Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2769: Who is the waste

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"Give me, let the little cute people in this group of ivory towers see the power of our great sword mercenary regiment!"

Chen Ke's big sword pointed at Ye Hong and others, and the dozen or so mercenaries approached with a murderous murder.

Cao Poguang and Jian Ling hurriedly stretched out their hands.

I saw two strange rings on their fingers.

At this time, the two rings shone with light, and two huge creatures jumped out of the light.

But they are the darlings of Cao Poguang and Jian Ling, holding sword frogs and blue shield frogs.

Although the current situation seems critical, Ye Hong seems to have completely ignored the approaching mercenaries, and instead curiously looked at Cao Poguang and Jian Ling's rings.

The sword frog and the blue shield frog had been seen in the Ju Xing Guan last time, and they were not surprised.

What attracted Ye Hong's attention was the two rings that summoned two giant frogs—the space ring.

The scientific and technological level of the ancient world is developed, and the residents here are also very good at combining ancient gas and technology.

Even, there is a peerless black technology like ancient artifacts.

So Ye Hong was not surprised that the ancient world could make things like space rings.

In fact, storage equipment like a space ring is not something rare.

If you want to buy it, you can buy it in Xiandu.

Only that price is far from what ordinary families can consume.

Cao Poguang and Jian Ling spent three years in the Zhaoxing Academy of Art and worked hard to accumulate points, so they could afford the most common space ring.

Masters such as Mingyuan and Purple Scorpion, who are of noble origin, have more advanced equipment than the space ring.

Speaking of reality, Ye Hong looked at the two rings and found that there was a faint flow of antiquity on it.

Like the wooden tower of Xianhe City and the night armor of Yehong, the ancient spirit can be transported under the nineth immortal imprint, presumably also based on the technical knowledge of the mechanical family.

After quietly observing for a moment, Ye Hong found that the space in the two rings did not seem large.

Except for the two giant frogs, it seemed that they couldn't fit anything else.

Compared with the huge dimension storage space that grows with the body, the space that can be traversed in reality and games, it is really a gap between heaven and earth.

Moreover, Ye Hong has never heard of any dimension storage space in the ancient world that can be as perverted as the space of fat.

Thinking like this, Ye Hong felt that he should be better at fat.

Otherwise, go back and find a lake for snacks?

When Ye Hong's thoughts fluttered, the two giant frogs had already fought with the mercenaries.

It must be said that the sword frog and the blue shield frog are indeed quite capable.

Two of the same kind of pets, one attack and one defense, advancing and retreating, complement each other.

It is a pity that the surrounding environment is ancient, which has greatly restricted the strength of the two giant frogs.

The most crucial thing is their enemy.


Hunters and experts in the wilderness who are the best at fighting monsters!

"Oh! Sword frogs and blue shield frogs that died in our hands are about to pile up into mountains.

You still want to fight us, it's really whimsical. "

Chen Ke sneered.

Sure enough, the sword frog and the blue shield frog soon fell into the wind. Cao Poguang and Jian Ling watched for a while.

"Yihong Brother!"

The two couldn't help but look anxiously towards Yehong.

"What's the use of calling him?" Chen Ke's opposite said with a smile: "He can also succeed in the ancient simulated ring, is it not a waste when outside?"

"Eh, eh, I don't like to listen to your words." Ye Hong hadn't spoken yet, but Xing Yuan was unhappy: "You are obviously discriminating against our students in Zhaoxing Academy!"

"Aren't you all waste?" Chen Ke sneered.

"Hey? Look at me grumpy!" Seeing that Yuan Yuan rolled up his sleeves, he walked towards the mercenaries.

Purple Scorpion shook his head and said lightly: "As a member of Zhaoxing Academy, I don't listen to you."

Then he followed Ming Yuan to move forward.

The mercenaries did not put the young Hades and Purple Scorpions in their eyes, but just separated a few from the man who besieged the two giant frogs to deal with the two.

Anyone thought that this time they just looked away.

Mingyuan and Purple Scorpion are different from ordinary students of Zhaoxing Academy.

Before coming to Zhaoxing Academy, they were all mixed in the scorpion of the forest.

The actual combat experience is not weaker than these mercenaries.

And because of their family background, although there is no antiquity in them, the boxing skills of a family are also very sharp.

So that the mercenaries were unable to win these two people in a short time.

The smile on Chen Ke's face was slightly stiff, and he didn't seem to expect that the elite of the mercenary regiment could not win a few students.

"A bunch of waste!" Chen Ke murmured angrily, and joined the battlefield with a big sword.

As the leader, he is the most powerful.

Just joined the battle group, it has quickly changed the situation.

Although there is no way to make his famed move here, Tianmu Xianwu, but by virtue of his superior combat experience and that majestic power, he has changed the situation stiffly.

Four people and two frogs were forced to retreat towards Yehong.

"Brother Ye, if you don't shoot again, this delicate flower will be withering away!"

Ning Yuan dodged a fierce sword across from him, turned his head and yelled at Yehong.

But as far as this kind of play is concerned, Ye Hong didn't believe his ghost words.

But Ming Yuan and Zi Scorpion are playing, but Cao Poguang and Jian Ling and the two great pets are indeed about to persevere.

So Ye Hong decided to shoot.

As soon as I stepped on my body, my body disappeared from the place.

"Ding! Trigger mastery flying ability!"

He quickly appeared in front of a mercenary, waving a palm gently in the stunned expression of the mercenary.

"Ding! Trigger mastery palm strength, trigger mastery arm strength..."


The mercenary's stomach was directly sunken in, and the sound of a cracked bone crackled all around.


With a scream, the mercenary spit blood and his whole body flew out.

Ye Hong swears that he really just "slightly" palm.

Blame it on the brethren who usually do not exercise well, so they cannot afford Ye Hong’s palm.

Since then, Ye Hong has been playing like a wind, and he has been hitting a "palm light" in the crowd.

The mercenaries, like the leek being harvested, fell down one by one.

Chen Ke had already stayed in place, staring at Ye Hong in the crowd.

He figured out that Ye Hong's strength would drop significantly after leaving the ancient atmosphere, but he would never be able to think of Ye Hong's system-like gadgets!

When Ye Hong finished packing up all the mercenaries, when he stamped Chen Ke on his feet, he just said with a smile: "Who just said that I can only attack on the simulated ring?

Now tell me, who is the waste? "

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