Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2947: The ancestor is powerful, the ancestor is gone

The ancestors of Flying Fish made the people of Flying Fish Gate excited.

A pair of eyes, as if engraved with the word treasure.

They smiled greedily and approached the **** crane.

It's a pity that I kept my weapons there in order to save my life when I was in the sea market.

So now we can only approach the **** crane with bare hands.

But they still have no fear.

Because behind them, there is a strong man holding a magic knife like Flying Fish Patriarch!

The **** crane didn't seem to be aware of the danger, and still tilted his head blankly.

"Hahaha, it seems this Warcraft is not very clever, it's just God helping me!"

The flying fish ancestor laughed.

But when the people at Feiyumen surrounded the **** cranes, they saw the **** cranes open their mouths and gave a roar!


In the blink of an eye, the people at Feiyumen witnessed a **** crane transformed into a black tyrannosaurus.

In an instant, everyone seemed to be acupunctured and petrified in place.

"What, what is this?"

"Fear, dinosaur?"

This huge monster that has only been seen in books and in film and television dramas is now standing alive in front of them.

The impact on their hearts is no less than the magnitude 10 earthquake.

Just when they were stunned, the black Tyrannosaurus had a big mouth of blood, and swallowed several flying fishmen in front of it.

The remaining Feiyumen backed away in fright, and their faces were extremely pale.

"Old, old ancestor!"

This group of people hid behind the ancestor of Flying Fish, their bodies shivering uncontrollably.

The ancestor of Flying Fish was very calm and frowned: "I didn't expect the evil animal to have a means."

"But the more it is, the more proof that the treasure it guards is extraordinary!"

Patriarch Flying Fish licked his lips greedily, and the evil water magic knife in his hand pointed at the Tyrannosaurus Rex: "Sinister, let the old man come to surrender you today!"

"Old ancestor mighty!"

The Feiyumen people looked excited.


Suddenly, the black Tyrannosaurus suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed a black beam of light.

Between the sea and the sky, a black line flashed by.

In front of everyone at Feiyumen, the head of the ancestor of Feiyu had disappeared.

After the silence, everyone screamed in fear!

"Ancestor is gone!"

The Flying Fishmen were so frightened that they ran wild and fled like crazy.

Tyrannosaurus didn't continue to pursue the idea, but returned to the state of the **** crane and came to the ancestor of Flying Fish.

The headless corpse of the flying fish ancestor fell into the sea, and was swept by the waves to the distance.

If he can leave a last word, it must be this sentence-

"Why doesn't this Warcraft play according to the routine?"

Unfortunately, he never had a chance.

The ancestor of Flying Fish was washed away, but the black scimitar remained strangely in place.

A black smoke erupted from the machete, condensing into a round seal shadow.

The baby seal grinned viciously at the **** crane, as if provoking it.

But the **** crane didn't flinch with a little bit, leaving the Harazi toward the baby seal, as if the baby seal was used as food.

Just as the **** crane was about to get closer, the slim and jade hand stretched out and grabbed the hair on the neck of the **** crane directly, pulling it aside.

"This is a evil spirit. It's not delicious. You go away."

A woman in red appeared ghostly.

The **** crane groaned grievously, but he didn't dare to disobey the will of the woman in red, and stood on the side honestly.

After seeing the woman in red, the little seal with the open teeth and claws shrank as if the mouse had seen the cat, and shivered.

The woman in red reached out and raised the baby seal into the air.

The ruby ​​eyes are fixed on the baby seal, and the playful eyes seem to see through all the secrets of the baby seal.

"Huh, what's going on recently, ancient evil weapons and evil spirits have appeared together?"

But you little guy is really weak, far worse than that little lion. "

The woman in red murmured to herself, but the baby seal did not dare to move, as if it had turned into a black stone sculpture.

"Okay, don't pretend to be dead, I know you can talk."

The woman in red squinted at the baby seal.

The seal shuddered and made a moaning sound: "Senior...Don't...kill me..."

The voice is immature, like a little boy in humans.

The woman in red touched her chin: "If you want to survive, you have to prove your worth."

"I would like to recognize seniors.... Lord..."

"Oh! I'm not interested in being your master.

Forget it, let's wait until the kid from Yehong comes back, he might appreciate toys like you. "

Confused in the eyes of the young seal, he guessed who Ye Hong was in the mouth of the woman in red.

But I don't know why, he always felt panicked, as if being taken by the woman in red into the abyss step by step.

However, now he is unable to resist, and can only honestly obey the arrangement.

The woman in red is of course red jade.

Not to mention the **** crane, it is the two dogs.

Yehong lightly traveled before, leaving the lion king magnetic island on the sea, and went to the sea market alone.

But he did not expect that Flying Fish Ancestor would be greedy and caught the attention of Lion King Magnetic Island.

As a result, it goes without saying that the two dogs were sprayed to death.

Although the strength of the flying fish ancestors is advancing by leaps and bounds, it is only an ancient magician.

The distance from Ergou’s War Wonderland is a thousand miles away.

It was Ergou's greatest pity for him to complete a sentence.

When Ye Hong returned from the sea market, he was also stunned.

In this world, there are even fools who came to the door with their treasures and killed them?

Soon, Ye Hong observed the black machete.

"Ding! Trigger the guru-level identification ability, trigger the guru-level effect [God Eye Ghost Eyes]..."

"Ding! After the appraisal, the target is the ancient evil weapon [Evil Water Magic Knife].

Ancient evil weapon level: equivalent to the entry level in ancient artifacts. "

"Ding! Identify ancient evil weapon, ancient evil weapon knowledge +1, automatically update ancient evil weapon file."

Awesome is another ancient evil weapon.

Compared with the super giant level of the evil lion magnetic island, the evil water magic knife is only an entry level.

An entry-level ancient evil weapon can make Feiyumen promote to the first gate in the South China Sea, showing the strength of the ancient evil weapon.

Then the little seal next to Yehong looking innocently, needless to say, is the evil spirit of the evil water magic knife.

"Don't pretend to be innocent in front of me, it's useless."

Ye Hong lazily threw the baby seal to Perak.

Thunderbolt shook his body, ecstatic inside.

He meows such a good thing?

He was worried about how to approach the little seal, but he didn't expect Ye Hong to throw the seal directly in front of him.

But the next second, Thunderbolt was shocked.

"Something wrong, how could this kid be so kind!"

"This must be a conspiracy!"

"Meow me, fortunately, I'm cautious!"

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