Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2727: Dangerous beauty

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Fortunately, Gentle added another sentence immediately.

"After the destruction of the world of the ancestors, a new world was created. Time is after our ancient world, so it is called the new world."

In this way, it turns out that Blue Star really had a fault before 11,000 years ago.

For some reason, the world is destroyed.

Before the destruction, the ancestors were received by the ancient artifacts created by the meteorite clan of the ancient world, and became the ancestor of the humanoid life of the ancient world.

Subsequently, the new Blue Star was created, also known as the New World by the ancient world.

After another thousand years of reproduction, the kingdom of Xuanyuan Dynasty and the sect of Taiyi Taoism appeared on the ground of New Blue Star.

Then, it was the ancestors who returned from the ancient world to the New Territories, clashed with the aboriginals of the Xuanyuan dynasty, and destroyed the Xuanyuan dynasty and Tai Yizong.

That is to say, the Blue Star was the first disaster.

That is the scenes demonstrated in the mural.

This is the time sequence sorted out by Ye Hong.

This inference is consistent with the results analyzed by the Prehistoric Civilization Laboratory.

It is also in line with the footage that Ye Hong saw several times from the holy bones.

In this way, would the black robe who created the new Blue Star be the same person as the creator holy emperor who created the ancient world?

That one......

Xuanyuan fat old man? !

When I think of the creation saint emperor who is respected by all ethnic groups, it is very likely that it is that sloppy fat old man. Yehong's stomach is like turning over the river and the sea-

One word, mouth area.

But setting aside this point, the means of creating the Holy Emperor made Ye Hong fall into infinite reverie.

Raise your hands to move the mountains and seas, and lift your feet to set the world.

Such extraordinary means only exist in legends.

Even the seven emperors of the seven major domains, considered the seven strongest in the ancient world today, should not be able to do such a thing.

In other words, is that a state that can be achieved through spiritual practice?

Or is it a lie made by some people?

In the course that followed, Ye Hong fell into contemplation, so that he didn't listen to what gentleness said later.

Occasionally write and write on the book, sorting out the logic of thinking.

Genesis Saint Emperor, Holy Bone Routine, Ancient Realm, New Territories, Old Man Xuanyuan... Words appear in this book.

Zhaoxing Academy does not stipulate how long a class should be. Teachers usually leave what they want to say with care.

But this gentle lesson took two hours.

If it wasn’t her on stage, it’s estimated that the students would not be able to support it for a long time.

"Students, today's class is here first.

I will leave you an email address. If you have any questions, you can consult me ​​via email. "

Gentlely reached out and typed his e-mail address on the projection screen.

Although the students below had already inquired about this email address, they were still excited to take notes again.

Because there have been rumors in the academy, Professor Wen Rou has no other contact information than the email address.

So e-mail has become the only tool for everyone to talk to gentleness.

"It just happens that there is still some time to give you five minutes to ask questions freely."

Gently glanced at the delicate watch on Hao's wrist and smiled.

This moment, the whole classroom instantly boiled.

The students hurried to Gentle's side, one question after another hit her.

However, the questions the students asked had little to do with archaeology, but they kept exploring the gentle private life.

The gentle brow suddenly wrinkled, unhappy in the eyes.

At this moment, she saw Ye Hong in the corner again.

Unlike everyone else, Ye Hong sat quietly in the corner alone.

Holding a pen, looking down with his head bowed.

With a gentle move in his heart, the ghost messenger Shen Chaohong shouted: "Yan Hong, do you have any doubts?"

The onlookers first calmed down, then stared at Yehong again in a murderous manner.

Obviously, Ye Hong's super-standard treatment made the fire of jealousy in their hearts burning.

Ye Hong, who was suddenly named, was also shocked.

Of course he has questions to ask gentleness, but those questions are not suitable for asking now.

Because, his secret is involved.

However, before waiting for Yehong to reply, a boy with spots on his face walked in front of Yehong and looked at him sullenly: "Yehong, right? Why don't you leave here after class?" ?"

The other students suddenly showed a good look, and the voice of discussion floated into Yehong's ears.

"It's Liao Cheng. I have seen a good show."

"His family is a local clan in Xiandu, and the elders in the clan are the authority of the archaeological community of Xianyu. Who dares to provoke him here?"

"I heard that he intends to pursue Professor Gentleness..."

With these few words, Ye Hong already knew what the boy named Liao Cheng wanted to do.

It is nothing more than a plan to show yourself in front of gentleness.

Ye Hong, who was outstanding in class, suddenly became a nail in Liao Cheng's eyes.

Ye Hong couldn't help sighing in his heart.

However, he didn't want to be Liao Cheng's stepping stone.

Glancing at Liao Cheng, he said lightly: "Whoever stipulates that the get out of class will not be here?

If so, what are you doing here?

Want to show your crappy girl-picking means in front of Professor Wen?

Sorry, you have found the wrong person. "

Sample, I also want to step on the body of the young man to pick up the girl, to see that the young man will not lift you off!

"you you......"

Ye Hong's sharp words made Liao Cheng's face instantly red, and the spots on it also became more prominent, like a gritty mark.

Others didn't think that Ye Hong not only dared to fight back, but was also so rude, and suddenly there was an uproar.

Even the gentleness was startled, then shook his head and smiled bitterly.

She is coming from here, and Liao Cheng's careful thinking naturally cannot hide her.

Ye Hong directly debunked Liao Cheng's thoughts, but also made gentleness unexpected.

Perhaps I didn’t want to see the students fighting in the classroom, so I hurriedly approached the two of them and sighed: “You two take a step back, you are both classmates, don’t make conflicts.”

Ye Hong shrugged, indifferently.

However, Liao Cheng, the younger brother of Jinyiyusi, couldn't stand being beaten, and angrily refused the gentle mediation: "No! I must have a victory with Yehong today!"

Win or lose?

Yehong glanced at Liao Cheng, his eyes lit up and said, "Are the Star Hall? Go away, whoever doesn't go is a puppy!"

Since tasting the sweetness in Li Sheng, Ye Hong could not wait for someone to come to fight him every day.

However, even Li Sheng with a 100% win rate was terminated by Ye Hong. How could anyone dare to come to trouble him in a short time?

Now it is rare to hear that someone wants to win or lose with himself, and the excited Ye Hong immediately wants to take Liao Cheng to the duel in the duel hall.

Liao Cheng was taken back by the excited Yehong and stepped back angrily, saying: "Who, who is going to the Stars with you!

That kind of brutal duel, my generation of literati disdain.

Literati, it is necessary to use the literati way to duel! "

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