Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2831: Administrator Purple Lion Fairy

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Ye Hong also reacted in an instant.

Almost as soon as Duan Kunyu opened his mouth, there seemed to be an invisible breath flying out of the lion's shroud, covering Duan Kunyu's body.

It was this strange breath that completely isolated Duan Kunyu's voice.

Under the nine-fold immortal seal in the sky, the people who can use the antiquity at the scene can only be the purple lion fairy in the lion!

Ye Hong's eyes lit up suddenly.

The purple lion fairy king's forbidden words can't talk about anything, but he is extremely aggressive.

It's just an administrator in the chat group!

It is also effective for disgusting people.

If Ye Hong can learn, he swears that he will definitely throw a tuber at the words of Ming Yuan or Hu Li, and the world will be cleaned directly.

"Ding! Start to appreciate the top Xianwu [Forbidden Law Prison], Xianwu Sense Ability +1!"

Unexpectedly, this seemingly simple Xianwu is the top Xianwu.

Although Ye Hong was fortunate to be able to learn this trick, he was frustrated that it was too difficult to learn immediately at his current level.

It seems that it can only be slowly realized afterwards.

Duan Kunyu, who had won the forbidden law of the Purple Lion Fairy, apparently also reacted.

Feeling the strange eyes around him, his face dimmed directly.

In this case, even if he wanted to move out Zuo Mian to put pressure on the Purple Lion Fairy, it would be useless.

He could only close his mouth ugly.

This is the dominance of the Purple Lion Fairy.

Seeing Duan Kunyu's encounter, Zi Kong and his men began to sweat from the face.

Almost immediately, a purple breath flew out of the lion.

Such as Taodao rope, instantly **** Zikong and others.

Immediately afterwards, there were bursts of screams, which seemed to be bearing the worst punishment in the world.

"Ancestor, Zikong knows wrong!"

"The ancestor spared his life!"

"Fairy Monarch!"

Zi Kong and his men were wailing for a while.

Then the purple ropes on them moved together, pulling them to the side of the road.

The way of the city gate was instantly emptied.

Zihan immediately understood the meaning of the Purple Lion Fairy, and reached out to Yehong and others to signal: "Brother Yehong, let's go, I will take someone to **** you away."

Yehong stood straight and made a salute in the direction of Shiyong: "Thank you Xianjun."

Then he turned over the crane, and was escorted by Zihan's White Lion Army and left the fairy lion city.

The purple lion fairy in the shrine did not say a word during the whole journey, but it seemed to watch Yehong leave them.

The passers-by near the city gate were already stunned.

Although most of them do not know the identity of Ye Hong, they understand that what can be sent by the Purple Lion Fairy King must be a great person!

After Ye Hong and others left the city, Zi Kong and his men could not bear the punishment any longer, and all of them passed out.

Duan Kunyu's forbidden words and jail also disappeared.


Duan Kunyu squinted at the lion, and turned to leave.

Although Ye Hong has left, he has other ways to catch up.

However, just when he was about to leave, his body was surrounded by the purple armor knights of several honor guards.

"You, what are you doing?!" Duan Kunyu's expression changed.

"Don't get me wrong, our Lord Xianjun just wanted to invite you to spend a few days in Xianshi City."

The Purple Armor Knight explained, but the tone was cold and cold, and his body showed no signs of giving way.

Duan Kunyu suddenly looked desperate.

He already understood the plan of the Purple Lion Fairy, but he wanted to put him under house arrest in Fairy Lion City, so that he had no chance to catch up with Yehong!

Duan Kunyu couldn't understand why in his heart, why did the Purple Lion Fairy do this for a junior who has never lived?

Duan Kunyu wanted to understand something, but Ye Hong had already figured it out.

It seems that the sub-religious monarch of Taiyi Xianzong is not as loyal as expected.

The secret of the Nine-fold Immortal Seal was definitely not alone in him.

An old monster like the Purple Lion Fairy who has lived for hundreds of years has no reason to find it.

Today, the Purple Lion Fairy sings openly against the Chief Sect, actually expressing his attitude.

But he couldn't do too much too obvious, and that was to tear the face with Zuo Zhi directly.

At the same time, Ye Hong also understood why people like Jianhe Xianjun and others never dared to rebelliously.

Because they know that under the nine-fold immortal seal, no one can be the opponent of Zuo Zhi!

So they intentionally or unintentionally began to cultivate extraterritorial forces.

Like Yehong, is it not an investment of the Purple Lion Fairy?

Therefore, although Yehong thanked the Purple Lion Fairy, he was not moved to the point.

The world is diverse, and all beings are pursuing profits, it is nothing more than mutual use.

But for the purple scorpion who really helped himself, Ye Hong still held different feelings.

Purple Scorpion also followed the White Lion Army and sent Ye Hong away.

They sent it for a full ten days.

From the fairy lion city in the prefecture level area, all the way to the fairy heron city in the Xuan level area.

Obviously, people who are worried about Zuo Mei will deal with Ye Hong in the middle.

But in the territory of Xianlu City, they could not continue to send.

After all, the White Lion Army is part of the local forces of Xianshi City and hastily entered the territory of Xianlu City. It is easy to cause misunderstandings on the side of Xianlu City.

"Brother Yehong, take care all the way."

Above a plain, Zihan said goodbye to Yehong.

The purple scorpion has a complex expression, his lips move, and there seems to be a thousand words.

But when it comes to the mouth, it only turns into two words: "... take care."

When Ye Hong and others left, Zi Han found that Zi Scorpion was still staring blankly at Ye Hong's back.

He just wanted to call Zi Scorpion to leave, but after he got close, he heard Zi Scorpion muttering: "It's not that I don't want to go with you, but because I'm too weak now.

Only if you keep getting stronger will you not fall too far..."

Zi Han looked slightly stunned, then shook his head and sighed: his silly sister.

Xianlu city, is located in the southeast of Xianyu, adjacent to the sea.

It is not the same road that Ye Hong originally planned to go south.

But this is Ye Hong's plan.

When Duan Kunyu was ordered to chase, Ye Hong instantly knew that the original route had been exposed and could not be used.

So he bypassed the route going south to Xianhe City, and would rather choose to take a little more detour and take the route of Xianlu City instead.

At that time, you can also leave from the south of Xianyu.

Yehong couldn't help but be glad that Xianyu was forbidden to fly.

Even if Zuomei sent people to chase themselves, they could only follow the ground road.

The reason why Yehong didn’t worry about them was because they were all in the wilderness.

The wilderness is the territory of monsters.

Those brutal monsters will not give Tai Yixianzong face.

So if the people sent by Zuo Wang want to cut the way from the wilderness, not only will it not be faster, but it will be more easily attacked by monsters along the way to slow down the pursuit speed.

In this way, Ye Hong and his team were invisibly bought a lot of time.

As for Xianlu City, there are also acquaintances of Yehong.

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