Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 3107: Short-lived alliance

"Brother Butterfly Sword, I was too arrogant before, I apologize to you here!"

"Hey! I was wrong too, I blamed me for distrusting Brother Dragonfly!"

After the two leaders had some polite remarks, Qi Qi showed angry eyes.

"Blame the royal family, if it weren't for the royal family, we wouldn't be in such a situation!"

"Yes, there is also the Prime Minister's Mansion!"

"By the way, there is the foreigner who helped the royal family and the prime minister's mansion!"

"Speaking of that foreigner, I remember it was Ye Hong?"

"Yes, that's the name that makes people grit their teeth!"

"If Yehong hadn't brought the Snow Emperor's Ark to the royal family, Frost Illusion Bingdie would have already controlled the snowy territory!"

"Damn it, you must take revenge on the guy named Yehong!"

Just as Dragonfly Xuejun and Earl Butterfly Sword gritted their teeth, there was a girl's voice in the wood next to him: "You...you want to take revenge on Yehong too?"

"who is it?!"

"get out!"

Dragonfly Xuejun and Earl Butterfly Sword were taken aback, and showed a guard attitude towards the forest.

At the same time, the two troops that had been resting also stood up from the ground like a rumbling.

"Don't get me wrong, the deity has a common enemy with you."

While talking, a beautiful girl of the Underworld came out of the forest.

Although his face was a little pale, the spirit of the Mingjun realm in that body still surprised Dragonfly Xuejun and Earl Butterfly Sword.

"Dare to ask your name?"

The girl of the Ming clan said indifferently: "The deity, Youtong Mingjun."

"You are the City Lord of Youtong City, Youtong Mingjun?"

Count Butterfly Sword and Dragonfly Xuejun were surprised when they heard this name.

"That's right!" Youtong Mingjun gritted his teeth and said: "The deity, like you, has a deep hatred of the Yehong Thief!

I accidentally heard your conversation just now, so I want to join your alliance! "

Dragonfly Xuejun was overjoyed instantly.

But Earl Butterfly Sword didn't believe there was such a coincidence, and the fox questioned: "But you, the prince of the underworld, how could you appear here by such a coincidence?"

When Youtong Mingjun heard this, the anger in his eyes seemed to be turned into substance, and he gritted his teeth and shouted: "It's not thanks to the little thief Yehong!"

It turned out that even though Youtong Mingjun managed to escape from the gentle Huan Gu Ming Zhang with a secret method that day, he caused another injury.

Coupled with the previous injury by Chiyu, it is simply more injury than injury.

After being injured, Youtong Mingjun was afraid of pursuing him gently, so he chose to escape from the snowy area.

But she did not dare to return to the ruins of the meteorite because she was afraid of being targeted by Chiyu.

So I can only hide in the deep mountains and old forests of the mechanical plateau, quietly recovering from the injury.

Unexpectedly, I encountered a defeated army from the east here.

After listening to Youtong Mingjun's explanation, Earl Butterfly Sword and Dragonfly Xuejun couldn't help but sympathize.

They thought they were already miserable enough, but they didn't expect there to be a worse one here!

As a result, the three powerhouses quickly decided to form an alliance.

Youtong Mingjun also invited them to go to their own Youtong City to train first, and when the time is right, they will bring soldiers back to the snowy territory!

After the alliance, Dragonfly Xuejun and Earl Butterfly Sword breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, with the strong joining of Youtong Mingjun, they are a big step closer to the goal of revenge.

Upon seeing this, the soldiers relaxed physically and mentally.

However, before they were completely relaxed, there were sudden shouts of killing from the bottom of the mountain.

"Guys on the mountain, you are already surrounded, quickly put down your weapons and surrender!"

The sound of the mountain horrified the soldiers.

And the three powerhouses including You Tong Mingjun, all looked towards the foot of the mountain in anger.

I saw a large number of mechanical soldiers surrounded the whole mountain.

The two big flags fluttered in the wind in the mechanical team.

"It is the banner of the White Dragon and Jade Swords of the Machine Race!"

"Strange, how come they can't live with us?"

The three powerhouses didn't understand, so they decided to try it out.

"Friends of the Mechanical Race, this deity is Snow Dragon Dragonfly Snow Monarch, please inform your principal, we have no intention to offend the Mechanical Race, please don't go to war!"

As soon as Dragonfly Xuejun finished speaking, there was a loud shout from the mechanical team under the mountain: "You are the snowy rebels who are caught!"

Dragonfly Xuejun's face changed drastically.

The soldiers shivered even more, and their bodies could not stand still.

They were already exhausted from the snowy area, so how can they still have the strength to face these vigorous mechanical tribe army?

When Earl Butterfly Sword saw this, he immediately became gloomy.

He knew that since Dragonfly Xuejun's words didn't work, he didn't need to waste his tongue.

"Let the deity try it."

This time, it was your turn to stand up, and shouted at the foot of the mountain: "This deity is Youtong Mingjun, I just want to ask you a word.

As a machine race, there is no need to engage in the internal struggle of the snow race, right? "

"Youtong Mingjun?" The voice before the mountain paused, and then exclaimed: "I didn't expect there to be unexpected gains!

The brothers took the order and arrested the Youtong Mingjun together! "

This time it was You Tong Mingjun's turn to be stunned.

A group of people looked at each other, completely wondering why these mechanical soldiers wanted to attack them.

But without waiting for them to continue their negotiations, the mechanical tribe army is already on the mountain!

The three of them couldn't imagine that the alliance they just formed was so short-lived!




One day later, Ye Hong, who was far away in Ice Dragon City, received a report from the Mechanical Plateau.

It turned out that those mechanical soldiers on the mechanical plateau were arranged by Yehong.

Based on the retreat route of the two armies of Earl Butterfly Sword and Dragonfly Xuejun, he calculated that they would escape to the mechanical plateau.

Then let the two great masters send troops to ambush in advance and kill those rebels by surprise.

This is Yehong's last move.

There were only two accidents that Yehong did not expect.

One is Youtong Mingjun who suddenly appeared there.

The other is the result of the battle.

In Yehong's plan, Earl Butterfly Sword and Xuejun Dragonfly, who had run out of oil, could no longer escape.

Although You Tong Mingjun was outside of the plan, he was seriously injured after all, and there should be no chance to escape.

However, the results of that battle showed that although the rebels were wiped out.

But Youtong Mingjun, Earl Butterfly Sword, and Dragonfly Xuejun escaped.

According to the battle report, the figure of the cloak appeared on the battlefield at that time, and three strong men were rescued.

In other words, it is Nightmare Sea again!

If it weren't for them, Yehong's chess game would have ended perfectly.

This made Yehong hate those guys even more.

He shook his head irritably, put down the report, cleared up his mood, and prepared to go to the Prime Minister's Mansion.

This time, apart from Xue Ziqing, who was regaining his identity, even the new Xue Huang Xue Xiaoke was also going to go personally to show the royal family's sincerity in forming an alliance.

But when Ye Hong and the others came to the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion, they met an old acquaintance.

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