Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2942: The lion falls in the New Territories

When Ye Hong heard this voice, his body shuddered directly.

Nima! Forget the red jade that tigress is still playing in the control center!

And Ye Hong also gave her some control permissions!

"End the calf!"

Yehong flicked and flew directly towards the control center.

However, when he reacted, it was too late.

Chiyu's voice has been transmitted from the island and flew to the fleet opposite.

There are many races in the ancient world, but the language is unified.

Because when the founding emperor created the ancient world, he brought the ancestors of Blue Star.

The ancestors of Blue Star spoke the ancient Yan language.

Although developed several times later, the ancient Yan language is undoubtedly the official language of the ancient world.

This is why there was no language barrier after Ye Hong went to the ancient world.

Therefore, the three words that Chiyu replied to were also in the ancient Yan Guo language.

The Yan Guo ancient language is not much different from the modern language.

"Fan Sile?"

After hearing these three words, Marchildo asked the people around him: "What language is this, and who knows?"

A group of men shook their heads again and again.

Ye Qi, who hadn't been driven far, also heard these three words.

As soon as his eyes lit up, he yelled in surprise: "It is Yan Mandarin! There are Yan Chinese on the island!"

Ye Qi's words surprised the people on the shore.

Is this miraculous moving island actually controlled by the Yan people?

Is there anything in this world that the Yan people can't do? !

However, Machildo heard this, but it was another feeling.

"Yan people?!"

He stared at the island, his eyes flashing.

"Sure enough, the Yan people really came!"

"This mobile island must be the latest military fortress invented by the Yan people!"

"Never let this fortress be close to the United States!"

He took a deep breath and ordered to the fleet: "The shells are loaded, let me bomb!"


All warships began to prepare to launch shells.

Ye Qi looked dumbfounded, and then shouted: "Marchildo, are you crazy?"

"It's you who are crazy!" Macildo looked back coldly at Qi Qiyi. "You, Yan Yan's dog, close your mouth!"

"Marchildo, you will definitely pay for your actions!" Ye Qi coldly warned.

"Humph! I'm protecting the United States!"

Machildo said impatiently: "Come here, hurry away this annoying fly, the farther the better."

When Machildo's men went to banish the night of the night, the long-suffering Mafia men immediately gathered around and shoved each other with them.

However, Marchildo no longer paid attention to the situation behind him, but looked at the island with great eyes: "Huh! Today, the Yan people must realize that who is the boss of the world naval battle!"

"Report to the general, the shells are loaded, please instruct!"


"Boom Boom--"

One after another, the shells with red flames bombarded toward the island.

On the west coast, every pair of eyes followed these shells.

They watched the shells leave the fleet with their own eyes, watched the shells fly into the sky, watched the shells...

Stayed in the air!

That's right, it seems that there is a pair of invisible hands that directly fix the shells in the air!

This strange scene almost made everyone on the West Coast stare.

"God, are you sure you are not kidding me?"

Marchildo kept rubbing his eyes, his face stunned.

In the control center at this time, Ye Hong was also relieved.

He finally hurried back and activated the magnetic system in the control center.

Those shells were fixed in the air by a strong magnetic force.

"My grandma, can you change your temper?" Ye Hong rolled his eyes at Chiyu.

Chi Yu was disdainful: "I said a word, but fired directly across.

This little bug is so arrogant, can you bear it? "

Ye Hong faced Shen Rushui and shook his head.

Of course he couldn't bear it.

In any case, these shells were launched at the destruction of the island!

In this case, Ye Hong no longer has to be polite with the opposite!

He flipped his fingers and quickly gave instructions on the control menu.

The Lion King Magnetic Island is a super-giant artifact of the same level as the Dengxian Emperor's Court, and has many functions.

However, because there are not many ancient stones on the island, there are many functions that are not useful today.

Fortunately, a magnetic system is enough.

When Ye Hong issued the order, an invisible mechanical magnetic field spread outside the Lion King Magnetic Island and enveloped the fleet towards the shore.


Regardless of the main gun and sub-guns on the fleet, they spun uncontrollably and aimed at each other!

This scene scared everyone inside and outside the fleet pale.

"What are you doing?!"

Marcheldo shouted black on the shore.

"General, we don't know what happened!"

Not waiting for them to recover from the shock, the shells that were originally stuck in the air suddenly flew back together, aiming directly at the major battleships!


The soldiers finally collapsed completely, escaped one by one from the battleship, and jumped into the sea one after another.

All of a sudden, the sea is full of jumping figures, which is not spectacular.

"Boom Boom--"

The shells dropped mercilessly, destroying the major battleships.

"My fleet..."

Machildo knelt down weakly, looking desperately at the burning warships on the sea.

"It's over, it's all over..."

Machildo gave himself a slap hard, annoyed, and regretted not listening to Ye Qi's warning.

Nothing to provoke Yan Guo to do! ?

The people on the west coast saw the invincible Zhenpinghai Fleet destroyed and frightened.

On the shore, a mess.

On the magnetic island of the lion king at this time, Ye Hong looked blankly toward the shore: "I want to see which one did not have long eyes to order the firing."

He suddenly shouted: "Little Thunder~"


"Get over here."

The black lion shadow rolled up the dust and rolled to the foot of Yehong.

Thunderbolt's face was irresistible, and I didn't know how Yehong planned to torture him this time.

"I remember you can swim, right?"

Ye Hong stepped on the back of the thunderbolt and said lightly: "Go, drive me ashore."

"I hope that today the waves will be 100 and drown you!"

When Thunder's heart was cursed, his back was sinking again, as if he was crushed by a hill of a dozen tons.

Chi Yu also stepped on the back of the thunderbolt and smiled: "I will go too."

When the thunderbolt was almost breathless, even the two dogs jumped on his back and jumped on the ground excitedly.

He has been a mount for a lifetime, but today he can experience the feeling of sitting on another person once, can he not be excited?

"Hulu Pingyang was bullied by dogs, and Shiluo New Territories were ridden by cranes! Ooo..."

Full of grief and indignation, Thunderbolt swam towards the shore.

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