Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2783: Silver robe fairy

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In the rain of bullets in the sky, suddenly a black beam of light flew from the tip of the dragon gun and flew toward a dragon horn of the coral dragon ship.

"Humph! This attack can't hurt the Coral Dragon!"

Looking at the beam of light, the corners of Fangtan's mouth and others showed disdain.

What surprised them was...


With a loud bang that almost shattered their eardrums, the black beam of light was like an exploding sun that directly blew through the dragon horn of the Coral Dragon!

This beam of light is not an ordinary means of attack. It was because of the fame that Ye Hong was famous, and he first killed [Jian Ye], the fifth Jun!

Concentrate a little bit and burst in an instant!

With hundreds of times of penetration force, the coral dragon horn is directly blown through.

As part of the Coral Dragon Ship, the damage to the Dragon Horn also affected the ancient artifact as a whole.

The entire Coral Dragon Ship suddenly appeared violently shaking.

Even the people with the dragon's mouth were shaken so much that they turned upside down.

"It's now!"

Ye Hong didn't expect that he could make a coral dragon ship in one second.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I took a few people and hurried towards the shore.

However, just as a few people were about to swim on the lake, the surface of the lake suddenly shone with a dazzling silver awn.

Yinmang suddenly spread underwater, dyeing the entire lake bottom world to silver.

In the silver world, a round of meniscus composed of light spans tens of meters.

With the pressure of Taishan Mountain, suppress it towards everyone!

The five beasts and three beasts sank together, as if there were a huge mountain on them, pressing them down towards the bottom of the lake.

In the endless silver world, a woman's sigh came out: "Since it's here, don't leave."

When Ye Hong heard the voice, suddenly there was a horror.

It seemed that the breath of the whole body was suppressed by this voice.

This sense of powerlessness only appeared when facing the powerful kings such as Wu Jian and Lao Yu!

Could it be that there is a horrible fairy strongman hidden at the bottom of the lake? !

Five people could not bear this great power and was pressed from the lake to the bottom of the lake.

In several mumbles, Ming Yuan, Purple Scorpion, Cao Poguang, and Jian Ling, even with two dogs and two giant frogs, were pressed on the ground at the bottom of the lake by invisible forces.

"damn it......"

A face of Ning Yuan was crushed and deformed, but his mouth still refused to succumb.

As for the others, they could not even speak.

Only Yehong could barely stand.

It was trembling all over, and obviously it was a painful pain.

At this time, the swaying coral dragonship also recovered, swimming not far away in front of several people.

Fang Tan looked at Ye Hong who was still standing, his eyes flashed with surprise, and then he screamed: "Bold, don't you kneel when you see Lord Xianjun?!"

While resisting the huge pressure on her body, Ye Hong strained her eyes and looked upwards.

I saw a figure wearing a silver and white robe standing on the dragon head of the Coral Dragon Ship.

The figure was as thin as a willow, wearing a mask with the silver moon imprint on his face.

Just a simple stop there, it seems that thousands of horses and horses stand between the heavens and the earth, exuding breathtaking momentum.

The silver light bloomed on her, proclaiming to all the world that she was the source and master of this silver world.

This realm is my realm, and everything enters me!

As if she acted at random, she would be able to deprive the ancient spirit of this world.

This kind of absolute control over the ancient spirit can only be achieved by the strong level of the fairy king.

And faintly, Ye Hong felt that she was more terrible than Sword Crane Immortal Jun and Bi Shang Immortal Jun.

Combined with the voice just now, you can roughly guess that this fairy is a woman.

Ye Hong's mind flashed the names of the famous female fairy lords, but none of them could match the woman in front.

As if born out of nowhere, full of mystery.

At this time, Yinpao Xianjun was also observing Yehong.

There was a hint of curiosity in the cold eyes behind the mask.

"Obviously just a fairyland... but it has a physical body that does not conform to common sense, an ancient control power that does not conform to common sense, and a willpower that does not conform to common sense...

Are the students of Zhaoxing Academy now so powerful? "

She shook her head and pointed her hand at Yehong: "Boy, what's your name?"

Ye Hong didn't say a word, just thinking about how to get rid of the dangerous situation in front of him.

It is not that he has not fought against the strong man of the fairy monarch level.

Xuan Bing Xianjun from the heavens, Sword Crane Xianjun and Bishang Xianjun of Xianhe City, and even not long ago in Yulong Xianfu also felt the power of Yu Dexian Xianjun up close.

But the silver robe fairy in front of him gave him such a powerful sense of oppression.

It seems that even one finger needs all the strength of the whole body to urge it.

With a move in his heart, he suddenly noticed something strange around him.

This silver world is the source of that oppression!

"Ding! Discover the domain [Yinyue domain], domain perception ability +1!"

Yes, this silver world is the power of the field!

However, compared to Li Man's immature Cangsha field, the Yinyue field is now a hundred times more mature.

Every air particle seemed to be filled with silver breath.

Like a giant airtight net, enveloped around Yehong.

But now that it is known that this is a field, there is a breakthrough.

Very simple, how to defeat Li Man in the first place!

Silent Yehong's soles suddenly opened a black awn.

Just like a silver rice paper, a drop of ink dripped suddenly.

The silver world was soon infested with black.

"Ding! Trigger the guru-level domain perception ability, trigger the guru-level effect [Lord's Prestige]."

The realm of Ye Hong's body weeks is the effect of the master-level realm of awareness.

The realm that can devour the realm of others, the realm of night!

At the beginning of the Xianwu showdown, it was this realm of night tricks that completely swallowed Li Man's Cangsha realm and successfully defeated Li Man.

Although the realm of the night is unable to devour the Yinyue realm at the moment, it has opened up an unpressed realm in Yehong's body.

Ming Yuan and others also have the strength to stand up.

"Don't be stunned, go!"

Yehong controlled the area around him and took a few people to launch a second impact towards the shore!


For a moment in the realm of night, Yinpao Xianjun's mouth made a soft voice.

At that moment, she even felt that there was an uncontrollable gap in her tightly matched silver moon field.

"Boy, I am getting more and more curious about you..."

She looked at Yehong, who was about to leap to the water, and suddenly a flash of fine light flashed in her eyes.

I wrote a simple word in the sky in my hand-


After the word appeared, the silver moon that pushed down Yehong and others suddenly expanded dozens of times, directly blocking all the way forward for Yehong and others.

"I'm going to see, how did you escape my palm..."

Yinpao Xianjun murmured to himself, his eyes flashing with jokes of cats and mice.

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