Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 3105: Accept a queen as an apprentice


Xue Xiaoke burst into tears and raised her head suspiciously.

"The first inheritance can have this effect, it is quite perfect. It is worthy of being the one chosen by this dragon." Shengxue Ice Dragon nodded in satisfaction.

Seeing the attitude of Shengxue Ice Dragon, Xue Xiaoke finally felt completely relieved.

Ye Hong finally understood why in so many Xuewu Village villagers, Shengxue Ice Dragon only chose Xue Xiaoke to follow.

It turned out that since that time, the Saint Snow Ice Dragon had already prepared for this day.

While Ye Hong sighed secretly, Shengxue Ice Dragon greeted Xue Xiaoke to his side and whispered something to her.

Xue Xiaoke nodded her head again and again, but then suddenly ran to Yehong and knelt down to him: "Master, please be respected by the disciple!"


Ye Hong instantly looked confused.

Could it be that Xue Xiaoke not only inherited the cultivation base of Shengxue Ice Dragon, but also inherited the characteristics of Shengxue Ice Dragon's brain convulsions?

But at this time, Ye Hong saw Xue Xiaoke kneeling on the ground with a wistful look on his face, and his eyes seemed to look in the direction of Shengxue Ice Dragon.

Ye Hong instantly understood what was going on.

He looked at Shengxue Ice Dragon speechlessly: "You old ice dragon, what are you thinking about?"

Shengxue Ice Dragon's eyes rolled round and round, and he said with a smile: "After summing up by the previous Snow King actor, this dragon understood one thing.

If the new Snow Emperor wants to grow up quickly, in addition to this dragon's cultivation base, he also needs a good master.

Xue Xiaoke has nothing to do with her cultivation, but she has no matching experience. She needs a master who is suitable for her to teach her how to control the power in her body. "

Ye Hong glanced at him slantingly, and said blankly: "There are so many powerful people in the snowy area, why have to find me a foreigner?"

"Master Shengxue Binglong said that he has recognized Mr. Yehong as your master, and only you are qualified to be my master, and he will not agree to anyone else.

And, Mr. Ye Hong, you will also be Ice Dragon Xueli, and there will be no more suitable one than you..." Xue Xiaoke said timidly.

Good guy, it seems that Saint Snow Ice Dragon has already said everything to Xue Xiao.

But Ye Hong changed his mind and looked at Shengxue Ice Dragon suspiciously: "Speaking of Master, aren't you the creator of Ice Dragon Xueli more suitable than me?"

"If this dragon can teach apprentices, would that kid still not grow up for so many years?" Shengxue Ice Dragon gave Xue Xiaole a sideways glance with her arms akimbo.

She lowered her head again in embarrassment.

If you can’t teach, you can’t teach. Are you proud of a hammer? !

Ye Hong complained to the old ice dragon in his heart, but he suddenly realized.

If Xue Xiaoke were to be an apprentice to this unreliable old dragon, no matter how good the seedlings were, he would probably be ruined by him.

When Yehong was struggling, Xue Xiaoke raised her head to look at Yehong and asked seriously: "Mr. Yehong, do you remember the promise in Xuewu Village?

You said that you want to teach me spiritual practice. "

Ye Hong's eyes suddenly trembled.

Indeed, no matter what the circumstances were, Ye Hong had promised to teach Xue Xiaoke to practice.

How can you say nothing now?

He signaled that he would no longer struggle, and calmly accepted Xue Xiaoke's salute, smiled and said, "So from today, you will be my second apprentice."

"Tui'er has seen the master!" Xue Xiaoke looked excited, another great gift.

But she suddenly asked in doubt: "Second apprentice? Who dare to ask the master's major apprentice?"

"I will introduce you to you when I have time." Ye Hong's mouth tickled slightly.

His second apprentice is now in the ancient world.

Speaking of Ye Hong's so-called "disciples", including Leng Feng, Ji Er, Zhou Hao, Yin Nanlin...

These people are just getting the guidance of Yehong in various fields, but they are not really apprentices of Yehong.

There was only one apprentice Yehong had really done before today, and that was the big apprentice he called Xue Jianing.

Xue Jianing, the martial arts instructor of the Big Brother Group.

She was born in an ancient family of martial arts and is a descendant of Xue style Tai Chi.

She was looted and slaughtered at home when she was a child, and she was the only one left.

In order to take revenge and retrieve the stolen Xue-style Taijiquan pieces, Xue Jianing went to Bailu City to inquire about the news through the intelligence network of the Big Brother Group.

Later, due to coincidence, Ye Hong was accepted as an official disciple.

At the same time, he also serves as the bodyguard of Qin Hongshuang and others.

The last time Qin Hongshuang came to the ancient world, Xue Jianing also followed.

I heard that I also joined the [Lan Fang Club]...

It is worth mentioning that as early as the time of Blue Star, Ye Hong had asked Ye Jian to help Xue Jianing retrieve all the missing pieces of Xue-style Taijiquan.

Of course, Ye Hong never let go of those murderers who killed Xue Jianing's people.

After the revenge was avenged, Xue Jianing went to Ninghong, and vowed not to leave Yehong forever.

But there is one thing to say, although Xue Jianing entered the door early, how could it be impossible to have the Xue Xiao in front of him in terms of strength.

It's just that Yehong no longer worried about this.

Because he has a bone sheng.

As long as the Gusheng cooling time expires, he can follow the example of Shengxue Ice Dragon and transfer the cultivation base directly to Xue Jianing to make up for the shame that Ye Hong has not had time to teach that big apprentice all the year round.


After Xue Xiaoke formally became a teacher, Ye Hong realized one thing.

He seems to have an extra empress apprentice?

Then I thought that the Red Armored Machine Emperor of the Mechanical Clan was his maid, and the Meteorite Emperor owed him a huge favor...

And looking at the appearance of the Meteorite Dragon Rock, it seems that the pumice is also being cultivated to become the next queen.

Doesn't it mean that the current or future empresses of the three races are more or less related to Yehong?

Well, this feeling...

It's pretty cool.

When Ye Hong's heart was dark, Xue Xiaole and Xue Longnv squatted in the corner again, falling into distress again.

They didn't know how to call Yehong, but now that Yehong has become Xue Xiaoke's master again, his generation is even more chaotic!

"Then I should go back to the Prime Minister's Mansion."

After the dust settled, Ye Hongdao.

Now that Shengxue Ice Dragon agreed first, and Xue Xiaoke became his apprentice again, there should be no problem in the alliance.

So Ye Hong wanted to return to the Prime Minister's Mansion to give Tao Wei and the others an answer.

Upon hearing Ye Hong's words, the Snow Dragon Girl in the corner suddenly came over.

To Ye Hong said: "Your Excellency Ye Hong, let me go with you too, I haven't returned to the prime minister's house for a long time."

Ye Hong was stunned.

Back to the prime minister's house?

Xue Long Nu took off the mask she had always worn on her face, revealing a fresh and refined jade face, and bowed with a smile: "Your Excellency Yehong, I am sorry that I, like Xiao Le, have concealed my identity.

Introduce myself again. My real name is [Xue Ziqing] and I am the biological daughter of Xue Xianggong Xue Tinglei. "

Hold Falk? !

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