Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2681: Mutated two dogs

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"Two dogs, did you not experience the beatings of the overnight iron fist?"

"Do you know, what is the golden lion egg?"

"Barbecue or steaming, you choose a method of death yourself!"

By the bed, Ye Hong grabbed two dogs' chest feathers and scolded their teeth.

Ergou crooked his head and looked blank.

At the corner of the mouth, there was golden egg liquid.

"Even the evidence of the crime is preserved, are you provoking me?"

Ye Hong was even more annoyed.

He didn't expect him to enter a game, the golden lion egg left in bed was ruined by the two dogs as a snack!

Can't help crying without tears, sighing again and again.

"Forget it, what's the use of scolding you? Blame me for being too careless."

Ye Hong sighed, so he had to let the two dogs go back to rest.

But with sharp eyes, he suddenly noticed a flash of gold in the eyes of the two dogs.

Although it was very short, it was still caught by Ye Hong.


He grabbed the two dogs he had just left and came back to have an "affective look" with the two dogs.

Jinmang, flashed in the eyes of Ergou again.

And this time, Ye Hong was convinced that he was right!

It's impossible...

Ye Hong's expression was serious and serious, and he saw the ability to see through.

"Ding! Trigger the guru-level seeing ability, trigger the guru-level effect [Dong Ruo Guan Huo]..."

"Ding! After seeing through, the target type: Big Black Crane [mutation status].

The target is good at abilities: weight-bearing, hiking...Golden Lion Roaring [In an ancient environment, it can perform a roaring attack, derived from the mutant ability gained after devouring the Golden Lion Egg].

Target Force Level: Equivalent to Immortal Level 1.


Ye Hong's eyes became brighter and brighter.

As a **** crane, Ergou is inherently lacking in strength and talent.

The cranes of the same family are very far away.

Even under Ye Hong's intentional cultivation, it was just a **** crane with a little combat ability.

Letting the two dogs practice is something that Honghong dare not think about.

But after the two dogs swallowed the golden lion egg, the mutation happened!

And the strength is directly to the level of Immortal!

This means that Ergou also has the skin and foundation of spiritual practice!

The premise is that there can be exercises suitable for it.

Ye Hong's sleepiness suddenly disappeared, sitting at the table, took out the pen and paper, and began to work hard.

A fairy recipe specially designed for Ergou gradually appeared in his pen.

"Ding! Design "Two Dog Fairies", the design ability of Xianju is +1, the ancient Xianwu's ability to perceive +1, the ability to control the beast +1, the ability to teach +1..."

The second dog yawned and went to bed on his stomach.

It has not yet realized that a unique fairy tale named after it is being born.


The next day, Tao Kan and others looked at the dark circles on Yehong's face with concern and asked with concern: "Are you all right?"

Ye Hong shook his head, and there was a glow of excitement in his eyes.

Maruko also wandered around Ergou with a strange look, muttering: "Strange, how do I think this guy is a little different from yesterday..."

Ye Hong felt the ball was not easy.

Because even Tao Nian didn't notice the change of Ergou, Maruko could see through!

However, everyone did not struggle with this matter. After eating the breakfast provided by Zijia, they had to leave the city of Xianshi and continue to Xiandu.

Along the way, because You Han took the White Lion Legion to escort, there were no abnormalities.

Under Zihan's watch, he left the city of Immortal Lion and went northward.

Ye Hong also noticed that the purple scorpion seemed to be imprisoned and did not appear in front of him again.

A sense of loss that made the road unclear emerged from Ye Hong's heart.

It seems that there is something that is going away from itself.

Ye Hong was convinced that it was not a relationship between men and women.

But what is the specific, but there is no way to define.


A magnificent palace located on the top of the high mountain in Xianshi City.

The palace has gold and white on the outside, luxurious on the outside, and holy on the inside.

High above, overlooking the entire Lion City.

Here, it is rumored to be the lord of the immortal lion city, one of the forty-nine monarchs of the Taiyi Immortal Sect, and the monastery of the Purple Lion Immortal.

The Purple Lion Fairy is also the ancestor of the Zi family.

But even the people inside the family cannot step into the palace at will.

When Ye Hong and others left the Fairy Lion City, Purple Scorpion kneeled down in the middle of the palace with a face of grievance.

In the palace, there was nothing but nothing.

Only at the end of the palace was a purple futon.

A figure wearing a purple robe sat on the futon with his back to the main hall.

The figure is majestic, with big waist and round waist, like a muscular purple lion.

A touch of purple light circulated on this figure, exuding nobility and majesty.

"Ancestor, don't listen to Zi Kong's cousin, all I do is for our family's consideration.

Xianhe City is clearly ambitious, what happened to me to explore?

This is no, the secret of a heavenly crane was discovered.

Without my investigation, when the heavenly crane arrives at the city of fairy lion, we will be in a hurry!

Also, ancestor, I also found a secret about the time and space fairy..."

Hearing this, the purple robe figure suddenly interrupted the words of the purple scorpion, and spit out four words: "Scorpion of the Forest."

The sound is as strong as a roar, and every syllable seems to upset the human head.

Purple Scorpion's face suddenly stiffened, and then his face did not get upset: "Yes, Youlin Scorpion is indeed a killer organization, but it is definitely not an evil organization!

The purpose of our organization is-[kill the evils of all beings, adjust the chaos of the world].

Just like the people we poisoned in the operation of Xianhe City this time, we have investigated them in advance, it is absolutely a heinous crime and should die! "

"Ah, silly boy.

Who should kill, who should live, who is good, who is evil... These are not things that a person or an organization can determine.

The Scorpion of the Forest is not as great as you think. "

But no matter what the figure of the purple robe said, the purple scorpion was dissatisfied.

"You acted so naively and I was not at ease with you."

Zi Scorpion heard the concern from this sentence. Although he was not convinced, he still dragged his head and asked aggrievedly: "Let's say, how long will I be confined this time?"

The figure of Zipao shook his head.

"The world is turbulent, the times are changing, this world is undergoing many changes that you cannot see.

Zival, I want you to see for yourself the truth of this world. "

Purple Scorpion suddenly froze, dazed and said: "Ancestor, I don't understand..."

"Go, I've got someone ready for you."

Purple Scorpion is even more confused: "Where are you going?"

"Xiandu, Zhaoxing Academy."

Purple Scorpion suddenly dumbfounded.

After Purple Scorpion left, a sigh rang out in the hall.

"Time and space appear, and the world changes.

The Great Tribulation arrives, the Holy Word opens.

The catastrophe...the catastrophe..."

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