Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2867: Out of control and control

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After passing through the mirror walls of the two realms, it means that the Meteorite has successfully crossed from the ancient world to the world where the blue star is located.

There is no antiquity, only the breath of Blue Star.

Because the blue star is called the new world by the ancient world, the blue star's breath is called the new air.

And the quality of the new air is a long way from the ancient air, or it will not hold back an ancient warrior for thousands of years.

This difference was expected by everyone before departure.

But because they are in a meteorite castle with plenty of ancient stones, everyone knows not much to worry about.

I don't know why, when the Meteorite met the blue star sky, it shook violently.

At the same time, the exterior scene instantly switched back to the interior scene, and the huge dragon body projection of Long Yan once again occupied the screen.

This time, his tone was filled with anxiety: "The atmosphere outside the New Territories is very wrong, it seems that something is disturbing...

This seat...permission...change..."

The image of Long Yan suddenly began to flash intermittently, and the voice was intermittent, just like when suddenly watching a high-definition movie.

However, they do not have the option to switch the clarity!

In addition, the robots in the room seem to have lost their supplies, their body functions are stopped and started from time to time, and they are in a state of confusion.

This scene surprised everyone.

Only Chiyu remained calm, but she also looked serious: "Your Majesty's meaning, I can understand it roughly.

His current position is too far away from the Meteorite, and his dominance over the Meteorite is also weakening.

It should have been enough, but there seems to be a problem with the atmosphere of the New Territories.

and so......"

Chi Yu faced everyone: "Your Majesty's words are not finished, it should be to let us here take over his control of the blazing meteor!"

Everyone knew this.

"But who has that ability?" Ming Yuan asked loudly.

The rest of the people reminded me that the Meteorite is not an ordinary artifact.

As the top powerhouse, Meteorite is naturally no problem in controlling the Meteorite.

But what about them?

A group of people's eyes, subconsciously focused on the gentle Chiyu.

Because of all people, they have the highest level of strength.

"I'll try it first, after all, I am also a meteorite clan."

Chiyu put her hand on the glass screen.

Soon, a text prompt appeared on the screen.

[Detected registration of new identity information, current permission level: super giant level. 】

Everyone's eyes lit up, is it possible to have a show?

However, Chiyu shook his head with regret and said: "The permission levels of our meteorite clan artifacts are divided from low to high, entry level-small level-medium level-large level-giant level-super Giant and interstellar."

The greater the authority, the larger the size of the ancient artifacts you can control and the higher the level.

The powerful interstellar artifacts such as the Meteorite Meteorite cannot be completely controlled by me.

Everyone was so disappointed that they could only look at the tenderness.

Gentle also tried to put his hands up, and the result was only super giant.

At this time, the shock of the Meteorite is getting stronger.

Even the castle at his feet began to vibrate uncomfortably, causing everyone in the room to shake.

"It seems that dead horses can only be used as live horse doctors."

Chiyu looked cold and said softly: "Wait a moment, we two super giants will control together to see if there are any miracles."

Gentle did not respond, but looked at Ye Hong who had not spoken.

At this time, Ye Hong actually stretched out his hand on the glass screen.

"Don't succeed, this is not such a small ancient tool as Xianchu Siju."

Chiyu frowned.

Ye Hong whispered: "Who told you that I only have one of the most famous artifacts of the fairy cook..."

In fact, in addition to the four master chefs.

Yehong also possessed many ancient artifacts such as the Snow Emperor's Ark, the Imperial Palace, the Mithril Leo, and the Condensed Crane Field, which Chiyu did not know about.

It is not the first time that Ye Hong has done this kind of thing.

He put his hands on the car with ease, and he saw a line slowly appearing on the screen.

[Detected registration of new identity information, current permission level: no superior. 】

Chi Yu's eyes suddenly shrank.

The rest of the people were stunned.

"Sister Chiyu, what level is that superior?"

Ming Yuan asked, scratching his head.

Because in the series of levels that Chiyu just mentioned, there is no such level as superior.

And Chiyu looked at Yehong strangely: "There is no superior, it is a legendary level.

At this level, you can have all control permissions for any artifact.

But this is the first time I have seen a superior..."

"So perverted?!"

Ming Yuan was dumbfounded, and then looked at Ye Hong suspiciously: "Brother Ye, do you really have no leg with the founding emperor?"

Although it is not the first time that other people have seen Yehong's evildoers, it is inevitable that they are in a daze at the moment.

Ye Hong kicked away Ming Yuan and stared at him in front of him.

The rest were shocked by this, but Ye Hong was still feeling calm.

Because as early as when the Snow Ark first recognized the Lord, Ye Hong was already without superior authority.

Although he does not know what the superior does not represent, as long as he does not prevent him from controlling the fiery meteor under his feet!

After the authority authentication is completed, a familiar menu pops up on the screen.

The style of the menu is not much different from the ancient artifacts of the Snow King's Ark. They are all of the touch module type.

But the number of menu functions is far more than those of ancient artifacts.

The dazzling menu is filled with all glass screens on the tenth floor.

"Click [Energy Stability] module first, then click [Meteor Guard]..."

Chi Yu on the side has recovered from the shock and instructed Ye Hong to select the menu.

Because of these menus, only Ye Hong can operate.

Then Ye Hong followed the instructions of Chi Yu, step by step, took control of the out-of-control blazing meteorites back.

Beyond the Blazing Meteor, an energy shield was deployed.

These shields isolate the chaotic new air from the outside, while releasing pure ancient air inside, so that the Meteorite has a stable operating environment.

The jitter disappeared and the world was calm.

Robots such as the crashed Meteor Explorer have also returned to normal.

However, the image of Longyan no longer appeared, as if it was isolated in another time and space.

"Then it's almost ready to land."

Chi Yu was relieved to see Ye Hong successfully controlling the Meteorite.

"This time, select the [Sub-device launch] module, then select the sub-device number and landing location."

Chiyu said again.

After Yehong clicked the module, eleven numbers appeared in front of him.

The numbers range from [Meteor One] to [Meteor 11].

It must have corresponded to the eleven meteorites outside the castle.

Ye Hong chose Meteor Eleven based on the number she liked.

Then he took the crowd to leave the main fortress, preparing to go to take the Meteor Eleventh Son.

This time, Ye Hong really wants to return to Blue Star!

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