Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 3029: I recognized an aunt inexplicably

At this time, everyone else on the scene also knew what Li Mei had done.

Seeing Li Mei's actions, she subconsciously asked: "How to build?"

"Built directly."

Li Mei spoke lightly and waved at her side.

A huge scarlet castle appeared abruptly in the open space on the top of the mountain.

It was so abrupt that everyone was shocked!

At this moment, everyone looked up at the castle blankly, as if losing their speech ability.

What does the so-called direct construction mean? !

"How and how?"

Everyone was dumbfounded and looked at Li Mei in amazement.

Only Ye Hong looked at his right hand thoughtfully.

On the back of the hand covered by the glove, there is a white whale mark representing the space of fat.

Others couldn't understand why Li Mei could suddenly change into a castle like this, but Yehong, who had a **** space, could faintly guess that Li Mei should also have a very abnormal space equipment.

And the ability to take the castle out of the space so easily was beyond Ye Hong's reach.

How many terrifying secrets are there in Li Mei?

At this moment, Ye Hong actually felt a scorching sensation on the back of his hand.

This feeling seems to mean that the fat wants to come out of the space.

The sense of urgency is even more exciting than seeing the food I want to eat.

But Yehong considered that places like the top of the mountain couldn't contain fat, so he didn't let the fat come out.

But I don't know if it was an illusion, Li Mei seemed to glance at Ye Hong's right hand.

"This castle is the dojo."

Li Mei pointed to the castle road in front of him.

A touch of complexity and sadness flashed in her eyes, and she muttered to herself: "One, a meteorite dojo that has been prepared for the meteorite family a long time ago."

Yehong didn't expect that the dojo of Days and Nights would appear on the Blue Night Mountain in such a strange way, silently looking at the castle in front of him.

The scope of the entire castle almost covers the entire top of the blue night mountain.

The red masonry presents a translucent texture, like a glass spar, faintly flashing with bright red luster.

The magnificent style made Yehong think of the castle on the meteorite.

If the castle in front of you was magnified ten times, it was almost the same as the castle of Blazing Meteorite.

Combined with what Li Mei said, Ye Hong seemed to understand something.

The short-lived sad eyes made Yehong realize that this woman seemed to have had some dealings with the Meteorite Clan in the past.

Why don't you look back and ask Meteor Emperor Longyan or Chiyu?

While Ye Hong was still thinking about Li Mei's affairs, Li Mei over there was already holding the oil paper umbrella and went down the mountain.

"The dojo has been installed for you, and I should go too."

Coming and going like wind, without the slightest drag.

Ye Hong was stunned again, and the ghost yelled: "Wait a minute!"

Li Mei stopped and turned his head to look at Ye Hong in confusion.

In fact, Yehong already regretted it just now.

For some reason, in front of Li Mei, all his calmness and composure seemed to have no effect.

Just like a child in front of his mother, always subconsciously make some clumsy actions.

Seeing Li Mei's indifferent eyes, Ye Hong scratched his head and stammered slightly: "Well...Would you like to stay here for dinner before leaving?"

But at this moment, Ye Hong's heart reaction was: Damn, it's shameful, how can I say such unnutritious words?

But after another thought, Yehong understood why he subconsciously let Li Mei stay.

After all, Li Mei Wanli came here to help install the dojo, but in the end he confiscated even a little benefit, it was like giving away a dojo in Blue Night Mountain for nothing.

And Ye Hong, who received such a big gift, would feel sorry if he didn't send some back gifts.

So he hurriedly said: "Ms. Li, you..."

"Between you and me, you don't need to call such a student." Li Mei shook her head, interrupting Ye Hong.

Yehong was taken aback for a moment.

It's the first time he and Li Mei have met. Isn't it inevitable to be born?

But since it was Li Mei's request, Ye Hong was not ignorant.

He wanted to change his name to Sister Mei, but he didn't know why he always felt that Li Mei should not be called that way.

Thinking of seeing Li Mei with the same sense of sight as An Xiaoying every time he saw Li Mei, he asked awkwardly: "Then I can call you Aunt Mei?"

This time it was Li Mei's turn to be stunned.

Then, he chuckled.

At the moment she showed her face and smiled, the world seemed to lose its color, and the light of the sun and the moon seemed to be unable to cover the peerless beauty at that moment.

At the top of Blue Night Mountain, all men and women were dumbfounded.

But this smile was just a flash in the pan.

Li Mei looked at Ye Hong for a while with a weird look.

Ye Hong suddenly regretted it.

The opposite is obviously a magnificent beauty, why did he suddenly call her aunt?

Ye Hong really wanted to kill the self who was at a loss today!

But just when Ye Hong was about to be seen embarrassed, Li Mei finally nodded: "Yes."

Ye Hong let out a sigh of relief, ready to continue with the topic just now, let Li Mei stay temporarily, and let him do his best as a landlord.

It's just that Li Mei seemed to have penetrated Yehong's thoughts, and shook her head first, saying, "Everything in the dojo is a destiny arrangement.

You are already a person contaminated with the cause and effect of fate, so you don’t need to thank anyone except fate.

not to mention......"

Li Mei gave Ye Hong a deep look: "I hope you don't hate me in the future."

Ye Hong was startled again.

Then smiled bitterly: "Aunt Mei, can we say something that is easy to understand?"

Li Mei smiled slightly and did not continue to say anything.

Holding the oil-paper umbrella, went down the mountain.

Her steps seemed to be no different from ordinary people, but everyone at the top of the mountain just blinked, and Li Mei was no longer seen.

For a while, the scene was full of cold breath sounds.

"Master, this Li Mei... is not easy!"

Until then, Xing Seventeen dared to come to Ye Hong and say such a sentence.

Gentleness is looking at the direction of Li Mei's disappearance, falling into thought.

Ye Hong himself was thinking about what Li Mei said before leaving.

Li Mei is like a cloud that can't be seen through.

And every word she said seemed to have a deep meaning that needed to be pondered.

Coupled with the mysterious and mysterious vocabulary of fate, cause and effect, Yehong has a headache.

"Forget it, let's go in and visit this meteorite dojo."

Ye Hong gave up thinking about these tiring things and led everyone into the castle.

It seems to confirm what Li Mei said before, this is indeed a dojo specially built for the meteorite family.

Inside the castle, many decorations are in line with the habits of the meteorite family.

The Meteorite people present looked cordially and cheered.

Yehong himself, let people move in a simulation cabin that had been prepared for a while, and was going to try to see if he could connect to the world of dojo competition.

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