Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2949: he came

South Xinjiang, seven medical education headquarters.

After the restoration of the Seventh Medical Education, Pope Moran Yee designated the ninth mountain where she once stayed as the Seventh Medical Education Headquarters.

Today, all high-level medical doctors were summoned back by Moran Ye.

"Pope, what happened to us by calling us back this time?"

In the hall, an old doctor's face was unhappy.

Although the other high-level officials did not speak, their faces were similar.

"You are called back today to greet someone."

As Moran Yeh spoke, the corners of his mouth inevitably evoked radians.

The young seniors at the scene had never seen the Pope show such a sweet smile, they were all dumbfounded.

But those old doctors do not sell Moran Ye's face.


"Our research is at a critical moment, but you called us all back in order to greet a person. Is there such a wayward pope?"

"That man, he can't succeed with the big Luo Jinxian?!"

Mo Lanye was also not annoyed and sighed: "Seniors, you are all the elders who have invited me to the Seventh Doctor to teach. How can I pit you?

I want people to see you, even though they are not Daluo Jinxian, they are more powerful than Daluo Jinxian.

With only one sentence of instructions, he can make the entire seven medical teaching lifelong. "

The old doctors all shook their heads, obviously not believing Moran Ye's exaggerated words.

At this moment, Fudge Qi rushed into the hall excitedly, breathless: "Everyone, he, he's here!"

The old doctors frowned again.

Fakichi is the deputy pope of the Seven Medical Doctors, who assists Moranye on weekdays.

But Faqi Qi's risky personality made the old doctors agree that he was not worthy of sitting in this position.

Moran Ye also stood up in surprise and said to everyone: "Let's greet him with me soon!"

He said, taking two steps in three steps and taking the lead out of the hall.

The appearance of the rush to see Qinglang made the young talents at the scene feel sour for a while.

In the past, it wasn't that nobody touched Moran Ye, the beautiful and charming beauty.

However, no matter who it was, Moran Ye was rejected thousands of miles away.

Someone secretly guessed that Moran Ye had already belonged.

However, they have never seen an intimate man appear beside Moran Ye.

Until today.

The various abnormalities of Moran Leaf made them suddenly feel a bad hunch.

The man who gave Moran Yexin the affiliation may appear today!

A group of people walked out with Moran Ye with comparative thoughts.

And those old doctors shook their heads again and again.

I couldn't help thinking of leaving the Seven Doctors.

In the afternoon sunlight, everyone saw the handsome young man.

Every move seemed to gather all the spirits of Ninth Mountain in one body, making it difficult to look away from him.

But also, that's it!

The young talents looked dull and disdainful.

There is a good leather bag in the air, and this group of arrogant geniuses will not be convinced.

The old doctors were also disappointed and shook their heads. They didn't expect Moran Ye to let them see such a hairy boy.

Moran Ye didn't notice the thoughts of the people behind him, and Fakichi stood excitedly beside the teenager.

"Along the way, southern Xinjiang has changed a lot.

Seven medical education is in your hands, and it really reassures me. "

The teenager exaggerated the two with a smile.

The simple words made Moran Ye and Faki Qi more excited.

Because the Seventh Doctor teaches, it can be said that the young man who snatched it from the Seventh Poison Master in front of him!

Therefore, the recognition of young people makes them feel that their efforts are worth it!

But the group of people behind Moran Ye didn't think so.

"It's really a show."

Someone muttered in a low voice.

Those old doctors are even more impatient.

He arched his hands and said lightly: "The old man has not finished his research yet, so I'll leave now."

No matter whether Moran Ye disagreed or not, he would leave when raising his foot.

Mo Lanye was excited just now, and forgot to introduce this group of people.

They immediately pointed to them and said, "This is Dr. Xue I invited from Dongting Province, and this is Dr. Zhang I invited from Lingnan Province..."

The people introduced were all proudly looking up, as if they didn't mean to look at the teenager at all.

The teenager smiled slightly and nodded, "Yes, the people you invited are really powerful people.

The Xue family of Dongting, with its one-handed copper needles, created a tribe to benefit the people.

The Zhang family in Lingnan, the self-made Zhang serial massage, is even more famous..."

The doctors praised by the teenagers raised their heads higher.

But the young man turned his head and shook his head: "But you all only learned the fur of fake transmission, unfortunately, unfortunately."

They couldn't bear it.

"You fart!"

"Huangmao Xiaoer, why are you talking empty words here?"

The teenager was not annoyed and pointed, pointing at someone with a small smile: "We just saw that your index finger and **** were clean between the fingers, and you knew that your hundred copper needles could not learn home.

The authentic copper needle technique uses the index finger and **** to squeeze the force, so it will leave calluses here. "

The Xue family physician suddenly froze, then looked at his hand thoughtfully.

The young man didn't stop, and then pointed at another person: "The main point of Zhang's serial massage lies in a disease.

But between your manners, dullness and stickiness, how can you succeed in inheriting the true clan learning? "

The Zhang family's doctor was shocked, and his face was horrified.

Since then, the young man's mouth has been shot like a machine gun, pointing out one by one the problems of the people present.

But he is not aimless, but the problem is precisely located!

A group of people watched the teenager's eyes suddenly turned 180 degrees.

The original contempt is no longer, only full of horror and respect.

They seem to understand Moran Ye and Faki Qi's gaffe!

This teenager deserves their treatment!

"Master, please give pointers!"

"Yes, Master, just help me. I have been trapped by this problem for more than ten years!"

Even the old doctors who had already walked away, shy their faces close to the teenager, pleading.

Instead, Moran Ye and Faki Qi were pushed out of the crowd.

Looking at these people who hadn't looked down on the teenager now seems to be kneeling down on the spot, Moran Ye and Faki Qi are both crying and laughing.

If I had known this, why did I have to do it?

"Sister, he is still so powerful."

Fakichi looked at the teenager in the crowd with admiration.

"Yeah." Mo Lanye nodded in agreement, his eyes like water, "because of his name, it is called Yehong!"

"What? The master is Ye Hong, the youngest super-class ancient doctor in the history of the Ancient Medicine Association?!"

"What? The master is the legendary hero Ye Hong who quelled the headquarters of the Seven Poisoned Ones alone?!"

After hearing the name on the scene, it was shocking.

Then, the voice of consultation in the crowd became more intense.

At this time, someone came to report: "His Pope, the practitioners of the southern ten countries have invaded southern Xinjiang, and they have arrived at the third branch of our teaching!"

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