Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2808: Are you a human

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If Xianyu is compared to Yan Kingdom, then Taiyi Xianzong is equivalent to a temple.

The Protoss is the strongest country in the other world that fears immortality.

Therefore, the act of preparing to overthrow Tai Yi Xianzong based on the rebellious immortal religion is bound to be accomplished by the Protoss.

Even, it will help in secret.

So Jot Kris appears here strangely.

Speaking of which, Ye Hong is the first time in reality to play against Yotkris.

And, it is also the first time in reality to deal with a god.

God, a cultivator in the gods of the gods.

It also uses ancient energy, which is similar to immortal energy, immortal energy, and organic energy.

Their moves, called Divine Skills, are equivalent to the fairy martial arts, the meditation of the underworld, and the source of machine repair.

Ye Hong was also curious about how the gods used the ancient spirit.

After all, the fairy has a fairy formula, what does the **** have?

It wasn't until Ye Hong studied at Zhaoxing Academy during this time that he learned how to practice God.

Like Ran's Divine Master, Heran relied on faith!

Gather ancient spirits with faith and evolve different magical moves.

It's just that the gods of the Protoss have a more exquisite way of dealing with beliefs than those of the Divinity Masters in Blue Star Xizhou, and they have a more crazy understanding of beliefs.

Although the Protoss and the Humans jointly believed that the ancient world was created by the creation emperor, they did not agree with the Ancestor Theory of the Humans.

In their world view, after the creation of the Holy Emperor created the ancient realm, it immediately created a variety of magical gods.

And their **** clan people are descendants of gods, and they are [first class race].

Other races are created by the gods [the second class race].

Under this theory, the Protoss is naturally superior to other races in the ancient world.

So the Protoss are mostly proud and look down on other races.

Of course, the Protoss also has its own set of belief contempt chains.

Just like the spiritual masters of Blue Star Xizhou, there are disputes between the gods of different faiths.

It is like Jotecris, who is a **** who believes in the **** of light.

The technique used is also light magic.

Even the darling of his game is also the monster of the legendary light **** mount like the bright big element rhinoceros.

Such Jodhris will extremely hate and despise gods who believe in dark gods.

But now Ye Hong is thinking about something else.

Now that it has been determined that both the God and the Blue Star Divine Master use the power of faith.

Then, can Ye Hong, a divine master with the power of divine apostolic realm, also practice divine skills?

Yehong always dared to think and do!

So when Yote Kris appeared in milky white light magical light, Ye Hong's eyes also began to flash a burst of fine mans.

"Ding! Trigger the guru-level breath perception ability, trigger the guru-level effect [Shen Xianqi Ding]...

Understand the goal of light magic..."

The world in front of me has changed quietly.

The magical light outside of Joteclis seems to be broken down into Taoist fine ancient particles in an instant.

From these ancient particles, Ye Hong really felt the power of familiarity.

It is the power of faith!

"Ding! Trigger the power of awareness of the mastery-level belief!"

There was a shock in my mind.

In the midst, Ye Hong seemed to be able to feel a peculiar force, coming from outside the sky.

A beautiful aquamarine planet is depicted in my mind.

At this moment, Ye Hong couldn't help but give birth to a touch of sourness.

That aqua blue planet is his hometown blue star!

And this mysterious force flying from a distant time and space is the power of faith!

Even Ye Hong could feel faintly that the source of the power of faith is the blue earth of Xizhou.

Before leaving Blue Star, Ye Hong had heard of the rise of an organization called [Night God Religion] on the ground of Xizhou.

Only at that time Ye Hong thought it was just a coincidence.

But now, he doesn't think so!

That night **** religion in Xizhou must be related to him!

The power of faith from outside the heavens instantly changed the ancient form of Ye Hong's body.

Xian Ying closed her eyes, and Dan Tian was silent.

The place where the antiquity was active in the whole body came to the place where the brain knew the sea.

There is a storage place for the power of faith.

Within the knowledge of the sea, the power of faith continues.

It seems that the thick clouds are rolling, and the sea is rushing, condensing into a gradually clear projection.

Black hair and black eyes, with the supreme majesty of ignoring the gods.

In appearance, it looks the same as Ye Hong!

Ye Hong instantly recognized that this projection was the projection of his [Night God]!

While others believe in gods, Ye Hong believes in himself.

The **** projection formed by the power of faith is the so-called night god!

The power brought by it is the night god, the night god, the night god, the night **** and the goddess in the blue star. In the ancient world, it is being formed...

[Night God Magic]!

The projection of the night **** in the sea of ​​knowledge suddenly reached out into the void.

In reality, Ye Hongye made the same action.

A deep black light condensed at his fingertips.

Like a black lightning jumped between the fingers, exuding mysterious power.

Seeing this black light, the pupil of Yotkris, who was condensing light magic, suddenly shrank.

Very terrified in his heart, the light magical skill on his body almost ate himself!

He ignored the embarrassment and stared at the black mans on Yehong's fingertips, and said inconceivably: "God, Divine Skill?!"

"Impossible! You are a human race, how come our **** race's magic?"

"Wait! Is this the belief of the Dark God?...No! No!"

Yotkris seems to collapse.

Yehong ignored him, and looked at Heimang with relief.

As expected, his conjecture was correct.

He really can use magic art!

And it belongs to him, unique [Night God Divine Art]!

So Jotcles wanted to break his head, and he couldn't see through which **** the Ye Hong believed in!

"Ding! Comprehend the Night God Divine Art, Divine Art Comprehension Ability +1, Current Progress: 110, Current Level: Entry Level."

Ye Hong looked at the mad Yote Kris, a smirk suddenly caught in the corner of his mouth, and the black mang in his hand flew towards his head.

Black Mang exploded in the air, turned into countless thin beams of light, and fell towards Yotkris!

This scene is very similar to the "Light Divine Skills · Judgment Baptism" that Yote Kris used in the game.

The difference is only the color of the divine art.

In fact, this move was exactly the one recorded by the system database.

When Ye Hong first realized the magic, he could quickly retrieve this trick from the system database and copy it instantly.

In this way, the system database is not useless.

Looking at the black rainstorm falling in the sky, Yotecris only felt his throat dry for a while.

As the founder of this trick, he knows better than anyone what the moves from Ye Hong's hands are!

"Trial Baptism..."

"Why did you do this trick?"

"Are you a human?"

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