Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2921: Some things, you are not qualified to touch

The people in the box did not have Liu Yupeng's unexpected admiration, but looked disgusted.

"Gosh, in what ages do people still use such native tricks?"

"It's unsanitary to hide it in the cake."

"And the cream is still on the box, it looks disgusting."

"This..." Even Li Muya looked at the box in embarrassment.

Liu Yupeng's cheeks twitched again and again. It seemed that he did not expect that the scene he carefully prepared not only was not touched, but also mocked.

Immediately reached out and grabbed the box, with an angry expression: "I'll open!"

When he opened the box, there was a silver necklace lying in it.

This time, the girls finally no longer disliked, but made a whimper.

Liu Yupeng's complexion finally looked good, and he proudly said, "This is what I brought back from Lanxi.

how about it? Does it fit Mu Ya's temperament? "

He can't wait to urge: "Muya, put it on and try it!"

Li Muya frowned: "I don't have the habit of wearing jewelry, and this gift is too expensive, I can't accept it..."

Liu Yupeng's face suddenly stiffened.

Perhaps he could not have imagined that there are still women in this world who do not like wearing jewelry.

But where did he understand that Li Muya was a beautiful face, too much jewelry would cover her pure beauty.

So Li Muya has never liked or used to wear jewelry.

In the eyes of everyone, Liu Yupeng had a feeling of flattering on the horseshoe.

Ye Hong also shook his head secretly.

I have to say that Liu Yupeng is really good at chasing girls.

It's a pity that I met Li Muya who was so different from ordinary girls.

Anyone who has spent time with Yehong has no vision or pattern that ordinary people can match.

Liu Yupeng's little means that can touch most girls, but will not make Li Muya's heart a little uproar.

On the contrary, Li Muya will also cause resentment.

Liu Yupeng was annoyed by Li Muya's refusal. At this moment, Ye Hong saw his head shaking his head, and his heart suddenly burst into an unknown fire.

"Yes, it's all because of you bastard!"

"If it weren't for you to kick in, Mu Ya would have been my person!"

Liu Yupeng roared in his heart, but in his mouth he asked strangely: "My gift is not as good as Mu Ya's, I recognized it.

But someone seems to have not prepared a gift. "

Following Liu Yupeng's sight, everyone could only see Ye Hong.

It is self-evident who this sentence is aimed at.

Before Ye Hong opened his mouth, Li Muya said first: "The store... A Hong, he can see me and it is the best gift for me."

When he spoke, he looked at Yehong shyly and timidly.

This expression made Liu Yupeng burst into jealousy again and again.

Why? !

Why can this guy be treated as special as Li Muya? !

On the other side, Ye Hong said slightly: "Who said I did not prepare a gift for Mu Ya?"

Everyone was shocked.

Then he found that Ye Hong stood up and took out an object from behind like a trick.

He handed it to Li Muya and smiled: "I'm not as rich as Liu Dashao, I can't prepare any silver necklace, I can only give you this handicraft.

Won't you dislike it? "

I saw Yehong took it out, but it was a slap-like hand-made statue.

On the statue is a lifelike little man.

I don't know if it's an illusion. Everyone always feels that the people on the statue are almost the same as Ye Hong.

"Yeah, so fine craftsmanship."

Several girls stared at the statue and couldn't put it down.

And several boys looked behind Yehong with wide eyes, as if looking for where Yehong took out such a thing.

Li Muya looked at the face on the statue exactly like Ye Hong and suddenly smiled: "Thank you, this is the most meaningful gift I have ever received in my life."

With that, he carefully held the statue in his hand.

With two eyes staring at the statue with Jingmang, it seems that you can't see enough.

As for the necklace sent by Liu Yupeng, it is still in Liu Yupeng's hands, as if he was forgotten by Li Muya outside Jiuxiaoyun.

Seeing this scene, Liu Yupeng shivered with rage.

He grumbled: "Isn't it just a broken statue? I can buy thousands of them with my finger!"

Li Muya withdrew his eyes and looked at the statue seriously, looking at Liu Yupeng seriously: "Student Liu Yupeng, there are some things that cannot be measured by money!

Like this statue, in my eyes, it is thousands of times more precious than your necklace! "

Liu Yupeng's face was changed by Li Muya's words.

The more Li Muya praised the statue, the more vigorous the envious fire was in Liu Yupeng's heart.

Finally, the jealousy in his heart rose to his mind and completely burned his remaining reason.

With a strange cry, he reached out and snatched the statue from Li Muya's hand.

"I just broke this broken statue, how can you praise him!"

As he said, he had to hold the statue high and fall **** the ground.

At this scene, everyone was exclaimed.

Li Muya also shouted anxiously: "Liu Yupeng, you stop!"

"Humph! Want me to stop?" Liu Yupeng's face was ugly. Obviously, he was completely sane and shouted at Li Muya: "Then you beg me!"

Li Muya has not spoken yet, and Ye Hong said lightly: "There are some things that you are not qualified to touch."

His words seemed to carry a kind of magical magic.

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Yupeng suddenly screamed.

At this time, Liu Yupeng only felt a hot and high temperature from the statue in his hand.

A mass of magma wrapped in his hands, making him scream like a pig.

No longer able to hold the statue in his hand, he threw it out directly and was caught lightly by Ye Hong.

The sudden change also attracted the attention of others.

Everyone looked at Liu Yupeng's hands with wide eyes, but found that there was a burn mark on his palm, which was obviously burnt.

Is it the problem of that statue?

Everyone looked at the statue caught by Ye Hong again, but found that Ye Hong was holding it like no one else.

Moreover, Li Muya had no problem holding the statue before.

So why was Liu Yupeng burned while holding the statue?

Everyone was startled, and suddenly remembered Ye Hong's sentence just now.

"There are some things that you are not qualified to touch."

Reminiscent of the weird scene that took place in Liu Yupeng's hands, everyone's eyes suddenly looked horrified at the statue.

Ye Hong saw the reaction of everyone and laughed inwardly.

The statue he gave to Li Muya is certainly not a normal statue.

Rather, when the meteorite clan resolved the crisis of the Tianxuan tribe, the residents of the Tianxuan tribe expressed their gratitude to the statue that Ye Hong had specially presented.

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