Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2997: You don't deserve to sit on my sword

After Jade Sword Jia **** the evil spirits, he looked at Ye Hong.

With a blank face, he asked, "You just saved my mechanical clan soldier, what kind of remuneration do you want?"

The words of Lord Jade Sword Jia made everyone on the wasteland come back to life one after another.

Those southern soldiers at this time, only then remembered that Ye Hong was the first to rescue them.

If it weren't for Yehong's spell to stop those ancient evil weapons, they wouldn't insist on the arrival of Lord Jade Sword Jia.

At this time, after regaining his senses, he immediately bowed to Ye Hong gratefully.

Even the soldiers on the north side saluted Ye Hong and the others.

Since the battlefield is false, the soldiers on the north and south are naturally not enemies, but robes on the same side.

Ye Hong rescued the southern soldiers, and at the same time received gratitude from the northern soldiers.

At this time, the pedestrian from the Nickel House obviously hadn't figured out what happened.

Especially Nickel Nine, even more confused.

She still didn't understand why Yu Jianjia, the leader of the north, would thank Ye Hong for being rescued by the southern soldiers?

Hearing what Yujian Jia said, Nijiu was jealous and puzzled.

After all, this is the top powerhouse of the mechanical clan, Jade Sword Jiajun, who offered to give Yehong a reward.

The people brought by the guards were calm about it.

The guard glanced at Ni Jiu, who had a wonderful expression on his face, and said lightly: "Now you still suspect that Yehong and the others are spies?"

Ni Jiu's body shook, and he couldn't speak.

Ye Hong also heard the words of Jade Sword Jia.

According to the original plan, they should have left the frontline battlefield and collected materials.

The appearance of the evil spirit, the word Great Tribulation in Jun Yujianjia's mouth... made Yehong change his mind.

He wanted to know how much Jade Sword Jia knew about the Great Tribulation!

So Ye Hong gradually became firm, and said every word: "The reward I want is to go with you to see Lord Bailongjia!"


Jade Sword Jia obviously did not expect Ye Hong to make such a strange request.

His eyes condensed slightly, and for the first time he seriously looked at Ye Hong and the people around him.

Looking at it, his eyes became increasingly surprised.

Like the original White Dragon Jiajun, he also discovered the peculiarities in this team.

Especially the humanoid machine clan who had been staring at him, made Jun Jade Sword Jia's heart shocked.


He frowned and stared in that direction.

It seemed that he wanted to say something, but suddenly he shook his head and said to himself: "It's impossible, it should just be like..."

Ye Hong also noticed the strangeness of Jade Sword Jia. Following his gaze, he turned his head and found that it was Xing XVII that made Jade Sword Jia lose his attitude.

And Star Seventeen's expression at this time was also very strange.

With entanglement and dazedness, the beautiful pair of willow leaf eyebrows furrowed into painful arcs.

Ye Hong seldom saw Xing Seventeen with such an expression. Dang Even asked with concern: "Seventeen, what happened?"

Star Seventeen shook his head: "Master, I...I don't know what's going on, it's just a headache."

Jun Jade Sword Jia on the opposite side heard Xing Shiqi's name to Yehong, and said in his heart: It turns out that she is Shi Shi, so the sequence name at the back should not be her.

And with her character, how could it be possible to call a human being the master?

It is estimated that I have been too tired recently, and I am dazzled...

Jun Jade Sword Jia thought this way, and shouted: "If that's the case, you can go to see the stinky dragon with me.

Let me say yes, this is just my thanks to you for saving the soldiers.

If the smelly dragon doesn't wait to see you, I can't control it. "

Yehong nodded.

"Okay, let me call out the vehicle."

Jade Sword Master said, waving his hand.

The green flying sword, which was originally only arm-length, suddenly turned into a hundred-meter-long giant sword in the clearing.

The broad and flat blade, like the wings of an airplane, hovering in the air.

Ye Hong discovered that the flying sword was also an ancient artifact.

Judging from the appearance of Feijian, it should be at least a giant ancient artifact.

Presumably Jade Sword Jia also mastered the ancient artifact compression technology, compressing the originally huge ancient artifact into that little flying sword.

No wonder Little Feijian has such a powerful force.

"Come up."

Jade Sword Jiajun stood on the sword and waved to Yehong and his group.

It seemed that this huge flying sword was the means of transportation in his mouth.

After Ye Hong and others marveled in their hearts, they jumped onto the sword.

"Now that Yu'er has entered the net, there is no need to maintain this battlefield."

On the sword, the majestic voice of Jade Sword Armor spread across the entire wasteland.

He said to the soldiers on the north and south sides: "Come up, I will take you back to Nanji City to have a good rest.

Over the past few months, you have worked hard. "

The soldiers were very moved and climbed up the sword with excitement.

The guards sent by Lord Bailongjia made men and horses, and naturally they were also recruited by Lord Jade Sword Jia.

So on the entire wasteland, there are only the Nickel family horses left!

And Jade Sword Jia, it seemed that he didn't mean to greet them to board the sword together.

Ni Jiu was anxious when he saw this, and pleaded, "Yu Jian Zun, then, what about us?"

"You?" Jun Jade Sword Jia sneered, "I see your stupid performance on the battlefield.

You are not worthy to ride my sword. "

With that, the giant sword was already flying to the sky and heading south.

The violent wind when the giant sword was flying in the sky drove the Nickel family horses torsion and panic.

In the wasteland, Ni Jiu screamed desperately and annoyed!

The emerald giant sword walks from the sky.

Hunting winds, accompanied by clouds.

The people sitting on the giant sword only felt that they were really flying with the sword.

Those mechanical soldiers who flew into the sky for the first time were excited but apprehensive, not daring to run around on the sword.

But Ye Hong boldly reached out and touched the giant sword under his feet, feeling the wonder of the sword.

"Ding! Trigger the Grandmaster-level appraisal ability, trigger the Grandmaster-level effect [God Eyes and Ghost Eyes]..."

"Ding! After the identification, the target is the ancient artifact [Jade Sword Fei Nian].

Ancient artifact level: giant level. "

Similar to what he had guessed before, it was indeed a giant ancient artifact.

Although Yehong also has air transportation, but in appearance, there is no such thing as a jade sword flying.

Ming Yuan was even more direct. While drooling at Yujian Feizan, he shouted at Yehong, "Brother Ye, hurry up and make the same flying sword!"

Several black lines appeared on Ye Hong's head, kicking Ming Yuan away.

This silly fork, is it really possible to do it if you want to do it?

Not to mention the large amount of materials needed, but the production methods of many ancient artifacts have also been lost in the long river of history with the decline of the meteorite family.

Therefore, every ancient artifact is precious.

But Ming Yuan obviously didn't understand, still holding Yehong's thigh, entangled to let Yehong make ancient artifacts with his bare hands.

Standing in front of the sword, Lord Jade Sword Jia heard the laughter and noise coming from behind, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and then a touch of melancholy flashed in his eyes.

"Back then, I also did this with them..."

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