Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2806: The third sword of Fengjialou

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Ye Hong was too late to think about it and placed all the defenses behind him.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sharp pain in his back.

Along with the heartache, there is also a strong burning sensation.

It was like a fire stick was inserted into the body!

The blood in the body ran like a flood.

Dao Dao was hot and spewed from Ye Hong.

Like being exposed to magma, there seems to be the pain of burning fire!

"Ding! Trigger the guru-level recovery ability, trigger the guru-level medicine..."

All breaths were mobilized.

But the pain was getting stronger.

The indifferent voice of Feng Jialou also came from behind: "It can be seen that the student's defensive ability is quite amazing, but unfortunately, I am Shuangxiu Xianwu.

In addition to the wind-separated celestial tactics, I also practiced the fire stats [melted sacred tactics].

Rongyan Xianjue can ignore the defense ability and directly destroy the inside of the human body.

What's more unfortunate is that my Chichi sword also has a certain armor piercing ability.

and so......

Student, you still have a good rest here. "

Feng Jialou said behind Ye Hong, but suddenly felt something was wrong.

On the red finch, there was no blood at all!

Not only that, but there was a breath of freezing, back down the red finch!


Feng Jialou raised his eyebrows and quickly recovered the red finch.

Then he narrowed his eyes and looked at Yehong seriously again.

At this time, Ye Hong also turned around silently, saying lightly: "I'm sorry, it's not just you who can do double cultivation."

The frozen breath back from the red finch is Ye Hong's Xuan Bing fairy trick!

It was Xuan Bingxian's tactics that frozen the hot air that Fengjialou Rongyan's tactics and the red finch into the body, and instantly countered.

"Oh, I didn't expect that the younger brother still hid this kind of headache killer.

It seems that the fire attribute fairy tactic is useless to you. "

Feng Jialou inserted the red finch back into his waist, only holding the blue luan sword, and said with a smile: "Then I will use the cracking sky to deal with you alone."

"No, you have no chance."

In Ye Kaili, Ye Hong's cold voice came out.

At the same time, the shape of the night armor suddenly expanded.

From a piece of armor, it suddenly transformed into a mecha form.

Gun barrels and muzzles suddenly appeared on all parts of the body, all aimed at Fengjialou.

Nickel steel turned!

"Senior, times have changed."

Yehong pointed the barrel at Fengjialou, coldly.

"Motion of machine and machine family?"

Feng Jialou was stunned.

Obviously, I didn't expect that a human would use the mechanical source of the mechanical family in front of him!

But in his eyes, there was no panic.

After stunned, he laughed: "Student, you really brought me endless surprises.

My suggestion just now will be considered again.

As long as you have established a new betrayal organization, I won't say anything, and immediately leave the anti-immortal religion and follow you! "

Yehong didn't speak, but still pointed the barrel at Fengjialou.

"It's really incomprehensible..."

Feng Jialou shook his head, and then the corner of his mouth slightly hooked up: "Student, the senior will teach a truth today.

Guns are not necessarily better than swords! "

As soon as the voice fell, he inserted Qingluan back into his waist.

Then he stretched his hands to the back and took out the sword hanging behind him that had never been sheathed!

And Feng Jialou's complexion gradually became serious.

There was a murmur in his mouth, as if he was reading a spell.

"The chaos of heaven and earth, four vaults and eight universes, Yin anode, Yang cathode..."

Accompanied by mysterious spells, the sky and the sky moved in unison.

The earth began to shake as if a pair of invisible big hands were shaking the ground.

And all the general trends between heaven and earth seem to converge on the sword behind Chaofeng Jialou.

As the long sword was pulled out bit by bit, the black and white sword body gradually appeared in sight.

The two rays of light moving around the sword seem to converge into one **** and one white big fish.

Yehongli, Yehong's face changed greatly.

Mobilize the world!

Fengjialou this guy turned out to be a fairyland above level 80!

If Ye Hong can defeat Wu Mou, who is half a step of immortalization, it does not mean that Yehong can beat the real Fengxian!

The half-step closure of the fairy and the closure of the fairy are not just the difference between the goal.

It is no exaggeration to describe the difference between the two.

It has been said that only when you step into the fairyland can you be called a true fairy.

Because after entering the Fengxian Realm, you can go to the sky dome and listen to it, and truly integrate into the world.

As for Feng Xian before, it was all just watching God's face cultivation!

So at the moment when he felt the true strength of Fengjialou, Ye Hong had no fluke in mind.

He only knew that Feng Jialou must not be allowed to draw his sword!

On the night armor, the guns fired.

In the roar, bullets and shells greeted Feng Jialou together.

But at this time, Feng Jialou had already drawn all the swords!

The whole sword, half black and white.

The two abrupt colors, like the heaven and earth in the sword, each reveal a clear and heavy breath.

Facing the oncoming fire and rain, Feng Jialou just cut a simple sword forward.

"[Tai Chi Xianwu·Sword Points Yin and Yang]!"

Fengjialou is not a double cultivation, but a three cultivation!

On the long sword, black and white light appeared in full.

The surrounding world has also turned into black and white.

Black on the left and white on the right.

The long sword in the middle is like an earth-sharpening blade, with an unprecedented momentum, cutting everything in the path in half.

All the bullets and bullets were split into two pieces in a flash.

Not only that, but the violent sword kept falling towards Yehong directly!

The speed of this sword was only in a single thought, and could not allow Ye Hong to dodge.

In the groan, the hardened night armor was also divided into two, exposing the night inside.

Ye Hong distracted Ye Kai's "corpse" from the space ring, and then looked silently at Feng Jialou.

The sword just now exceeded his cognition.

If it weren't for Feng Jialou who didn't want to kill him, it was estimated that Ye Hong had already cut it in half.

Is this the terrible seal of fairyland?

However, Ye Hong felt that the general Fengxianjing should not be as perverted as Feng Jialou.

It should also be related to the impenetrable long sword in his hand.

"This sword is named [Yin Yang]."

Feng Jialou always seemed to be able to see through Ye Hong's mind and introduced the sword in his hand slightly.

Then, the cynical appearance was restored on his face, and he smiled and said, "How about my younger brother, should you stay here honestly?"

At the same time, the two dogs in the air seemed unable to withstand.

He flew back to Yehong and stared at the cracked wind eagle in the air with grievance.

While Ye Hong was thinking about how to break through the interception of Feng Jialou, there was a cold voice from nearby: "Feng Jialou, how did you bully your student?"

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