Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 3130: This is embarrassing

The news that the ice dragon entered the customs allowed the foreign businessmen who had originally thought about it to accept the facts.

It turns out that in the ruins of meteorites, there is really an unfathomable frost dragon!

Their actions couldn't help curtailing a lot.

Ye Hong didn't know that his actions to knock the mountain and shake the tiger were quite effective.

At this moment, he was chatting with an old man with red eyes and long beard.

They are in the battlements at the top of the level.

At a glance, it is a peculiar valley terrain.

And it's not a valley, but a valley connected by a valley, like a sunken chained giant net, covering the earth.

With such a peculiar terrain, it is naturally Beast Emperor Valley!

Looking at the entire southwest region, it is also located in a huge valley.

The big valley is divided into many small valleys.

The so-called big valley sets the small valleys, and the small valleys form a ring, which refers to the peculiar geographical environment of the Beast Emperor Valley.

The meteorite old man next to Ye Hong was also an "old familiar wolf".

It is the wolf fire elder in the Tianxuan tribe.

When Ye Hongchu entered the land of the Big Dipper, he was the first meteorite wolf powerhouse he saw.

Today's Wolf Fire has also joined the Night Blade Guild in the game, and is one of the guild's top masters.

In reality, Wolf Fire was ordered to guard the checkpoint here and monitor the abnormal movement in the Beast Emperor Valley opposite.

"Look, Lord Ye, there is the Scorpion King tribe on the opposite side."

In the game, Wolffire calls Yehong the chairman, but in reality he calls him the leader of the night according to the position of the leader of the blue night mountain.

Ye Hong looked in the direction of the wolf fire and found that there was a large circle surrounded by a dozen valleys.

Over the valleys, yellow sand fills the sky, obscuring the outside view.

A gloomy breath faintly emerged from the valleys.

Presumably this entire circle is the Scorpion King tribe in the mouth of Wolf Fire.

It is also the closest tribe to the Ruins of Meteorite in the Beast Emperor Valley.

Throughout the entire Beast Emperor Valley, it is geographically located in the extreme southwest of the ancient world.

One of the reasons why it is called the Valley of the Beast Emperor was mentioned before, because the entire terrain is composed of valleys of various sizes.

Another reason is to start with the first two words-【Beast Emperor】.

According to rumors, in ancient times, the environment in the southwest was harsh.

The orcs living in it are untamed and untamed, and there are constant disputes, so there is no unified country, but different tribes.

Until a strong orc was born, he took the bones left by the two holy emperors and became the emperor, unifying the tribes of the orc!

Since then, the southwest region has had a unified name-[Beast Emperor Valley].

From then on, all the major tribes of the orc tribes all surrendered to the strongest in the Beast Emperor Valley-the Beast Emperor!

Except for the Beast King, no tribe dared to carry the royal character in its name.

This has created many tribes with king characters.

Such as the Bull King Tribe, Tiger King Tribe, Fox King Tribe...

Also, the Scorpion King tribe in front of you.

The Scorpion King tribe is naturally the Scorpion tribe.

And similar to the cattle king tribe is divided into scalper tribe, black cattle tribe... and so on, the Scorpion King tribe also has different types of sand scorpion tribe, stone scorpion tribe.

Of course, for outsiders, it is impossible to distinguish the specific differences.

Although Yehong hasn't seen what the Scorpion people look like in reality, he has never dealt with the "Scorpion".

Of course, the "scorpion" here refers to the killer organization-the scorpion of the forest!

Even Yu Yehong became good friends with two killers in the organization.

That is, Mingyuan, code-named [Ming Xie], and Zi Val, code-named [Purple Scorpion].

After getting acquainted with these two guys, Ye Hong discovered that the Scorpion of the Forest was not an ordinary killer organization.

Nonsense, how can the killers in the killer organization do nothing like Ming Yuan and Zi Xie all day?

So Ye Hong was very curious about what kind of killer organization it was that could cultivate strange killers like Mingyuan and Zixie.

Now that I saw the Scorpion King tribe on the opposite side, I also remembered this incident, and his eyes subconsciously glanced at Ming Yuan not far away.

But he found that Ming Yuan was also looking at the opposite Scorpion King tribe.

That cynical face on weekdays is rare now with a complex expression.


Ye Hong seemed to have discovered something, his eyes thoughtful.

After a little modification in the checkpoint, Yehong and the others officially crossed the border and reached the area of ​​Beast Emperor Valley.

After leaving their own turf, the whole team became low-key again.

The disguise of the disguise, the makeup of the makeup, the image of the entire team has changed drastically.

As for the Saint Snow Ice Dragon, there is no need to continue to bluff people.

Ye Hong fulfilled his promise and made an ice drink for him in the level.

The contented old ice dragon, leaving the hot environment of the Meteorite Ruins, suddenly lay languidly on Yehong's shoulders, and fell asleep.

In this way, the team marched for another whole day before reaching the Scorpion King tribe.

When looking at the level, it is only an inch away from the Scorpion King tribe.

Only when you really step out your feet can you feel the distance between the two sides.

This may be the realistic mood of "Wangshan running dead horse".

Before Ye Hong set off, he had planned his travel route.

The end of the route will be the [Deer King Tribe] in the northern part of the Beast Emperor Valley.

Because this year’s Ancient World Food Festival will be hosted by the Deer King Tribe.

But before going to the Deer King Clan, the team will drop by to a place first.

"Student Yehong, he is there!"

Li Man, with sharp eyes, pointed to the entrance gate of the King Scorpion Tribe and shouted.

In fact, without waiting for Li Man's reminder, Ye Hong saw the goal earlier.

Fox businessman, Hu Jian.

He also made an appointment with Hu Jian and met here.

Since the last time he chose Hujian as his tour guide in the snowy area, Yehong had let Hujian wait for him in the Beast Emperor Valley early.

Before going to the Deer King Tribe, Ye Hong and his team will stop by and follow Hu Jian to the Fox King Tribe to see if they can find out the news.

After all, Ye Hong and the others were posing in disguise, so Hu Jian didn't react for a while.

It wasn't until the group of people came to Hu Jian that Hu Jian recognized him from Yehong's playful eyes.

"Benefactor, you are here!

If you don't come again, my life won't be saved! "

When Ye Hong saw that Hu Jian was not exaggerated, but really distressed, he remembered one thing.

With a move in my heart, he asked curiously, "Is it because of the business association?"

Ye Hong remembered that Hu Jian belonged to the business association of their Fox King tribe.

The association once gave Hu Jian a death order, asking him to return to the tribe at the end of April, otherwise he would be expelled directly.

Ye Hong asked, silently glanced at the today's calendar on the phone.

It shows:

【St. Ancient Calendar, May 1, 11021】

Uh, this is embarrassing.

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