Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 3016: Five Great Guilds Joint Attack

According to the Wu family sisters, the current situation of the Night Blade Guild is not wonderful.

For some reason, the relationship between Ye Hong and Ye Blade Guild was leaked out.

Therefore, those hunters who had received the reward order from Yehong vented their anger into the Night Blade Guild when they could not find Yehong.

In the game, they look for the trouble of the members of the Night Blade Guild all the time.

I don’t know how many members of the Night Blade Guild were maliciously grabbed orders, maliciously PKed, maliciously targeted...

When they seized the opportunity, they pressed the members of the Night Blade Guild about Ye Hong's whereabouts.

But how did the members of the Night Blade Guild know where Yehong went?

Those hunters who couldn't ask the answer, then intensified their efforts to target the Night Blade Guild.

Not only that, some of Yehong's old enemies in reality also vented their hatred into the Yeblade Guild.

The Ma family, the Liao family, the Wu family...

Although the principals of these families are now locked up in the Prison of Exile, they also have friends with friends.

Those fox friends and dog friends usually hide in the deep water, and only wait for Yehong's absence to retaliate against Yehong's Night Blade Guild!

Among them, although the Sword Crane Legion Guild and the Golden Lion Legion Guild had once offered assistance, they were unable to protect the safety of every member of the Night Blade Guild.

The only relief is that even though the situation is so difficult, no one from the Night Blade Guild quit!

After all, they were picked into the guild by Ye Hong himself, so there is no need to doubt their character.

However, what is horrible is that those enemies who could not defeat the will of the members of the Nightblade Guild in the game turned the threatening butcher to real life!

Many Night Blade Guild players have to leave the game temporarily in order to take refuge.

This makes the Night Blade Guild in the game even worse.

Yehong gritted his teeth when he heard the information, his eyes were cracked!

He also thought about whether Guild Night Blade would be implicated.

But he didn't expect that human nature could be so despicable!

If you can't defeat the Night Blade Guild in the game, you will be insidiously moving the knife outside the game!

He vowed to make these people pay!

It's just that there is no dojo in the land of the Big Dipper, and Yehong can't play the game temporarily.

At this time, he could only return to the mechanical clan again, choosing to use the dojo environment of the mechanical plateau first to log in to the game.

And this time, Yehong not only brought Feilong, Li Man and other backbones of the Night Blade Guild, but also a large group of meteorite clan powerhouses!

He wants to bring these meteorite clan powerhouses into the game, register as players, and recruit them as members of the Night Blade Guild.

Seeing this, Ming Yuan was also excited.

"How can this kind of fighting be without my little master Mingyuan?

Brother Ye, wait, I will dispatch a Legion of Underworld players to help you! "

"Well...Although we two can't enter the dojo to compete, there is also a player guild under our hands, and I can also borrow you to use it."

In the mechanical plateau, Jade Sword Jia and Bai Long Jia expressed their opinions even more.

Ever since, Ye Hong led the team and landed on the mechanical plateau in the long-lost dojo to compete in the world.

The dojo competes in the world, the fairyland dojo, the main residence of the night blade guild, night blade town.

On this day, the cadres of the guild in the town were discussing the latest situation of the guild with anxiety as usual.

"Recently, more and more orders have been robbed, and our people can only pick up small orders from some villages."

"The construction of Haiye Town, the deputy resident, also stopped, and the NPC people there complained."

"The original plan to advance the main city is far away."

"If this continues, when the guild leader returns, I am afraid that the guild will already..."

"Hey, when will the president come back?"

Lin Le, Cheng Hu, Qiao Yun and other senior leaders sighed at each other.

At this time, Hu Li, the economic pillar of the guild, also walked in angrily.

"Old fox, what happened?"

Several people asked numbly.

Huli's expressions, they have been quite familiar in the past few months.

"Damn, the auction qualification was maliciously robbed!"

Hu Li gritted his teeth.

Naturally everyone can only sigh.

The auction is a means they came up with to solve their urgent needs.

If the auction is successfully held, it will greatly ease the current economic pressure of the Association.

But those enemies didn't seem to let the Night Blade Guild breathe even the last breath.

Their goal is to take away the last bit of life from the Night Blade Guild!

[Ding Dong! (Glory of the Moon) (Dark Epic)...Waiting for the five major guilds, and at the same time launching a guild war against this guild, please be prepared to meet! 】

[Ding Dong! (Glory of the Moon) (Dark Epic)...Waiting for the five major guilds, and at the same time launching a guild war against this guild, please be prepared to meet! 】

[Ding Dong! (Glory of the Moon) (Dark Epic)...Waiting for the five major guilds, and at the same time launching a guild war against this guild, please be prepared to meet! 】

Three consecutive emergency system notifications exploded on the public channel of the Night Blade Guild.

The guild players on the entire channel all exploded.

"The five major guilds? Are you crazy?!"

In the guild channel, a series of angry curses sounded.

In the world of dojo competition, in order to maintain a fair fight, the same guild can generally only be declared war by the only guild at the same time to prevent malicious competition with more fights.

Just as the Sword Crane Legion Guild was attacked by the Fairy Dog City Guild and the Protoss Guild together, but the order came one after the other.

However, in the world where everything is possible in the dojo, there is a special item that allows multiple guilds to jointly declare war on a guild.

That is the rare item-[Union Guild Declaration of War]!

The props of different grades can support different numbers of guilds for alliances.

Among them, the items that can allow the five guilds to form an alliance are already rarer than the establishment order.

Such props are definitely not something a guild like Moonlight can buy.

So in an instant, the people of the Night Blade Guild had already reacted.

Behind this joint attack, there must be a gold master secretly supporting the five guilds!

The most important thing is that under such a combination, the final failure will also double the number of guilds.

If the five great guilds fail to capture the Night Blade Guild, the punishment will be doubled five times!

But the reward for victory is only one-fifth of the usual.

So even if some guilds have such props in their hands, they will not easily do such thankless things.

Only by holding a hatred attitude towards a certain guild would choose such an extreme method.

So to say one thousand things and ten thousand, this guild battle was a malicious attack from the beginning!

And just as the Night Blade Guild was furious, on the plain outside the station, the five major guilds had already arrived one after another.

The black and overwhelming players, carrying a suffocating coercion, surrounded the two major sites of Ye Blade!

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