Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 3074: There is an ice palace deep in the clouds

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On the way to Longshou District, there was constant noise.

You don't need to think about it, you all know that these sounds are related to the movement of Xuedie collar.

There seemed to be an invisible storm, gathering more and more in Ice Dragon City.

Ye Hong believed that Xue Long Nu should have also noticed the anomaly in the city.

But when he glanced at the Xuelong Girl, he found that the eyes behind the masks were calm as usual, as if they didn't care at all.

This discovery gave Yehong a lot of associations for no reason.

Could Cheng Xuehuang have found a way to deal with the current situation?

In the weird atmosphere, the Dragon Head District is gradually in sight.

Compared with the other four major urban areas of Ice Dragon City, the buildings in Longshou District tend to be retro.

Ice bricks and snow tiles, together to build a number of antique ice pavilions.

From time to time, you can see some rare and exotic animals sprinting by in the snow.

On the ground, many soldiers on patrol saw the ice dragon guards flying in the sky, all standing on their luggage, with respect.

But when flying over certain places, some soldiers cast disgusting glances into the air.

The two different treatments made Yehong realize that the Snow Emperor couldn't even control the Dragon Head District completely, let alone the entire Ice Dragon City.

Those masters who hate the look are probably on the prime minister's side.


As Yehong was meditating, there was a voice of exclamation beside him.

I saw a dozen dragons just passing through a cloud layer, and the vision in front of them suddenly opened up.

A huge and boundless palace of ice suddenly came into view.

The entire palace is made of special ice blocks.

The most ingenious thing is that every part of the palace is connected, just like a frost dragon holding on to the ground.

And the palace happened to be located at the top of the entire Ice Dragon Mountain, and it happened that night fell.

When the faint moonlight in the sky shines through the iceberg in the palace, the entire dragon-shaped palace seems to be covered with a layer of silver gauze.

In the holiness, there is a mysterious beauty.

No wonder everyone was amazed at this beautiful scene.

"Ding! Appreciate Pinnacle Art [Ice Dragon Palace], artistic ability +100, architectural design level +100, decoration level +100..."

A series of prompt tones also blew in Yehong's mind, making Yehong happy.

Although these abilities are of little practical use, they can be quickly transferred to other effective abilities under the conversion of abilities.

Therefore, just a glance made Yehong's combat power improved a little.

Based on this alone, this trip to Ice Dragon City was not in vain.

At the same time, Ye Hong also understood where this palace was.

Undoubtedly, it is the first palace of the Xuezu royal family since ancient times, and the top artistic achievement of the Xuezu with the same reputation as Ice Dragon Mountain and Ice Dragon City-Ice Dragon Palace!

The Snow Emperor who wants to see them should be in this palace.

But at this time, Ye Hong discovered another anomaly.

In front of the Ice Dragon Palace, there is even a small palace.

Although the palace is not as large as the Ice Dragon Palace, it is also magnificent.

Bursts of red glow faintly rose through the palace, and from time to time there was music playing from it.

"There should be the Prime Minister's Mansion, right?"

Ye Hong pointed to the palace in front of the Ice Dragon Palace and asked.

Xuelongnv didn't say anything, just nodded slightly.

Ye Hong shook his head secretly, never expecting to be so blatant in the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Putting the Prime Minister's Mansion in front of the Ice Dragon Palace simply did not pay attention to the person in the Ice Dragon Palace.

The thought of Xue Jiangdie and other princes outside the Snow Emperor who would not listen to orders, and Xue Xianggong blatantly threatening inside, made Ye Hong couldn't help but sympathize with him.

A Snow Emperor, one of the Seven Emperors, compared with Zuo Mie and Ming Che, who are also the Seven Emperors, there is no emperor's majesty.

Even today's Meteorite Dragon Rock's status and treatment in the Meteorite Clan are not comparable to Xue Huang.

To be an emperor to do this is more than a shame.

Thinking of this, Ye Hong was quite curious about what such an emperor looked like.

As he expected, the Ice Dragon Guard ignored the cold eyes of the Prime Minister's Mansion and flew directly over the Prime Minister's Mansion.

When he flew over the Prime Minister's Mansion, Ye Hong was taken aback.

Then looked down at the Prime Minister's Mansion thoughtfully.

A touch of enlightenment flashed in his eyes.

After the dragon flew into the Ice Dragon Palace, it flew straight to a hall in the center of the Ice Dragon Palace.

However, Ye Hong discovered that this hall was not the largest hall in the Ice Dragon Palace.

Farther north of the palace, one can vaguely see a hall hidden in the clouds and far larger than the hall in front of you.

After landing, the other Ice Dragon Guards left with the dragons.

Only Xue Longnv made a gesture towards the hall: "Your Majesty Xue Huang is inside, please follow me in."

Everyone noticed that Xue Long Nu was talking about [you], not [you].

In other words, it seems that the Xuehuang only invited Ye Hong for the interview.

"Brother Ye..."

Upon seeing this, Ming Yuan and others suddenly showed a worried look.

But Ye Hong smiled and said, "Don't worry."

He believed that gentleness was sitting outside, and even if something happened inside, he could react quickly.

What's more, the Snow Emperor inside is a wounded body, let alone worry about it.

The most important thing is that Yehong believes that if the other party really wants to disadvantage him, there is no need to use this method.

Just send some killers casually.

So Ye Hong asked everyone to wait outside the hall, while he walked into the hall with Xue Long Nu.

What's wrong with the ghost is that she didn't know if Xuelongnv hadn't noticed, and even let the Saint Snow Ice Dragon, who had been sleeping on Yehong's shoulders, also enter.

As soon as he entered the main hall, Ye Hong felt a cold air surrounding him.

And as it went deeper and deeper into the hall, the cold air became stronger.

A lot of cold air gathered around the palace, forming a cloud of clouds.

In the depths of the hall covered by clouds and mist, there seemed to be a figure sitting on an ice seat dragon chair, looming.

Ye Hong could feel a curious look, looking at him in the mist.

"Ding! Trigger the grandmaster-level heat and cold resistance effect, trigger the grandmaster-level effect [water and fire]."

In the increasingly strong cold air, Ye Hong's ability automatically played a role, eliminating the cold air.

The Snow Dragon Girl on the side seemed to think of something, turned her head to Ye Hong apologized: "Sorry, forgot that you are a human...Uh!"

Xue Long Nu's voice stopped abruptly, and she looked at Ye Hong with a calm expression on her face.

She was still thinking about whether to help Yehong dissipate the cold, but she had thought that the surrounding cold had no effect on Yehong at all.

After taking a deep glance at Ye Hong, he continued to take Ye Hong to the depths.

The whole journey took more than a minute.

Finally, at a distance of ten meters in front of the ice seat dragon chair, Xue Long Nu stopped her footsteps.

With a solemn ceremony, Shen Sheng reported: "Your Majesty, the Son of the Great Tribulation has been brought here!"

Yehong's pupils suddenly shrank!

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