Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2691: Suicide wolf

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"The curator, you..."

Not only Yang Zihua, but everyone present looked at Wang Enkang.

The person in and out of the record is really the curator of the Star Surveying Hall, Wang Enkang, the third-year student of the Dragon Star Academy!

Wang Enkang's complexion suddenly panicked:

"This... I remembered that I had a document here yesterday and came back to get it on purpose.

Maybe, maybe someone sneaked in with me at that time! "

Looking at Wang Enkang's erratic eyes, Ye Hong smiled coldly.

"Ding! Trigger proficient mind reading ability, analyze the hidden psychology of the target...The analysis is completed.

The target’s current mental state consists of: lying 61.23%, stress 32.45%..."

It can be analyzed that because of the presence of Tao Nian, Wang Enkang was under great pressure.

So that the psychological defense line has a strong gap, which is directly penetrated by Ye Hong's ability to read the mind.

Now that you know that Wang Enkang is lying, it is enough to expose him in person.

"The entry and exit records of the astrology pavilion use intelligent scanning records, even if a particle of dust enters and exits, it will leave a record.

Therefore, there is no such thing as secretly mixing in.

Wang Enkang, you are lying. "

Ye Hong's voice was indifferent, but with convincing power.

The people around me nodded and looked at Wang Enkang together.

"I, I remember!" Wang Enkang's voice shook more and more, stumbling stumbled: "In fact, I didn't return to the astrology hall yesterday because my curator card was lost!"

The thief must have stolen my card, entered the astrology hall, and wanted to frame me! "

Obstinate resistance!

Ye Hong sneered from the bottom of his heart, but he slightly aroused in his mouth: "So, how did you come to the Stargazer today with the curator card lost?"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Enkang suddenly felt stiff as if struck by thunder.

Everyone's face was also suddenly realized.

Yeah, if Wang Enkang's card is lost, how can I get into the astrology hall today?

And if Wang Enkang insists on the previous statement, it can't explain why he was the only person who came in and out at that time.

It can be described as a dilemma!

Yehong just flirted with two words, and then forced Wang Enkang into a dead end.

The awakened people looked strangely at Wang Enkang.

"Wang Enkang, don't tell me honestly?"

Tao Yan roared with a roar, and thunder came into the world!

"Me, me, me..."

Although Wang Enkang was panic-stricken, his eyes were still turning and he obviously wanted to struggle.


"Ding! Trigger mastery-level attack ability, trigger master-level coercion, and assist the host to exert pressure on the target's will."

Ye Hong's eyes were like electricity, and Leng Bing asked: "Who instructed you to deal with me?"

"Why, what do you mean?" Wang Enkang's eyes flicked and licked his dry lips. "I can't understand what the younger brother is saying."

However, Ye Hong has long seen that Wang Enkang is full of loopholes at this time, only the last fatal blow!

For those who instructed Wang Enkang, Ye Hong also had an answer in his heart.

"Wu Mou, what benefits have you given?"

Ye Hong's sharp eyes, like steel needles and iron thorns, were nailed to Wang Enkang!

Yes, Ye Hong’s biggest enemy in the ancient world was Wu Mou.

Only Wu Mou has the power to extend the black hand from Xianhe City to Xiandu and bribe a third-grade elite student in Zhaoxing Academy.

If you guessed right, Wu Mou sent the killer last night.

Seeing the attempted assassination, he planned to take Yehong to the Hall of Stars, thereby limiting Yehong's development for the next three years.

Hearing Ye Hong directly revealing the name Wu Mou, Wang Enkang's pupils suddenly shrank to the extreme.

Keep shaking his head: "Student, what are you talking about, how can Wu Mou give me money..."

"I am clearly talking about benefits, when did I mention money?!"

Ye Hong shouted loudly.

Wang Enkang was suddenly thundered, and the whole person was stunned.

Around, it was also an uproar.


The wolf exploded.

"Mistakes, I just made a mistake!" Wang Enkang screamed.

With a terrified look at Tao Yan: "Professor Tao, you must believe me!"

Tao Yan's complexion was like ice.

Leng Leng said: "I will let [Study Hall] students who are good at reconnaissance and tracking investigate your account to see if there are any recent remittances from Xianhe City."

Wang Enkang's face was no longer bloody.


The whole person seemed to have lost support and collapsed to the ground.

The students all around didn't expect such a result in the end, and they all discussed it next to it.

"I didn't expect that the elite of the hall of the Dragon and Star Academy would escape the temptation of the vulgar thing like money."

"I heard that Wang Enkang's family is poor, it is estimated that he was afraid since he was young."

"However, according to the regulations of the academy, teachers and professors cannot intervene in student affairs, so Taoist also has no way to take Wang Enkang, at most criticizing things..."

I don’t know if Wang Enkang heard the last voice, and suddenly laughed: "Yes! Professor Tao, you are not qualified to fire me!"

Ye Hong, he hasn't officially entered school yet, and he's not qualified to sue me at [Star Hall]!

What if I collect Wu Mou's money?

What can you do with me? "

It seemed that Wang Enkang was resurrected from a dead body, and the whole person stood up again.

"Oh?" Tao Yan smiled, "What if I hold the [Twelve-Star Public Committee Meeting]?"

Yang Zihua next to her eyes widened and smiled bitterly: "Finally, it's still here..."

Wang Enkang's eyes widened, but he was full of panic.

There are students of unknown truth all around, and suddenly a question mark in his head.

I don't know why Wang Enkang was so scared after hearing this sentence.

Fortunately, there were well-informed students who informed others about the meaning of this sentence.

Zhaoxing Academy is indeed a highly free and autonomous college.

If there is a conflict between students, the law enforcement team of the [Star Club] will advise them.

If the star-studying hall cannot be resolved, it will be submitted to the [Far-studying hall], and the team of legal students will conduct arbitration and judgment.

However, if it is extremely complicated or the students cannot handle the situation, it will be submitted to the [Twelve Stars Committee].

The so-called twelve-star public committee is a joint executive team composed of twelve people with the highest prestige in the Zhaoxing Academy and has the highest discretion.

When speaking to the outside world, these twelve people also came forward.

To be fair, these twelve people are usually composed of six teachers and six students.

Coincidentally, Tao Nian is one of the six teachers.

As long as he holds a twelve-star public committee meeting, he can try Wang Enkang directly on the spot!

This is the source of Wang Enkang's fear.

Then Tao Ning took out his mobile phone and performed group video projection on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, the crowd saw twelve figures in the projection on the wall.

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