Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2953: The true identity of the old monk of nine lights

In the past, Yehong couldn't understand the depth of the old monk of Jiudeng because of his ability and proficiency.

It just faintly knows that the strength of this old monk is likely to be above the ancient realm.

In addition, I only know that the old monk of Jiudeng once stayed in Taiyizong.

At the same time, the old monk of Jiudeng is also the founder of Modao.

I don't know anything else.

And the strength is not the same as before, and the ability to see through is not the same as before. This time he finally saw the original shape of the old monk of Jiudeng.

Yes, the old monk of Jiudeng is not a human being.

"Ding! Trigger the master-level see-through ability...

After seeing through, the current target: the giant ancient evil weapon evil spirit. "

That's right, the old monk of the Nine Lights, like Thunderbolt, Qiuqiu, and the evil-faced Buddha who was squeezed by Ye Hong not long ago, is also an ancient evil weapon and evil spirit!

This is also the reason why the old monk of Jiudeng can not eat or drink and sleep endlessly!

Ye Hong smiled bitterly and looked at the surrounding tomb space: "If you read it correctly, the ancient evil weapon is this Haoshan Hou Tomb, right?"

"Ding! Trigger the master-level appraisal ability...

After the identification, the current target: the giant ancient evil weapon [Haoshan Hou Tomb]. "


When Mu Qingjue on the side heard Ye Hong's words, her expressionless face couldn't help being surprised, and she looked at the old monk of Jiudeng.

"Hehe, don't be surprised.

With his words, Lao Na’s true identity will be seen sooner or later. "

The old monk of Jiudeng still smiled and waved to Yehong, "Come on, have a good chat."

Ye Hong did not hesitate at all, came to the altar and sat cross-legged with the old monk of Jiudeng.

Although the old monk of Jiudeng was an evil spirit, he gave Yehong a completely different feeling from the evil spirits such as Pili.

So Ye Hong was waiting for the old monk of Jiudeng to answer his questions.

"Ten thousand years ago, the ancestors returned to Blue Star and had a terrifying battle with the Xuanyuan Dynasty and Taiyizong.

In that battle, the ancestors brought a lot of ancient artifacts.

After the battle, the ancestors retreated to the ancient world, but most of the ancient artifacts were left on the battlefield of Blue Star. "

Ye Hong nodded secretly when he heard this.

He had seen relevant historical images on the recording device of Snow Emperor’s Ark.

In that battle, ancient artifacts such as the Snow Emperor's Ark, Mythril Leo, etc., were all left in all parts of the Blue Star.

Ten thousand years later, it was re-excavated.

"However, the ancient artifacts left behind have turned into a terrible disaster!"

The next sentence of the old monk of Jiudeng made Yehong stunned.

"The ancient artifacts left behind absorbed the grievances of the dead on both sides of the battlefield, causing a sudden change.

As long as those ancient artifacts with weapon spirits have turned into ancient evil weapons, the spirits in them have also become evil spirits.

The remnants of the Tai Yi sect are already powerless to kill the evil spirits, they can only stamp one by one.

But time flies, and now those seals can no longer trap the evil spirits, so the evil spirits will continue to wake up with ancient evil weapons. "

After listening to the explanation of the old monk of Jiudeng, Ye Hong suddenly realized.

It's no wonder why I have been encountering ancient evil weapons and evil spirits recently.

"Then how many ancient evil weapons were sealed at the beginning?" Ye Hong asked a key question.

The old monk of Jiudeng moved his lips slightly: "That war affected the two worlds and involved no less than 10,000 ancient artifacts. There should be thousands of ancient artifacts left behind and turned into ancient evil artifacts."

Ye Hong suddenly wanted to scold his mother.

Nima's, thousands of ancient evil weapons have awakened, isn't Blue Star going to make a complete mess?

God, can you be nice to Blue Star?

"Don't worry about the ancient evil weapons and evil spirits. Sovereign has planned for a long time, and the magma will be moved soon."

Hearing this, Ye Hong put a little bit of a snack.

The sovereign in the mouth of the old monk of Jiudeng is naturally the old man Xuanyuan.

The magma is passed down to the Taiyi sect, and it is just a professional counterpart to dealing with ancient evil weapons and evil spirits, so you should not worry too much.

"Now let's talk about Haoshan Houzhong and Lao Na."

Finally, came to the topic.

Presumably the old monk of Jiudeng specially invited Yehong here for this.

Ye Hong couldn't help but sit tightly, listening carefully.

"Haoshan Hou Tomb is the tomb of Haoshan Hou Gehao who was a disciple of Taiyizong.

However, Ge Hao left a last wish before his death, claiming that he wanted to be buried with the body of his fellow senior.

However, he overlooked one thing. "

The old monk of Jiudeng smiled bitterly: "Ge Hao has forgotten that Haoshan Hou Zhongben was transformed from ancient artifacts.

It just so happened that the bodies of those Tai Yi sect disciples were buried here, and the grievances that they condensed were nowhere to be discharged, and evil spirits were born over time.

That's right, that evil spirit is Old Na. "

The old monk of Jiudeng looked far away and sighed: "Fortunately, the lord has noticed the strangeness here.

He thought about Haoshan Hou Gehao's affection, did not kill Lao Na, but used powerful means to forcibly seal the viciousness in Lao Na's body.

From then on, Lao Na’s half-body tool spirit, half-body evil spirit, one thought became immortal, and one thought became demon...

In order to show this kindness, Lao Na has been guarding the Haoshan Houzhong for thousands of years, just to prevent outsiders from disturbing these passing disciples of Taiyizong. "

Ye Hong was silent and couldn't help feeling a touch of emotion in his heart.

It turned out that this was the beginning of the birth of the old monk of Jiudeng.

Xuanyuan must have regarded the old monk of Jiudeng as the only sustenance to miss Haoshanhou, so he helped the old monk of Jiudeng.

The old monk of Jiudeng also guarded the mausoleum for thousands of years to repay his kindness.

Love and meaning, but so.

"So... the evil spirit still has a chance to regain its normal spirit?" After sighing, Ye Hong said inwardly.

He thought of the ball.

The old demon of Pili has been hopeless, but the ball still has room for transformation.

The old monk Jiudeng nodded and said, "It's difficult, but there is still a chance."

Although the old monk of Jiudeng said it was difficult, Ye Hong did not give up.

At least I knew that Old Man Xuanyuan had a way, so I looked back and found a chance to knock him sap and torture this way.

"What Lao Na wants to tell you now is the topic of today."

The expression of the old monk of Jiudeng suddenly became serious.

Ye Hong couldn't help but be suspicious.

The above two things are not considered the topic, how terrifying is what the old monk of Jiudeng wants to say?

His expression became more serious.

"You know, Lao Na created his own magic way.

But Lao Na did not create in vain, but was inspired by the evil spirit of the other half of his body.

Because of Lao Na's special body, he can clearly observe the details of the evil spirit's body.

And in those details, Lao Na discovered a new kind of breath, called [Magic Qi]! "

Ye Hong's heart suddenly shook.

Inside the Haoshan Tomb, there was a gust of wind.

There seemed to be a chill, freezing Ye Hong's body and mind.

It is difficult for Yehong to describe this strange feeling in words.

It was like stepping into a deep pool of cold water in the midst of a cold winter, surrounded by endless terror.

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