Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2981: Qianniu Xiongguan, weird veteran

On the plateaus on both sides, like two giant statues standing abruptly on the boundary line.

And the long and narrow canyon in front of me is like a giant sword that forcibly opens up a passage through the plateau, forming the wonder of "a line of sky".

Before the gorge, there stood a majestic checkpoint.

The mottled exterior wall fell off seven or eighty.

However, from some details, we can vaguely see the magnificent momentum of this Xiongguan.

This level is called [Hanshan Pass], and it was a well-known level on the boundary between the meteorite tribe and the mechanical tribe thousands of years ago.

Around this level, many stories have happened between the two races.

But with the decline of the meteorite family, these stories have all turned into the past.

What used to be the first border crossing is now in decline.

However, this Xiongguan is still in the hands of the mechanical race.

It's just that the meteorite clan in the south is not threatened, so the mechanical clan did not send too much force here.

Before the level, there was only an unsentimental electronic composite sound.

"If you want to pass, please verify your identity."

With the sound, an old machine like a small TV flew down from the high wall.

The shaky appearance seemed to fall apart in the next second.

Yehong turned on his appraisal ability and confirmed that the machine was not dangerous before letting the machine approach with confidence.

Red searchlights were uploaded from the machine and swept over everyone.

The electronically synthesized sound just now sounded again.

"Verification is complete...verification is complete...verification...drop-"

The verification of the first few people did not cause any problems.

But as soon as the ground beacon and Lishuo were detected, the small TV suddenly flickered and a piercing alarm sounded: "Meteorite found! Meteorite found! Meteorite found!"

Everyone was stunned. They didn't expect the two meteorite clan to make the machine react so much.

But when I think about it carefully, I can roughly think of the reason.

After all, this was once a checkpoint used by the mechanical clan to guard against the meteorite clan, and it is understandable that the reaction to the meteorite clan was fierce.

However, understanding should be understood, and this machine still cannot be a bad thing.

Ye Hong silently took his hand out of his pocket, preparing to force the machine to quiet down.

Unexpectedly, the machine did not take any radical next steps. It just turned to the only mechanical clan star seventeen in the crowd, and asked: "The mechanical clan, these two meteorite clan, are your entourage. ?"

Star Seventeen didn't know how to answer, Chao Yehong looked at it.

Ye Hong winked at her and motioned for her to nod.

Star Seventeen did so and nodded towards the machine.

In the next second, the machine flew directly back into the wall.

Immediately afterwards, the closed door slowly opened to everyone.

Upon seeing this, Ye Hong put his hand back in his pocket, and led everyone into the barrier.

In the crowd, Di Feng and Li Shuo looked a little unhappy, and seemed unsatisfied to be regarded as Xing Seventeen's followers.

But in the gloomy environment, no one noticed their expressions.

Ye Hong noticed this detail, but he just tickled the corner of his mouth and said nothing.

After entering the level, the temperature dropped sharply.

Fortunately, everyone had already prepared and put on thick coats in advance.

Compared to the outside world, the canyon in the level is darker, almost reaching the point where you can't see your fingers.

The biting cold wind blew from the end of the canyon, blowing a strange sound in the narrow passage.

Like a baby crying, like a kid screaming.

Li Man was a little afraid of this scene, and subconsciously reached out and held Ye Hong's corner.

Li Shuo's body couldn't help but approach Difeng.

It seems to confirm a famous saying that no matter how strong the appearance is, it is difficult to overcome the fear of darkness and ghosts in the heart.

"Student Yehong, will this be haunted?"

Li Man asked cautiously behind Ye Hong.

"Hey! You women are really timid." Ming Yuan looked disdainful, "How can this kind of place make trouble..."

Before the words fell, a green eyeball suddenly lit up in the darkness, staring at everyone!

At that moment, Ming Yuan got goosebumps all over his body and screamed, "There is a ghost!!"

Li Man couldn't help it anymore, and screamed, hugging Yehong tightly from behind.

Difeng and Lishuo were not so scared at first, but were frightened by the sharp screams of the two, and then became scared.

For a time, all four of them were in the canyon.

Ye Hong was speechless, patted Li Man on the shoulder, laughing and crying: "Don't worry, there are no ghosts."

He looked at Ming Yuan with contempt again: "Don't you Ming Clan often deal with corpses? Why are you afraid of ghosts?"

"Corps, corpses are corpses, ghosts are ghosts, can it be the same?!"

Ming Yuan looked ahead and his voice trembled.

Because in the darkness, the green eyeball is getting closer.

He even couldn't help but sacrifice to Ming Ze, ready to blast towards that eyeball.

Upon seeing this, Ye Hong directly grabbed Ming Yuan and shook his head and said: "Look clearly, they are not a ghost at all, but a genuine machine race!"

Ming Yuan was taken aback for a moment, staring at them.

Sure enough, as the green eyeballs approached, a human-shaped silhouette came into view.

I saw this "human" body rickety, and its appearance was covered by rusty iron skin, like an iron man who might fall apart at any time.

The green eyeballs are the eyes of this tin man.

But the Tin Man had only this eye, and the other half was only a hollow.

As Yehong said, this Tin Man is indeed a mechanical race.

However, it is the lowest-level existence in the machine family.

This kind of machinery family is usually assembled from mechanical waste.

That's why his appearance looks so shabby, far less mellow and natural than the high-level mechanical clan like Xing Seventeen.

And like this kind of low-level machine clan, the intelligence is usually not high, but the obedience is high, and they are generally used as low-level workers and low-level fighters.

The moment he saw this mechanical clan, Ye Hong also had a guess about his identity.

If nothing else, this mechanical clan should be a mechanical veteran.

For some reason, stayed in Hanshan Pass.

And even though he knew he was not a ghost, after all, he was crippled, and Li Man and the others couldn't help retreating.

"The young people nowadays are really rude..."

The mechanical clan stopped and made an old dry voice.

Ye Hong also felt that they were too much. He took a step forward and apologized: "I'm sorry.

Dare to ask the name of the senior? "

"You young man is pretty good."

The Mechanical Race praised Ye Hong and shook his head: "I can't talk about the name of the surname, just call me Tie Jiuqian."

Ye Hong nodded and introduced himself.

Of course, for unnecessary trouble, he used a pseudonym, which is the name of Ye Yun.

At the same time, what flashed in my mind was the knowledge about the name of the machine clan.

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