were arrested and imprisoned afterwards, is said to have escaped.

Of course, Xianhe City will not forget the orc killer, Niu Li.

It was just when Xianhe City sent a letter to the Niuwang Tribe to question, but the Niuwang Tribe was not a bird.

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