Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 3120: Comfortable

The setting sun was like blood, and the city in the distance was red.

A faint red mist surrounds the city.

In the depths of the red mist, there seemed to be the shadow of another city.

Two cities?

At this time, Yotkris and his guild members seemed to have forgotten the chasing soldiers that might be chasing behind them at any time, staring blankly at the scene in front of them.

The breathing sound became thicker and more frequent.

"Meeting, president, look at it!"

The voice of the men beside him was stammering.

Don't blame them, because even Yotkris himself couldn't help but sway.

Just because they saw a huge moat around the city!

Of course, their focus is not on the moat itself, but on the things in the moat!

I saw a magma fish of various sizes, swimming lively in the moat.

Even though they have entered the land of competition for a whole month, and have experienced several magma mutations, they have never seen such an amazing number of magma fish appear together!

And the magma fish, the easiest resource to catch in the land of competition, at this time, in the eyes of everyone, is like a lot of gold jumping in the river.

Not only that, there are resources everywhere in the wilderness around the city.

Such as magma trees, magma flowers... and various magma creatures, all looming in the red mist.

"Is this heaven?"

The members of the public households of the Primordial Gods could see their saliva flow out.

They have no doubt that if all the resources in front of them are collected, they will very likely become the overlord of this event!

"President, let's act quickly!"

The subordinates are impatient.

"No hurry, first observe the surrounding environment."

In the previous death trap, Yotkris was not dizzy by the temptation in front of him, but calmly looked at the distant city.

Although there is still some distance away from the city, the faint sound from the city can already be heard.

The air of fireworks in the world rushed towards him.

It can be confirmed that the city is not an empty city.

Yotkris first ruled out that this was a city built by players.

Because based on the information he currently has, even the strongest guild of their Protoss has only established temporary camps in the land of competition.

Let alone a city, there is not even a village.

So this city can only be built by the local npc!

And combined with the scary resources around him, a thought popped out of Yotkris' mind.

Could it be that this is the central area of ​​the competition? !

Yotkris became more ecstatic as he thought about it, and finally couldn't help laughing: "It turns out that we came to the central zone by accident!"

Instead, he was now grateful to the two teams of players who had no source.

If it weren't for them, Yotkris would not escape here by accident.

"I, Yotkris, is indeed the darling of the God of Light, and I have such luck!"

"I declare that the resources in the Central Zone belong to our Primordial Gods!"

Amidst the cheers, the members of the Primordial Gods, who had long been unable to restrain themselves, rushed towards those resources frantically in the flow of halazi.

And Yotkris himself began to wander around, imagining how his guild would become stronger after harvesting these resources, and imagining how to use these resources to speak to other guild lions.

"Strange, our Primordial God is clearly the first guild to arrive in the central zone. Why doesn't the game system stingy even a notice or reward?"

Yotkris was thinking of the announcement that made all the guilds envy and hate when the event first started.

But few people know that Yotkris is the person most upset with that announcement.

Because the announcement indicated that the first guild to step into the battlefield was named Night Blade Guild!

The guild president of the Night Blade Guild is the most hostile, the most aggrieved, and the most angry guy!

none of them!

Just because Yotkris has been smashed in his hands more than once!

So when he learned that the guy was in the limelight again, Yotkris almost broke his teeth.

Now that the Primordial Gods are the first to reach the central area, the game system has not even made an announcement. Of course, it will make Yotkris mentally imbalanced.

But when he saw the abundant resources in his sight, he felt better again.

"Huh! Yehong, let you be a genius, the first one to enter the battlefield. In the end, can't you just watch me take the lead in getting the benefits?"

Every time Yotkris thinks of this, his head is full of three words.


However, just as the Primordial Gods were doing the players just stretched out their hands to the resources in front of them, a figure appeared in the surrounding red mist.

At the beginning, the players of the gods hadn't noticed it, until those figures became more clear, they suddenly became alert.

I saw that it was actually a group of ferocious magma monsters.

All the players along the way, naturally encountered many magma monsters.

Those magma monsters are resource guardians spawned in the battlefield at the beginning of the event.

As long as the players want to encroach on resources, they will be attacked by monsters.

And the strength of the magma monsters far exceeds those of the outside world.

Over the past month, more than half of the members of the Primordial Gods have died at the hands of fierce magma monsters.

So when the magma monsters appeared, they immediately formed a battlefield and stood ready.

In the center of the battle formation, Yotkris looked solemnly at the monsters in the red mist.

Those burly figures seemed to be pressed against Yotkris's heart.

[Magma Hippo, LV:65]!

[Magma Horn Cow, LV:67]!

[Magma Mammoth, LV:71]!

[Magma Earth Dragon, LV:73]!

One by one, the conspicuous monster levels made the players of Primordial Gods tremble.

Although the battle hasn't started yet, Yotkris has also begun to lose ground.

Because the red mist is densely packed, I don't know how many monsters there are!

"No, let's go first and go to the city to hide!"

"NPC will not die!"

Yotkris made a decisive decision and issued an order to the members of the guild.

There was no objection from the members, and they began to withdraw step by step with their backs to the direction of the city.

The magma monsters didn't seem to be in a hurry to pursue them either, but they just followed.

"Are these magma monsters afraid of this city?"

Yotkris felt happy, and his men quickened their pace.

Finally, the guild team came to the moat.

When I looked up, I could see the soldiers on the wall.

Glancing at the scarlet eyes of the soldiers, Yotkris became more firm in his previous guess.

This city really is an npc city.

Because the characteristics of these soldiers tell Yotkris that they are meteorite soldiers!

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