Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 3157: The woman who walks on the waves

The gentle joining made the battle situation outside the garden suddenly change.

In just a few blinks, the giant tigers were subdued one by one and fell to the ground.

Every giant tiger looked at the gentle eyes, all full of fear.

"Thank you senior for helping!"

Hu Yuzhu was gentle and polite!

He doesn't know the specific identity of Gentle, but he thinks that he should be at the level of an old demon who is not too young, just like his predecessors.

Gentle frowned slightly, pointed to where Ye Hong was, and said lightly: "Thank him."

Hu Yuzhu seemed to understand that gentleness would not wait to see herself, and smiled, the body of the green fox gave Yehong another salute: "Thank you, Senior Ye for your help!"

Ye Hong waved his hand lightly.

Although these giant tigers also have a beast emperor realm above level 80, they are enough to call the wind and rain outside, but compared to the tiger general in the beast monarch realm, they are not very good.

Today's protagonist is still General Tiger!

Only by defeating General Tiger, can Hu Susu and Hu Yuzhu vent their hatred, and Yehong can safely retrieve the ore resources.

Ever since, Yehong, Wenrou, and Hu Yuzhu looked at another battlefield at the same time.

At this moment, General Tiger and Hu Susu were inextricably fought.

But this does not mean that he has not paid attention to the outside world!

In fact, when his subordinates were defeated the first time, he had already lost his heart!

Especially the kind of gentle and introverted but powerful existence, made General Tiger full of fear!

Not to mention, there is a Fox Yuzhu, who is not much weaker, watching the "Fox" next to him.

Of course, Ye Hong was forgotten in the corner subconsciously.

But just the gentleness and the look in Hu Yuzhu's eyes made him cry out!

The original high momentum was suddenly weakened by a few percent.

The experienced Hu Susu immediately seized the slightest flaw and launched a continuous fast attack against General Tiger.

The balance of victory and defeat has already tilted unknowingly.


After not knowing how many rounds, the golden giant tiger let out a long howling in pain.

A large handful of blood sprayed from the right forearm and landed everywhere on the ground.

And where the blood was seen, there was a deep scratch of fox claws!

Hu Susu finally grasped the flaw in General Tiger's heart and tore the first wound on his body!

General Tiger was already uneasy, and after being injured, he retreated in a row and suffered more and more wounds on his body.

Seeing that Fox Susu was about to fully gain the upper hand, the thick white mist that had originally drifted around suddenly stopped.

If there is any wind, it will stop completely.

It seems that there is another powerful field, covering the enchanting field of Fox Su!

A pressure with a damp atmosphere shrouded in the void of heaven and earth.

Hu Susu immediately stopped and looked in a certain direction coldly.

Immediately afterwards, Hu Yuzhu and Wenrou also noticed something was wrong, and then turned their heads.


Seeing that their expressions were not right, Ye Hong frowned, preparing to diffuse his senses and observe the surroundings.

However, at this moment, a chill suddenly rose behind him.

There seemed to be an icy breath that instantly locked him!

Ye Hong wanted to get rid of this locked aura, but it was as if he was in the depths of the sea, as if sea water from all directions had gathered, squeezing him tightly in place!

This feeling of powerlessness reminded him of a person in an instant!

The fairy emperor left off!

In front of Zuo Mie, he also had this feeling of being unable to move!

"What the **** is this?!"

Ye Hong almost couldn't help but scold his mother.

Qi Qi became dignified with the gentleness and expression of Fox Yuzhu, staring at the direction behind Ye Hong.

"Da da da--"

In the thick white fog, there seemed to be a sound of getting closer and closer, approaching Yehong.


Along with the sound of footsteps, there was also a vague sound of waves that were not obvious.

But where are the waves coming from deep in this land?

Then there can only be one reason-the sound of the waves is man-made!

Ye Hong also heard these two sounds, but couldn't even turn his head to check.

In the blur, he only knew that the voice was getting closer and closer to his back.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps and the sound of the waves stopped together.

A graceful figure emerged from the thick fog and gradually appeared behind Yehong.

Ye Hong couldn't see the appearance of the person, but Hu Susu and the others could see it clearly.

I saw the visitor was a young woman in her twenties.

Long black hair is draped randomly behind him, like a waterfall shining in the morning sun, flashing lightly.

There is no makeup on a beautiful face, with a beautiful and refined charm.

The most striking thing is the position of the woman's forehead.

In that position, there are a black and white fish-shaped mark entangled with each other.

At first glance, it looks like the yin and yang fish in the Tai Chi picture.

A mystic breath swayed away leisurely.

But her body is wearing a black robe that women rarely wear, with white patterns in only a few places.

Under the slender jade's feet, there are sea-blue waves entwined, like a pair of shoes made of sea water.

Presumably, the sound of footsteps mixed with the sound of waves came from just now.

"You, you are..."

After seeing the black robe woman, Hu Yuzhu seemed to think of something, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

Hu Susu noticed that General Tiger, who had been demoralized, suddenly regained his spirit, and laughed wildly: "She's here, you are over!"

The words of General Tiger made Gentle realize that the incoming party was an enemy or not a friend, and he almost swept towards Yehong without hesitation!

The black-robed woman glanced softly, and said lightly: "This king... is not here to fight, I just want to ask this Mr. Yehong a few questions."

Gentle was slightly startled, but he didn't feel any unfriendly breath from the black robe woman's body, and subconsciously stopped.

But Ye Hong was secretly surprised.

When he came to the Beast Emperor Valley this time, he naturally even disguised his name and appearance.

But the visitor called out his name in a very positive tone!

Either an old acquaintance, or where did you get Yehong's information!

Combined with gentle movements, Ye Hong immediately ruled out the first possibility.

Recall that this person called himself "the king", is it also an orc leader?

"Yehong, this king is very curious."

The first words of the woman behind him made Ye Hong complain.

You are curious about a hammer!

Obviously Xiaoye is curious!

He was curious about what a woman looks like, her identity, her purpose...everything about her!

But now he can't move his body, so he can only say coldly: "This unknown lady, do you think you are doing this to me, will I answer your question?"

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