Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2833: Qiankun is in the bag, the sky is rolling

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To the south of Immortal Territory, 70% of the territory borders the Underworld.

The other part is the southwestern meteorite ruins, and some uncivilized mountain barbarians or border tribes.

Similar to the dojo world, there is also a boundary gas wall between the fairy field and the underworld.

But unlike the system's gas wall in the game, what is in front of you is a hood of air falling from the sky.

It is the Nine-fold Immortal Seal that envelopes the Immortal Realm!

It can be clearly seen that there are some Wolves and Wolves outside the air wall wandering.

But once it touches the gas wall, it will frighten away and dare not approach.

All creatures have spirits, and even they can feel the domineering exploitation ability in the nine-fold immortal seal.

It is precisely because of this that the Nine-fold Immortal Seal has become a deterrent to deterring all races outside the region, protecting Xianyu for thousands of years.

However, forty years ago, this protective cover began to turn around against the human race in the fairy field.

The saddest thing is that not many people know this truth now.

After leaving the campsite, Yehong and his party hurried southward all the way, and finally reached the border line before the second half of the night.

As long as you cross the border, you can reach the Underworld.

At that time, if the person who left Zuo Wang wants to continue chasing, he can only follow up the Netherworld.

However, as an official force, once they crossed the border without permission, they regarded it as a war against the underworld.

They can't afford this risk.

Along the way, Ye Hong let people throw away all the items purchased in the Dicheng District.

Along the way, there was a kind of embarrassment and suffocation in Liu Bei's defeat to Xinye.

It is a pity that Zhuge Liang of Bowangpo was not burned for Yehong.

Ye Hong secretly vowed that he would never let this suffocation repeat itself.

He wants to become stronger and stronger!

As Tang Delie told him before he left, he must never come back until he is strong enough.

The goal is to go beyond the left!

Just as a pedestrian was approaching the border, it suddenly rained in the sky.

"This rain is so weird that it is just above our head..."

Shou Hu looked at the sky scoldingly.

Because everything is thrown away on the road, there is no umbrella for the pedestrians.

But Xing XVII reminded blankly: "Be careful."

Not only her but Ye Hong also noticed the anomaly.

Raindrops dripping on his body even gave out a faint aroma.

And this taste, Ye Hong once smelled on the mountainside of Taiyi Mountain.

The raindrops in the sky suddenly and suddenly gathered, and gathered into a water-colored dragon.

The water dragon landed and turned into a human figure.

Short stature and dark complexion.

The wrinkles on the surface, like old tree rings, circle after circle.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like an old farmer.

But it was such an unremarkable old man, but his body kept pouring like a wave of breath.

He simply stood there, as if thousands of waves were rushing head-on.

Especially the tan wine bag in his hand seems to have nothing to do with it.

The residual rain falling in the sky was absorbed by the wine bag.

"Drunk! God! Public!"

Ye Hong looked cold and solemn, saying one word at a time.

The men were shocked when they heard it.

This person was the drunken prince that Ye Hong had met on the mountainside of Taiyi Mountain, and stood side by side with Yi Wang Jian and Yue Dao Xian and Beast Jun Niu Zhen!

Drunk Heavenly Duke, among the rumored Taiyi Sanxian, is the oldest, oldest and most mysterious one.

He was like a shadow, unpredictable.

If it weren't the event of inverse immortality, he would not appear in front of the world.

Undoubtedly, Drunken God is an unwavering supporter of the left.

Otherwise, that day will not stop Yue Dao Xian and Niu Zhen with Yi Wang Jian.

At the moment when Drunk Heaven appeared, Ye Hong couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Unexpectedly, Zuo Mian attached so much importance to him that even the strong men of the level of Tai Yi San Xian were sent out.

If he did not have some personal relations with Yi Wang Jian, maybe even Wang Yi Jian will be sent together!

If you let the outside world know that an 18-year-old boy can have this kind of treatment, it must be shocked.

Xing XVII came to Yehong and stared at Zui Tiangong side by side.

The face that was calm at all times was inevitably dignified.

After the battle last night, Ye Hongshi couldn't help it, so he asked Xing 17's level on the road.

He thought that Xing Xian wouldn't say it, but unexpectedly told himself.

It's just that Star Seventeen hasn't been certified by the Dojo, so I don't know the specific level, but I am vaguely aware that I have the strength equivalent to Fengxianjing.

But even if Xing Xian is a fairyland, even if she is not restricted by antiquity, she can never be a long-known opponent of Taiyisanxian.

After all, as a strong level of the fairy monarch, Drunken God is also not restricted by antiquity!

After Dr. Zui Tiangong landed, he looked at Yehong without a word.

The eyes that traversed the red dust seemed to flash coldly.

Ye Hong suddenly sighed.

Wouldn't this old man want to kill him directly here? !

Just when Ye Hong came up with this idea, Zui Tiangong was already doing it directly.

The wine bag in his hand lifted, and the world was suddenly shaken.

A small stream immediately flowed out of the wine bag and quickly expanded.

From the thickness of the finger, it instantly expanded into a torrential flood.

It seems that a river of heaven is coming, drowning towards Yehong and the others!

Star 17 raised his hands, and the phoenix reappeared last night, flying towards the flood!

However, the flood seemed to have the power of annihilation, and instantly swallowed the Phoenix of Fire.

The violent force even spread to Xing XVII.

After a grunt, Xing 17's hands softened, and he instantly lost his combat ability!

The strength gap between the two is as far away as heaven and earth!

The two dogs roared and turned into a tyrant Tyrannosaurus rex form, hit the flood.

But the huge body seems to hit the mountain wall.

After a whimper, it turned into the original form and was washed to the foot of Yehong by the flood.

The whole body was wet, and blood oozed out of the feathers, which looked very desolate.

No way, after all, here is still under the nine-fold immortal seal, the two dogs can only be transformed temporarily.

But even if it can be transformed forever, it is estimated that it cannot withstand the drunken god.

Drunk Heavenly Master was just one move, and instantly defeated the two major forces on Yehong's side.

Qiankun is in the bag, and Tianhe is rolling!

Taiyi and Sanxian, after all, it is not a wave of fame!

After Xing 17 and Ergou fell down one after another, there was only one line of defense for Ye Hong.

But those behind were full of anxiety.

After all, even Yehong, in the absence of antiquity, and in the case that Yekai has not been repaired, what can they do?

Hold the sword and rush to level A?

Ye Hong certainly won't be so stupid.

Even if there is no antiquity, he still has a secret weapon.

Now that you are planning to leave the fairyland, there is no need to hide it anymore!

"Fat meat!"

With a whisper of emptiness, the plain was suddenly occupied by a huge white figure.


The always silent Zui Tiangong's face finally showed a look of surprise.

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