Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2857: Smoking is harmful to your health

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"What is the son of the catastrophe? Can it be eaten?"

Linglong, a foodie interested only in eating, had already heard sleepy for a while and asked with a yawn.

But Yehong was silently staring at Chiyu.

In addition to Fu Jing Ni, mysterious woman in white dress, and Moon Sword Immortal, Chi Yu is the fourth to call him that.

"What does it mean, Son of Tribulation?"

Ye Hong sighed slightly, and asked out the confusion in his heart.

"Sorry, I don't know what it means. I only know that you must be the son of the catastrophe."

Chi Yu smiled.

Mom, what kind of wonderful logic is this?

Seeing Ye Hong's face hurt, Chi Yu continued: "Because of your identity, someone told me thousands of years ago.

He told me that one day the son of the Great Tribulation would descend on the meteorite ruins and become the savior of our meteorite clan.

I didn't expect the old lady to wait for a thousand years because of his first sentence! "

Ye Hong's heart was cold again.

Thousands of years ago, someone predicted that he would come to the meteorite clan?

Who is so good?

When he inquired about the identity of the man, Chiyu's index finger rested on his chin and recalled: "A black robe, masked, mysterious, and often holding a bamboo stick in his hand...

By the way, he is the "Emperor Immortal Emperor" of your human race, you should know it, right? "

Yehong's expression suddenly became weird.

Of course, the Great Immortal Emperor knew that it was the peerless strongman who was born in the Thousand Years and set up the Ninefold Immortal Seal in the Immortal Domain to protect the human race.

But Ye Hong also knew another name for the Great Immortal Emperor.

So Ye Hong asked with a weird look: "Is that Emperor Xianyin a fat old man, and his voice is rather whimsical?"

"Yes, yes, that's what you said." Chi Yu nodded again and again.

Ye Hong already has 99%... No... Be confident... 100% sure that the person in Chiyu's mouth is Xuanyuan!

Black robe masked, like playing bamboo sticks, old and fat and frivolous...

I'm afraid it's impossible to find the second person who meets the conditions!

Therefore, the fact that Xuanyuan is Emperor Xianyin is almost true.

It's no secret that Xuanyuan will divine.

The meteorite clan had left a prophecy pit for a thousand years, and it was also what the old man could do.


"Why are you sure that I am the son of the catastrophe?" Ye Hong asked doubtfully.

"Because Emperor Xianyin told me that the Son of the Great Tribulation has a unique feature.

That is the ability of the Son of Tribulation to master different races!

That day I probed your body and found the breath of Xianwu and Divine Skills in your body at the same time, so I immediately determined that you were the son of the Great Tribulation! "

Hearing Chi Yu's words, Ye Hong was also dumbfounded.

He once thought he could learn other racial abilities, relying on system help.

But for now, there seems to be some other reason behind it.

It's just that this is not the time to investigate this cause.

"That **** old man, and arbitrarily divination other people's future, is really a beating."

Yehong clenched his fists tightly, with a look of contempt.

"Yes, yes, it turned out to be a long time waiting for a thousand years!

If you see him, you must beat him for me! "Chi Yu also squeezed her fist, and said with a vicious face.

The two people reached an instant consensus on the matter of wanting to beat Xuanyuan.

"Then speaking, how do I wake up the master forge of the fiery meteor?

You can't shout three times [I am the son of the big catastrophe], right? "

Ye Hong asked again.

"Of course not." Chiyu shook his head. "Before that, there are some things that you must let you know first."

She didn't know where to take a cigarette, and she lit it directly with the flame from her fingertips and smoked it.

"Come one?" Chi Yu took out one and wanted to hand it to Ye Hong.

"Smoking is harmful to your health." Ye Hong refused with a blank expression.

"Childish." Chiyu grunted, ignoring Yehong, looking at the sky out of the window dreamily.

The lingering smoke between fingers touched Chiyu's face, matching her expression in memory, inexplicably revealing a decadent beauty.

"Things have to start from the war thousands of years ago..."

In Chi Yu's deep voice, Ye Hong gradually learned about some meteorites.

Thousands of years ago, battles broke out in the seven domains.

From the outside world, the battle seems to be the combination of the other six domains to bully the Xianyu human race, which directly led to the decline of the human race and its near extinction.

But few people know that the war was not what the Meteorites wanted to participate in.

At that time, the Meteorite clan army inexplicably received the [Meteorite Emperor] order to attack them.

But after the war ended, the meteorite clan found out that the Meteorite had been attacked by people before the war and seriously injured.

That war order was also a fake order issued by someone secretly using his name.

Although the Emperor Meteor is not dead, he can only enter a state of sleep to recuperate.

Before Shen Mian, he prevented meteorites from stepping out of the territory of the meteorites, which is now a half step of the meteorite ruins.

At first, the meteorite clan expressed confusion, until one thing followed.

The five major races of the Nether, Protoss, Snow, Orcs, and Mechanical tribes, under the banner of revenge for the human tribes, invade the Meteorite tribe territory, not to mention the massacre of the Meteorite tribe.

Although the Meteorites feel that the five major races are shameless, it is difficult to form effective resistance.

Because they were also members of the siege of the human race, and they felt guilty.

Just as the meteorite clan retreated, the endless magma was suddenly ejected from the underground.

Magma has engulfed the armies of many five major clans, and forced the remaining five major clans to retreat.

It turned out that the magma was used by the meteor emperor sleeping in the ground to protect the will of the meteorite clan.

After that war, the meteorite clan was seriously injured.

The first tribe of the once glorious ancient world retreated to the land of the Beidou.

And strictly abide by the order of the Emperor, no communication with the outside world, continues to this day.

Thousands of years ago, the Emperor Yu was also the actual leader of the Tianshu tribe.

It's just that for thousands of years, Emperor Yu has always been sleeping.

The meteorite clan was heavily burdened and was forced to fall on the shoulder of the chief elder Chiyu of the Tianshu tribe.

Chiyu, the honorary leader, tried every possible way to wake up the Emperor Meteorite for thousands of years, but he was informed by failure.

Until the arrival of Ye Hong, he finally found the dawn.

Ye Hong heard his brows tightly.

The history book of the human race always records that the battle of the seven races thousands of years ago was a joint aggression of the six races against the human race.

But if we really said that according to Chi Yu, the battle thousands of years ago did not seem as simple as the historical records.

"and many more!"

Ye Hong listened and listened, and suddenly reacted, stunned: "So the master forge of the blazing meteor is the Meteor Emperor?!"

Chi Yu threw the cigarette **** and nodded: "Only the sleeping mum of His Majesty the Falling Emperor can wake up the uncontrolled millennium of the Meteorite."

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