Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 3019: The long whip points to the black hand

No one thought that this war would completely change the situation due to the sudden appearance of dozens of people.

When the commanders of the major guilds were headed by the Ye Feng squad, several armies appeared in chaos.

The most important thing is that, in accordance with the rules of the guild battle of the dojo game, the defensive player can immediately resurrect at the resurrection point of the resident after death, while the attacker must resurrect from the resurrection point of its own guild.

So those senior guild leaders who were beheaded are now reborn in their remote homes.

Even if it can be commanded remotely, it has already lost control of the battle on the spot!

The Night Blade Guild took advantage of the chaos and repeatedly blew the counterattack horn.

With the strength of hundreds of people, they defeated the five major guilds ten times more than them!

The players who were watching this live broadcast were all dumbfounded.

If they had only a vague understanding of the Nightblade Guild before, then today they know how terrifying this Guild is!

Even if the soul, Ye Hong, was not present, with the unity of the entire guild, it was almost impossible to win this battle of disparity in numbers!

This is still the case where many members of the Night Blade Guild are absent.

If the members who are threatened in reality are also present today, maybe the end of the five major guilds will be even more miserable!

"Xianyu Daochang's top ten guilds in the future must have a seat in the Night Blade Guild. I put this sentence here!

Is anyone dissatisfied? "

"Be confident and change the top ten to the top five."

"Hmm...Is it too late to join Ye Blade now?"

Countless players in Xianyu Taoyuan talked about it.

And this battle also attracted the attention of some foreign players in the dojo, and it also caused a lot of heated discussion.

"When did Terran players become so powerful?"

"Is this still the weak human race in the real world?"

"I have a hunch that the human race that has been weak for thousands of years is undergoing a terrible awakening!"

In the midst of the discussion, the Sword Crane Legion Guild and the Golden Lion Legion Guild, which had been supporting halfway, also subconsciously stopped.

In their respective teams, Wu Xian and Zi Xie showed similar wry smiles.

Do they still need their support in this battle?


Guyue and Lengyue's calves were trembling constantly, and they looked at the several Ye Feng team killers in horror.

The murderous aura that kept coming, made them swallow nervously.

They just watched clearly how the senior allies fell in front of this group of fierce killers.

So when the killer of the Ye Feng team appeared in front of him, the panic had already made them lose the power of words.

The subordinates who kept routing all around became the last straw to crush their will.

Both Gu Yue and Leng Yue realized that this joint war initiated by their five major guilds had already suffered irreparable defeat!

And what is about to come is a punishment that has been doubled five times!

Thinking of this, their hearts are filled with bitterness and regret.

In the dark, the Night Blade Guild seemed to have become the hurdle that the glory of their moons could never cross.

In the collision with the Night Blade Guild again and again, the glory of the moon can be said to have swallowed the bitter fruit.

Today, it is about to usher in the most tragic failure!

"Nothing to provoke these perverts, what do you do?"

Their hearts are full of regrets.

"Frankly explain, who instructed your five major guilds to target the Night Blade Guild!"

The Ye Feng team's assassin put his sword on the necks of Leng Yue and Gu Yue, and asked coldly.

This is also one of the tasks assigned to them within the guild.

Guyue and Lengyue turned pale with fright.

The intense panic even made them forget that this was in the game and there was no death threat.

"Yes...Yes... Mu of Xiandu..."

Guyue stammered and her tongue trembled.

But just as he was about to tell the mastermind behind the scenes, there was a cold voice from not far away.

"What a trash!"

The Ye Feng team turned their heads together, watching the direction of the sound.

I saw Mali, a member of the five major guilds, gradually turning around and out of more than a dozen players.

They are scarce in number, but every player has a powerful aura that goes straight to the sky!

Feeling the temperament that is incompatible with the players of the five major guilds, the players of the Ye Feng team suddenly appeared full of guard.

They can feel that these dozen people are definitely not members of the five major guilds!

But now they appear on this battlefield, that can only explain one problem-

Some external forces temporarily joined the five major guilds, and they have been watching the war nearby.

When the Five Great Guilds were about to be defeated by the Night Blade Guild, they finally couldn't help showing up.

The player who spoke just now was the one taking the lead among a dozen people.

Although these more than a dozen people are wearing masks, and the player information is hidden.

However, the Ye Feng team can at least hear that the voice of a young man is under the mask.

Combining with the words that Gu Yue almost said just now, the people of the Yefeng team quietly passed the words [Xiandu Mu] back to the guild.


Guyue seemed to recognize the person, and was surprised to speak, but her voice stopped abruptly and turned into a muffled grunt.

A long whip appeared in the hands of the masked man at some unknown time.

The tip of the long whip, like a sword blade, pierced Gu Yue's chest before no one could see it.

"Trash, don't talk nonsense, hurry up and die."

The man in the mask shook the whip in his hand, as if a bomb had exploded in Gu Yue's body, and Gu Yue's body was suddenly torn apart.

The Yinyue on the side saw his eyes cracking: "We are clearly acting in accordance with your instructions, why should we..."

But Yinyue did not finish her words, and was also attacked by the masked man.

With a roar, she died with Gu Yue.

At this point, the five guild leaders all died.

The people of the five major guilds fled the scene one after another, showing no fighting intentions.

Only the dozen figures wearing masks stood abruptly outside Haiye Town.

The moment Gu Yue was killed, the Ye Feng team had already turned together on guard.

From these people, they felt the suffocating coercion!

"Huh! I have to admit that you have an enviable talent and potential.

I don't know how Ye Hong accurately selected you from the vast crowd.

However, the Night Blade Guild is bound to perish today!

Even if Ye Hong returns, he won't be able to save you! "

The masked male whip pointed at the Yefeng team, and a bloodthirsty and cruel smile appeared under the mask.


With an order, more than a dozen figures disappeared from the place instantly.

In the Ye Feng team, screams came out in an instant!

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