Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2812: Big Four

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The reason why Ye Hong had this idea was because of tenderness.

Now that we have guessed the relationship between Moon Sword Immortal and Gentle Mentor and apprentice, and know that Moon Sword Immortal is for the Fifth Family and the rebellious rebellion initiated by the Immortals, it is not difficult to speculate that Gentle should also know some key things of the Fifth Family.

Otherwise, when Ye Hong asked about the fifth family, the gentle performance would not be so strange.

Ye Hong is even more determined to stop this rebellion and keep the Moon Sword Fairy and Gentleness!

He wants to ask for clues about grandma from the second population!

On the other side, both Drunk Heavenly Master and Yi Wangjian were questioned dumbly.

But physically, there is still no idea of ​​giving in.

Seeing the movements of the two, Yuedaoxian's eyes suddenly flashed disappointed.

The tauren by her side seemed impatient.

"Are you sloppy enough?

If you want to fight, just hit it directly. Where is so much nonsense? "

The tauren had a loud voice, and even if Ye Hong was far away from them, his ears were buzzing and humming.

And he was able to deter Drunk Heavenly Master and Yi Wang Jian together with Yue Dao Xian, which also made Ye Hong guess his strength.

[Beastmaster] one level with the fairy king!

Although the orcs are one of the seven major races in the ancient world, they are divided into a large number of sub-groups according to the species, such as the cattle, tigers, and cats.

What is even more outrageous is that there will be more branches in a sub-family.

For example, the cattle are divided into black cattle, buffalo, and yellow cattle.

Like the tauren in front of him, it is very likely that he is from the black cow family.

Also because of the chaos within the orcs, the cultivation system is also mixed.

It is only now that the beast emperor is in power, it is strong to integrate the whole beast.

He unified the orc calendar, currency... and cultivation system.

Under his stipulations, the practitioners of the orc are called "beasts", and the ability to practice is called "beast change", and the ancient spirit through which they are cultivated is naturally called "beast qi".

And the realm of all orc practitioners is unified according to [beast]-[beast hero]-[beast collar]-[beast king]-[beast emperor]-[beast king]-[beast emperor] since Sort low to high.

It also corresponds to the seven realms and one hundred levels of other races.

To put it simply, the bullhead monarch in front of him, like Tai Yi San Xian, is also a monarch-level strongman above level 90.

"[Niuzhen], as a beast leader of the cattle king tribe, it is not good to herd the cattle in the valley of your beast emperor, what is the trouble with my Taiyi Xianzong?"

Drunk Heavenly asked with an angry face.

It turned out that the beastly king was named Niu Zhen, and was the leader of the Niuwang tribe.

The Niu King Tribe is the tribe where Niu Li is.

"Huh! Lao Tzu will come as soon as he wants, if he wants to go, it's your business?"

Niu Zhen's temper was pushed back fiercely, and Zui Tiangong's complexion turned into a dark cloud.

And Yi Wangjian looked at the Moon Sword Immortal with cold eyes: "Moon Sword, the reason that the heart of the non-my class must be different, don't you know?

Working with a guy like Niu Zhen, it is to seek the skin with the tiger! "

Moonblade Immortal was unmoved and said indifferently: "The evil of the human heart is more than the beast.

Working with Niu Zhen made me more at ease. "

"No wonder recently I have heard news of orc chaos from all parts of Immortal Territory. It seems that they are all good things you have done!"

A king sword gritted his teeth.

"Yes." Moonblade Immortal admitted generously, "I originally wanted to use the power of the Orcs to differentiate the relationship between Forty-nine Cities in the Immortal Domain and Taiyi Xianzong.

It's just that those Zongjun are timid as rats, and none of them dare to say anything. "

Ye Hong on the side was shocked when he heard this.

He remembered the birthday feast of Xianhe City.

At the birthday feast, Wu Di, son of Wu Jian, the sword crane fairy monarch, and Niu Li of the Niu Wang tribe intended to assassinate Wu Jian.

Before his death, Wu Di also revealed that he was appointed by the Zongzong, and he would go back to expose Xianhe City's intention to rebel.

And in the crane city that day, there were indeed people who were suspected of Zongzong.

Now it seems that the incident of Wu Di's father was probably planned by the moon knife fairy in front of him.

The news of Xianhe City's intention to rebellion was told to Wu Di by Yue Dao Xian in the name of Zongzong.

Niu Li was also sent to assist Wu Di.

Working with Niu Zhen, it was easy for her to do this.

The chief sect of Xianhe City was also sent by her.

Her purpose, of course, is to create a rift between Xianhe City and Chief Sect of Taiyi Xianzong.

In this way, the strength of the sword crane fairy monarch Wu Jian and the crane city will inevitably become a big help against the rebellion against the immortal religion.

It's a pity that Wu Jian was very calm and not fooled.

Even if the suspected Zongzong person is caught in Xianhe City, it is only imprisoned, without questioning, as if it were air.

Now it seems that the Moon Sword Immortal targets more than a sect of Wu Jian.

Forty-nine ancestors of Forty-Nine City in Xianyu District seem to have designed many of them by her.

But as she said, no one was fooled.

Otherwise, if those branches also followed the mutiny, today's immortals would be more lively.

I didn't expect that there were so many "chess players" behind that fairy crane city birthday feast.

Protoss, Youlin Scorpion, Wu Mou, Moon Sword Immortal...

What just made all the "chess players" never think is that the game of chess will eventually be shattered into pieces unreasonably by Ye Hong, who was born out of nowhere.

On the occasion of Ye Hong's emotions, Niu Zhen could not bear it completely.

He shook the bracelet in his hand like space equipment, and summoned a scarlet battle axe from inside.

There was a bloodthirsty crazy smile on the bull head: "Let's fight first, the strength of Taiyi Sanxian, Lao Tzu has long wanted to learn."

Forced by Niu Zhen's actions, the other three were also forced to take out their weapons.

Moonblade Immortal's weapon is a silver machete.

In shape, it is very similar to the oblique moon in the oblique moon piercing chart in the symbol of inverse immortality.

Drunk Heavenly Master's weapon seems to be the wine bag in his hand.

What attracted Ye Hong's attention most was the weapon of Yi Wang Jian.

Today's King Sword only carries an empty scabbard, but it does not see the shadow of the sword.

However, when Yi Wangjian mobilized his breath, Ye Hong could feel a certain resonance from the scabbard.

The swordsman who uses the sword to the deepest can feel the resonance.

There is a sword in the scabbard!

It is an invisible sword!

Just as the two sides were about to touch, the entire Taibai Mountain suddenly shook.

All the people on the mountainside suddenly looked up at the top of the mountain, their expressions varied.

They can certainly feel that the source of the vibration is the direction of the mountain top.

Yuedaoxian and Niuzhen all smile on their faces.

On the other hand, Yi Wangjian and Drunk Heavenly Father looked more serious.

As for Ye Hong, she could feel a familiar breath from the top of the mountain.

That breath is...

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