Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 3136: Are you stupid

Not to mention how the president got up from the bed in a hurry, and how he hurried out of the house.

Anyway, in less than ten minutes, Ye Hong saw a middle-aged fox man with a big belly and rushed into the room panting.

"Where are the hundreds of millions of orders?! Where are they?!"

As soon as he entered the door, he shouted again and again with red eyes.

Needless to say, this is the president of the business association that Hu Jian introduced for Ye Hong just now-Fox Phosphorus.

Fox Pho scanned the audience and found that only Ye Hong was looking at him with plain eyes.

Combined with the clear youth voice on the phone, Foxlin immediately judged that Yehong was the one who claimed to have hundreds of millions of orders.

So I made two steps in three steps, came to Ye Hong, looked at him closely and said, "Human race boy, how about hundreds of millions of orders?"

"Before this, don't you ask what's going on here?" Yehong glanced at the still unconscious Hu Chuan and his two pig clan dogs with a sneer.

"I don't care what happened to him, I only need hundreds of millions of orders!" Fox Pho was anxiously scratching his head.

Ye Hong was a little bit dumbfounded.

This fox phosphorus is also a wonderful person.

Perhaps this crazy obsession with orders will create a strong competitive atmosphere in the association.

This kind of character is very helpful to the growth of the association, but it is a torment to the employees below.

If it hadn't been for such a guy who was eager for quick success, Hu Jian would not have gone to the snowy area far away because of an order.

Fortunately, Ye Hong is not old, but he has plenty of experience.

Whether in the Blue Star or in the ancient world, I have seen similar merchants and know how to deal with them.

Facing Fox Pho's desperate madness, Ye Hong was even more indifferent: "If you want an order, you must first honestly understand the whole story.

Otherwise, I won't give you a dime order. "

"You!" Hu Jian was so angry.

Just for the order, he still resisted his anger, moved a chair and sat down, impatiently saying: "Then you guys should hurry up and talk about what happened here!"

Ye Hong gave Fox a look and motioned him to step forward and explain the situation clearly.

Since then, Hu Jian will tell how he returned to the association, how he was imprisoned by Huchuan, and Huchuan's various methods to force him to submit...

All the causes and consequences were all told to Fox Phosphorus.

Fox Phosphorus was still indifferent at first, with only hundreds of millions of orders in his mind.

But after listening, his expression became serious.

Before Hu Jian could finish all the words, he interrupted: "You mean that the batch of porcelain that the Association handed over to you, you sold it to the Xue family, and you sold it at a high price?"

Hu Jian nodded, fumbled for a while on Huchuan's body, and finally pulled out a list.

That list was the purchase invoice from the Xue family that Yehong asked Xue Xiaoke to issue to Fox Jian.

Fox Pho took the order carefully, as if holding some kind of sacred object, even the breathing rate was greatly reduced.

He took out a single-sided lens from the inner pocket of his clothes and placed it in front of his right eye, like a dedicated sniper, carefully checking the invoice in his hand.

After a long time, ecstasy appeared on his face: "Sure enough, it was the invoice issued by the Royal Family of Snow!"

He patted Fox Jian on the shoulder with excitement, and said with admiration: "Well, you Fox Jian, you are quite capable. Even the Snowy Royal Family can hook up!

By the way, how did you get the Snowy Royal Family to buy your porcelain? "

"This..." Hu Jian hesitated, but didn't know if he should tell Fox Phos the truth.

"Come on, this is very important information for our association!

If you can cooperate with Snowland Royal Family for a long time, I will immediately promote you to minister! "

Hu Jian didn't know what to do, so he could only turn his eyes on Ye Hong for help.

"Huh? Is it related to your kid?"

Hulin followed Hu Jian's sight and looked at Yehong.

Yehong didn’t answer Fox Pho’s impolite words, but said with a blank expression: "Since you have confirmed that Fox Jian’s order is true and valid, should there be an explanation for Fox Chuan, who was secretly lynching because of his jealousy of Fox Jian? ?"

"Of course, this kind of unclean heart, I will tomorrow...no, I will kick him out of the gate of the association in a while." Fox Pho said with a righteous look.

I don't know, I thought he was so selfless.

Only Ye Hong understood that this guy was still the same.

When he found that Hu Chuan had completed the task first, he was promoted to Hu Chuan first without waiting for his competitor Hu Jian to come back, thus indirectly planting the bane of the future and almost hurting Hu Jian.

Nowadays, seeing Hujian is more able to bring benefits to the association, so the tone is naturally shifting towards Hujian.

"What about these two doglegs who followed Huchuan for evil?"

Ye Hong pointed to the two big pigs in a coma.

"Kick it," Fox Pho said without hesitation.

"What about these security guards who pretended to be blind at first, and then wanted to do it regardless of right or wrong?"

Before Ye Hong finished, he pointed at the security guards, making the security guards tremble and pleading.

"It's on, it's on." Foxlin answered faster.

In terms of attitude, there was no room for the security guards to discuss, and the security guards were desperate.

"Very well, then we can talk about the order."

Yehong's face was calm, but his eyes were not as cold as before.

After giving a stick, naturally give a sweet jujube.

"This is not a place for business talks. Please also ask this gentleman to come to my office with me.

Let's talk slowly while making tea. "

Fox Pho rubbed his hands excitedly, with a look of courtesy.

Ye Hong nodded, walked to Hu Chuan, and gave him another kick.

Vaguely, I saw the unconscious Hu Chuan's body trembled.

Of course, Ye Hong didn't have a habit of venting anger, but just added a secret of ancient energy to Hu Chuan's body.

This ancient aura was just enough to suppress Hu Chuan's consciousness, preventing him from waking up so quickly.

For this guy, Ye Hong still has something to ask him, so naturally he won't let him go easily.

After explaining that Hu Susu was optimistic about Huchuan, Ye Hong took Hu Jian and followed Fox Pho.

As for the security guards, Fox Pho also sent someone to deal with it.

After Ye Hong and others left, Fox Susu muttered: "Mr. Ye really wants to talk to the chairman about hundreds of millions of orders... I really want to go and see it..."

She glanced at the unconscious Huchuan on the ground, and wandered around the room boredly.

When she walked to the door that was kicked by Yehong, Yehong's heroic gesture of kicking the door came into her mind again, and her eyes were eager to try.


She lifted her foot and tried to kick the door.

As a result, except for a crisp sound from kicking, he only numbed his toes.

"Fox Susu, are you a fool?!"

"Obviously knowing that it is not as good as Mr. Ye, why is it better to be blind!"

The fox girl was crying, embarrassed and wronged, holding her aching feet in distress.

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