Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2688: Monster world

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Although the room for the second round of testing is relatively large, the furnishings in the room are much simpler than those for the first round of testing.

The first thing that caught my eye was a black robot with no gender characteristics.

At a glance, it was ordinary, like a cheap mechanical servant everywhere on the street.

The only thing special is the huge touchable display on the robot's stomach.

In front of the robot is a long table with bells mentioned by the student outside.

It seems to be able to notify the outside after pressing.

In addition, it is a form and a pen.

There are some words in the position of the header.

[Congratulations on your coming to the second round of testing, this round of testing is a talent test.

Please fill in your talents carefully, and then fill the form into the verification channel of the robot.

Zhaoxing Intelligent System will issue talent test questions based on the talents you fill out. 】

When I looked up, there was a thin slit on the display screen of the robot's stomach, which should be the verification channel mentioned above.

Yehong didn't rush to fill out the form, but touched his chin, remembering the information he learned from Tao and his son along the way.

Students have been free in Zhaoxing Academy for three years.

Even if it is a course, there is no fixed schedule, but it will be recommended according to the talents of the students in the entrance test.

And it is only recommended, not forced.

A person with the talent of Xianwu can learn business.

A person with zero business days can also learn business.

To put it simply, what you want to learn is what you want to learn.

There are exams, but it doesn’t matter if you don’t take the exam.

So in theory, just fill in the talent test at the time of enrollment.

Ye Hong thought for a while and wrote the three major characters of [Archaeology] on the form.

The reason why he came to Zhaoxing Academy, in addition to the factors invited by Tao Xi, is actually to find more information about the fifth family.

The archaeology course will be able to gain more knowledge about the history of the ancient world, the history of the fairy land, and even the fifth family that once ruled the fairy land.

What's more, archeology is also the major of Ye Hong at Lan Xingjiang University. I am still the president of the Archaeological Union.

After completing it, Ye Hong stuffed the form into the robot's body.

At this moment, it seems that a switch was activated.

The display on the robot's stomach lit up sharply, and a line of text appeared in it.

[The archaeology talent test will start after 10 seconds, please prepare for it. 】

[10...9...8...2...1...please see the question! 】

In the upper area of ​​the screen, questions about archaeology begin to appear.

The lower area is used for answering candidates.

"Ding! Trigger Mastery Ancient Knowledge, Trigger Mastery Archaeology..."

Although there is some knowledge in the title, Ye Hong has never heard of it, but fortunately, with the help of a system, he finally solved ten exam questions smoothly.

At the moment of pressing submit, a prominent prompt popped up on the screen.

[Talent test passed, candidates' evaluation of archaeology talent: Grade A.

Has reached the entrance standard, the recommended main course: archaeology. 】

It turned out that even if it passed the test.

Just when Ye Hong thought it was okay, when he was about to leave, another prompt appeared on the display.

[In view of the talents of candidates reaching level A, they are rewarded with 10 points for admission incentives, which are automatically credited to the student account after admission. 】

Ye Hong's eyes suddenly couldn't be moved.

He certainly knows the important role of points in Zhaoxing Academy.

Although there are only 10 points in front of him, that is because Ye Hong’s archaeological talent is only A-level.

If you fill in more talents, or even fill in some high-level talents, can you get more points?

Thinking of this, Ye Hong couldn't help but stop.

Pick up the form and fill it out with a wave.

Xianwu, commerce, cooking, medicine...

From entry to mastery, from mastery to master, from master to king...

Since the acquisition of the system, Ye Hong did not have a thousand or eight hundred awakenings.

And each system ability can correspond to a talent of Ye Hong.

Ye Hong discovered for the first time that the role of the system was so great.

Soon, a form could not be filled.

But Yehong didn't want to stop!

Ye Hong remembered this, the role of the bell on the table.

"Jingle Bell--"

After the young students outside heard the bell, they quickly recognized Ye Hong's ring, and they could not help but click.

A very bad hunch rose from my heart.

He prefers other students to ring the bell ten times rather than hear a bell from Yehong.

But because of work obligations, he could only knock on Ye Hong's door and asked, "Do you need any help?"

"Give me five more sheets...no... ten sheets."

The sound from the room made the young students stunned.

Then he said incoherently: "Good, good!"

Soon, ten sheets of paper were sent into Yehong's room.

Yehong didn't procrastinate, he wrote with a wave of his hand.

Gradually, the students in the other rooms completed the talent test one after another.

Generally speaking, this level does not have a high elimination rate like the first level.

Unless it is a student without any talent, it is difficult to fail.

Sure enough, a large number of students who passed the test were excitedly concentrated in the astrology hall.

In twos and threes, sharing the joy of passing, and waiting excitedly for other students to complete the test.

The later the students come out, the more awed eyes they will bet on.

Because these students are filled with multiple talents, it takes longer time for the test.

Half an hour later, there are more than a dozen students left.

An hour later, there were three students left.


Two hours later, when the students had become impatient gradually, they found that there was still a room that was still not open.

Some people remember that it was Ye Hong's room.

A group of people began to look at each other with horror.

How many talents did Ye Hong fill in? !

In the crowd, Hu Zhilin had a face, and his fists squeezed tighter.

After three hours...

After four hours...

Five hours later...

With everyone's patience in the end, the original shock became ridiculous.

"So long? Impossible?"

"Is something wrong?"

The students began to discuss.

Only the young student's mouth twitched slightly, and he sighed in his heart: You mortals can never understand the world of monsters.

He personally sent Yehong a full ten-page form to enter, so he knew that Yehong would definitely not come out in a short time.

Finally, after a full six hours, Ye Hong's figure came out of the room.

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