Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 3159: Giant Panda in the Sea

The whale king's handling method of cutting the mess with a quick knife made Yehong's people stunned for a while.

Ask yourself, this ending has greatly exceeded their expectations before coming.

Not only got the ore resources back, but even the tiger prince died on the spot.

What does this whale king... mean?

Even Ye Hong frowned, looked at the whale king in front of him and asked, "Why?"

Being able to make a clan leader like General Tiger bow his head, it can be seen that the whale king is strong and powerful.

In terms of hard power, a terrifying aura faintly exudes from the whale king's body.

It seems that there is a whole ocean in the slender body.

So Ye Hong didn't understand why the Whale King would make such a friendship...no, it was even an act of ingratiating himself.

"Because..." Whale King looked at Ye Hong with deep eyes, and said with a serious expression: "Because this king is very curious."

This sentence again!

The corner of Ye Hong's mouth twitched slightly.

Is this whale king a curious baby?

Why are you always talking about curiosity?

"This king is very curious about what changes will happen to the Beast Emperor Valley because of your arrival.

This king is very curious what kind of path you are taking. "

After the Whale King said these words, he walked back into the thick fog again.

The figure faded away, and eventually disappeared.

The breeze started to flow again, and the air became no longer humid.

Only a vague sentence followed the wind to Yehong's ears.

In a word, only Ye Hong could hear.

"Yehong, we will meet again."

Ye Hong stared at the place where the whale king disappeared, silent.


Because of the sudden appearance of the Whale King, things came to an abrupt end.

After the Whale King left, General Tiger also left with a stinky expression.

Not long after, Yehong received news from Hu Jian, claiming that a tiger transport team had returned half of the ore resources that the previous prince had embezzled to the business association.

Hu Jian also heard that the Tiger Clan had just died a prince, and by the way asked if it had anything to do with Yehong.

Judging from these two news, Whale King did not deceive them, and did fulfill her previous words.

On the way to leave the Tiger King tribe, without waiting for Ye Hong to investigate by himself, Hu Yuzhu first talked about the whale king.

In today's entire Beast Emperor Valley, in addition to the royal toad family that occupies the Beast Emperor Stream, there are four major tribes that are also very famous.

The Whale King tribe is one of them.

The entire Whale King tribe occupies a vast offshore area of ​​tens of millions of square kilometers adjacent to the Blue Star Sea on the west side of the Beast Emperor Valley.

On the surface it belongs to the Valley of the Beast Emperor, but in fact it is more like a force independent of the entire ancient continent.

The entire Whale King tribe is full of powerful whale clan experts.

According to statistics from a certain organization, the number of powerful beast monarchs in the Whale King tribe ranks first among all the orcs, even surpassing the royal toad tribe.

Some orcs once said bluntly that if it weren't for the whales who didn't like land, maybe the entire Beast King Valley would have changed the surname to Whale long ago.

The Whale King who appeared in the Tiger King Tribe today is the contemporary leader of the Whale King Tribe!

The king of whales is named after 【Whale】 and 【Orca】.

Whale Orca!

According to Hu Yuzhu, the Whale Orca just took over the Whale King tribe not long ago.

Hearing this secretly nodded, Hu Susu muttered: "No wonder this person has never heard of this person..."

Hu Yuzhu continued.

According to him, after the Whale Orca took over the Whale King tribe, the whale tribe's movements appeared in the Beast King Valley on the land.

The reason why Hu Yuzhu pays attention to Whale Orca is naturally because of the old rival Tiger General.

When Hu Yuzhu was investigating the intelligence of the Tiger King tribe, he accidentally discovered that General Tiger had met with a whale clan.

That big man is the Whale Orca!

Since that time, Hu Yuzhu has secretly warned and investigated the whale orca information.

Because he felt that an orc tribe that lived in the sea all year round suddenly landed and had private contact with tribal leaders like General Tiger, there must be some kind of scheme.

Unfortunately, no matter how much Hu Yuzhu investigates, he can't find out the purpose of the whale orca.

But from today's point of view, the Whale King Tribe and the Tiger King Tribe must not be a cooperative relationship, but a subordinate relationship!

In front of the Whale King, General Tiger looked like a humble leader of the lower tribe.

Even his son was killed in front of him, but he dare not say anything.

This didn't make Hu Yuzhu relax his vigilance, but was even more wary of this whale orca.

After listening to Hu Yuzhu's information, Yehong didn't think about the reason.

With a move in his heart, he subconsciously asked, "That whale orca... which type of whale tribe is it?"

"I know this." Hu Yuzhu said without hesitation: "She is a family of killer whales under the whale clan branch."

Killer Whale?

Ye Hong nodded secretly in his heart.

No wonder the whale orca has all kinds of unusual performances, it turns out to be a big killer whale!

In the blue star sea, the killer whale is the overlord of the sea, with almost no natural enemies.

The most peculiar thing is that killer whales show a domineering and cruel side to any other creatures, but they are extremely friendly to humans.

There is more than one case of human being rescued by killer whales in the sea.

Some experts claim that the relative nature of killer whales may have originated in distant ancient times.

In ancient times, killer whales are likely to be distant relatives of humans.

It is because the Whale Orca showed friendliness to Yehong, which seems to be able to explain it.

Another characteristic of killer whales is their strong curiosity.

When killer whales in the wild waters encounter human ships, they usually swim leisurely to the side, watching the humans on the ship curiously.

"This king is very curious."

Ye Hong still shivered when he thought of these words now.

However, these two points alone did not make Yehong less wary of Whale Orca.

Because in addition to relatives and curiosity, killer whales have another characteristic, that is, they have extremely high IQ.

In the Blue Star, the killer whale is also known as the "Panda in the Sea" because of its black and white color matching.

But compared to the silly giant pandas on land, killer whales are much smarter.

According to relevant data investigation, the killer whale is very likely to be the smartest creature besides humans in the entire Blue Star.

Therefore, the Whale Orca deliberately met Yehong, it is very likely that there is some purpose, and I have to beware.

The most important thing is that killer whales are killer whales and whale tribes are whale tribes. The knowledge of the blue star must not be used to identify creatures in the ancient world.

While Ye Hong was thinking about the whale orca, the plane also stopped unknowingly.

Ye Hong couldn't help but raised his head and looked out the window, wondering to himself.

Arrived so soon?

But after seeing the scenery outside the window, Ye Hong immediately reacted.

The plane had not returned to the Fox King tribe, but stopped at a strange place halfway through.

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