Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 3094: The prime minister please

After the end of the Ice Dragon City defense battle, the rebel leader Xue Jiangdie was already detained.

Although Xuejiangdie who woke up yelled that she was wronged, no one had time to deal with her at this time.

After the victory, the army of Ice Dragon City, under the order of Xue Zhongyin, pursued the victory and attacked the rebels that are still in the rebellion.

After learning about Xuejiangdie's failure, the morale of the rebels fell sharply.

Many rebels also claimed to "reform evil and return to the right", helping the Ice Dragon City army to eliminate other rebels together.

In this way, a raging clean-up operation appeared everywhere in the snowy area.

At this time, Ye Hong was enjoying a rare leisure time.

"Master, what do you want to eat tonight, seventeen will prepare it for you."

"Student Yehong, how about the pressing and massage strength?"

"Brother Yehong, Bing Grape is next, open your mouth—"

At the door of the room, Ming Yuan and Zhou Hao looked enviously at Ye Hong, who was surrounded by girls on the bed.

"Brother Mingyuan, when do you think we can get the treatment of a master?"

"It's okay, after all, I have three hundred concubines in my family..."

"Go away, I can't talk anymore this day!"

Ming Yuan hurriedly calmed the displeased Zhou Hao, winking his eyebrows and said: "Fatty brother, I heard that the reason why Brother Ye can turn good luck this time is really dependent on your snowy night picture!

When do you draw a picture for brother? "

"Then you answer me one question first."

"What's the question? Just ask!"

"Where can I find a three-hundred room concubine?"


Yehong, lying on the bed, smiled and looked at the two living treasures at the door of the room.

After that day, it was Gentle who brought Yehong back to Ice Dragon City.

The sight of Ye Hong unable to move at the time really scared everyone.

People like Xing Seventeen and others have been waiting close to each other in the past few days, for fear that Ye Hongzhi will not be well.

However, Ye Hong knew that the numbing power in his body was only because of the remaining magical aura.

He had already forced those magical auras out of his body, and his body was already able to move freely.

But Ye Hong, who was immersed in the enjoyment of the emperor, was reluctant to leave the tender country around him.

"It would be great if time can be suspended..."

Just as Yehong was thinking like this in his heart, an ice dragon guard at the door suddenly came to announce: "Your Excellency Yehong, Xue Xianggong of Prime Minister's Mansion invites you to a banquet."

When Ono heard this, he put his hands on his waist, and said fiercely to the ice dragon: "Can't you get up without seeing my brother Yehong?

Tell the Prime Minister Shilaozi to make him another day! "

Although Ono was not old, his strength surpassed the Ice Dragon Guard by a lot.

In terms of momentum, the Ice Dragon Guard was even more shocked in cold sweat.

"This...then I will reply like this..."

But just when the Ice Dragon Guard was about to leave, Ye Hong stopped him: "No, tell the people at the Prime Minister's Mansion that I will go to the banquet on time."

Ono turned his head in surprise: "But Brother Yehong, your body..."

The others also looked at him with puzzled eyes.

Only the gentleness standing by the window, the corner of his mouth raised a smile that had already seen everything.

"Cough cough cough."

Yehong coughed a few times, and got up from the bed in the doubtful eyes of the girls.

"Then...Thanks to your meticulous care these days, my body seems to have recovered."

In the suspicious eyes, Ye Hong did not dare to wait any longer and fled.

And the reason why Ye Hong reluctantly left Wenrouxiang and agreed to the invitation of the Prime Minister's Mansion was because he knew that it was time for some mystery to be revealed.

The key to uncovering all the mysteries is this Xuexianggong!

At night, Ye Hong arrived at the Prime Minister's Mansion on time.

But before he came to the door, a group of people rushed out aggressively inside the door.

The person who took the lead was still Yehong's "acquaintance".

Prime Minister's nephew, Xue Zilu!

Xue Zilu's expression was ugly, with the lingering anger, as if she had just quarreled with someone.

"It's you?!"

Xuezilu also discovered Yehong.

"Good fellow, you dare to appear in front of this young master!

It was the Ice Dragon Guard who protected you that day. Today, see who can save you!

Come, catch this kid for me! "

The men and horses he had brought suddenly surrounded Yehong.

But Ye Hong remained motionless, his expression indifferent.

Because he knew that someone would solve them for himself.

Sure enough, before Xue Zilu's men approached Yehong, the guard at the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion had already shouted: "Seventh Master, stop!"

Because of Xue Xianggong's invitation to Ye Hong, the guard at the door had naturally received the notice.

That day, because the sky battlefield was too far away from the city, Xue Zilu did not recognize that Ye Hong was the key person who saved the Ice Dragon City, but the guards who had been explained in advance knew Ye Hong's back!

When he saw Xue Zilu's behavior, his face turned pale with fright.

He rushed up and yelled as he rushed: "Seventh Master, this is the distinguished guest of the Prime Minister, you can't move him!"


Xuezi Lu suddenly pointed to Yehong in disbelief: "You said this kid is a distinguished guest of my uncle prime minister?

Isn't it a mistake? ! "

"It's true! If you don't believe me, I will immediately notify the Prime Minister and let him come out and talk to you?"

"No, no more!" Xuezilu stammered suddenly with fright.

The reason why he dared to be lawless outside the Prime Minister's Mansion was because of Xue Xianggong's power.

Therefore, he is not afraid of the sky, but he is afraid of his uncle.

He glared at Ye Hong coldly, gritted his teeth and said, "Boy, this is endless!"

With that, he left the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion unhappy.

The guard apologized to Yehong and immediately notified the mansion.

It didn't take long for a dedicated person to go out and lead Yehong into the mansion.

The man took Ye Hong around in the Prime Minister's Mansion, but did not take Ye Hong to the banquet hall.

Instead, he led him from the side entrance trail to the back garden of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

In the back garden, in addition to the beautiful flowerbeds and ponds, there is a quaint pavilion that stands out the most.

From a distance, several people were sitting around the table in the small pavilion.

Seeing the faces of those few people, Ye Hong showed a nostalgic smile, and muttered, "It's been a long time..."

When Yehong was brought into the pavilion, the people in the pavilion also looked at Yehong at the same time.

Among them, a middle-aged snow man with an elegant temperament smiled while stroking his beard: "Welcome our little hero to our house.

I am Xue Tinglei, and you can call me Xue Xianggong like those outside. "

The person in front of him was the current prime minister Xue Tinglei.

But Ye Hong just glanced at Xue Tinglei, then turned his eyes to the others on the table.

Because he knew that the master tonight was not Xue Tinglei.

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