Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 3152: The first try

"Senior, this junior has never mentioned this to other people, and today I only tell Senior!"

Hu Yuzhu's voice became even lower: "Because the junior is a member of the [Ancient World Food Appraiser Association], I know some information that outsiders don't know.

As far as the younger generation knows, the "Cooking Emperor's Record" is now in the association!

And I heard that at this food festival, the senior executives of the association deliberately took out the book and let the world study it together! "

Ye Hong suddenly.

No wonder Hu Yuzhu would say that the food festival is not peaceful.

If this news spreads, how many old monsters will gather at the food festival!

Ye Hong thought of this, his heart moved.

He wondered if this news might have been deliberately spread by the Sea of ​​Nightmare, in order to make the Beast Emperor Valley chaotic, so that he could do things in the chaos!

It's just that he can't verify this guess now.

But Yehong's idea of ​​going to the food festival became more determined.

After Hu Yuzhu finished speaking, he realized that he seemed a little worried.

Yehong is a strong man who is even higher than his ancestors. How can he bear this heart?

However, he didn't know that Yehong had no bottom in his heart now.

I thought it was just an ordinary festival scene, but now I know that there may be some old monsters on the stage, so I have to do a little more preparation!

That night, Fox Susu filled his stomach contentedly.

Ye Hong got a lot of information contentedly.

Hu Yuzhu also got closer to Yehong and Hu Susu with satisfaction.

He knew the truth about accepting as soon as he saw him, and did not continue to show his favor. After leaving the contact information, he returned with the fox weapon.

A few days later, the hotel where Yehong and the others were staying also started repairs.

During the renovation of the hotel, Hu Jian arranged Yehong and his party to another hotel.

As for the fox cake, he was temporarily unemployed because of the temporary suspension of the hotel.

But she wouldn't be bored, because Ye Hong called her over again.

As for Ye Hong's reason for looking for Fox Susu, it was because of the animal transformation.

The previous two fights against the orc powerhouse gave Yehong a preliminary understanding of the beast change.

But specifically how to possess the power of beast transformation, he still did not find a way to get started.

So instead of looking for Fox Susu, it is better to look for the foxin in her body.

After all, a former beast king is right in front of him, and it would be too wasteful if he didn't take the opportunity to ask for advice.

And not only Fox Susu, but even the summoned Fox Susu didn't understand why Yehong had to learn Beast Transformation.

In other words, why does a beast change that humans must learn from the orcs to practice?

It was just in their opinion that Yehong should have his own ideas, so he didn't ask much.

Then, Hu Susu accompanied him, and Hu Susu personally demonstrated how her white fox transformation works.

In the room, the five meteorite cats who were called by Yehong to study together couldn't help but stare at the white nine-tailed fox that suddenly appeared.

And Ye Hong saw those lines again.

A few days ago, I saw blue lines on the fox.

This time, I could already see the fuzzy white lines from the nine-tailed white fox and the fox cake!

I immediately closed my eyes and quietly felt the mystery hidden in the lines.

As the consciousness became highly concentrated, the purple bead in the body began to tremble slowly.

When the most active is the blood inside the body!

The originally calm blood flow seemed to be no longer quiet because of Ye Hong's insight.

In the darkness, there seemed to be a peculiar power that awakened the sleeping river of blood.

Amidst the roar that only Ye Hong could hear, a lot of blood in his body began to flow!

The skin on Yehong's surface has a strange red glow.


Ye Hong's eyes suddenly opened, and a sharp sound of swords rang as he opened and closed.

The black eyes were strangely transformed into different pupils of left purple and right gold.

The pair of eyes clearly had no focal length, but they made everyone in the room tremble, and only felt a mysterious pressure swept from Yehong's body like a tornado, impacting their souls over and over again!

The five meteorite cats couldn't hold on at first, and quickly closed their eyes, afraid to look at Yehong's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, both Hu Susu and Hu Susu closed their eyes.

Even so, their hearts were beating vigorously, and their minds were full of images of purple and gold pupils.


As the heart beats faster and faster, there is a feeling that the heart is about to fly out of the body!

Hu Susu herself felt the swallowing feeling that day again.

It seems that the next moment, the whole body will be swallowed up by Ye Hong!

"Senior Ye, hurry, stop!"

Hu Susu realized that something was wrong, and shouted with difficulty.

Ye Hong blinked, his weird pupils disappeared, and his black eyes were restored.

The horrible coercion entangled in the room also dispersed.

Except for himself, Meteor Cat and Fox Susu were all panting.

Looking at it again, a lot of sweat was already on the body.

As for Hu Susu, she looked at Yehong with extremely complicated eyes.

"Uh? What happened?"

Ye Hong asked in amazement.

He was immersed in the sentiment of the animal transformation just now, and he didn't know what was happening outside the body.

Only after hearing Fox Susu's voice, he withdrew from the state of perception.

When I opened my eyes, I saw other people's abnormalities.

"Mr. Ye, the look in your eyes just now was terrible.

It's like...like..."

Hu Susu didn't know how to describe it, and he struggled for a long time, and said with lingering fear: "It's like a monster lives in his eyes!"

The five meteorite cats seemed to have the same feeling, and then nodded in agreement.


Ye Hong frowned.

Hu Susu asked with a complicated expression: "Senior Ye, where are you holy?"

Ye Hong also didn't know clearly about his physical condition.

He only knows that he just tried to merge the sentiment that day, that is, the power to awaken the blood in the body.

I never thought that just letting the blood roll up would cause the current situation.

Could there be a problem with his bloodline power?

Thinking of this, Ye Hong decided not to continue for the sake of safety.

After accumulating more insights, or investigating the cause of the situation, then continue to try further.

Haste is not enough. Ye Hong knows this truth better than anyone else.

Since that day, Ye Hong has never tried to wake up the power of the bloodline, and turned around to help guide the cultivation of the five meteorite cats.

So the five meteorite cats have gained a lot, and they are getting closer and closer to the realm of the meteorite dog.

After about four or five days, the business association collected ore resources for many days, and finally there was news about it.

It's just not good news.

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