Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 3167: You quarreled me to make pie

The place Linglong was referring to was the glazed street they saw when they entered the city.

Because the street ground and the buildings on both sides are made of transparent glass, it is very eye-catching.

It can be seen that most of the tourists entering the city have also walked towards that street.

But Yehong always knew that Linglong was not a visual creature, so there must be something else in that street that attracted her.

He stared at it, and it didn't take a moment before he noticed the clues.

In sight, in addition to the beautiful buildings on Liuli Street, there are also long queues of stalls on the street.

And those stalls, without exception, sell all kinds of food.

A burst of fragrance wafted from the stalls, lingering around the street.

Not only that, with the approach of the food festival, there are actually various food stalls everywhere in the city, but they are not as concentrated as Liuli Street.

The city is full of fragrance, no wonder it can awaken the foodie Linglong from the four wonders of the fairy kitchen for the first time.

"Idiot Yehong, hurry up, hurry up!"

Under Linglong's constant urging, Ye Hong could only smile at Hu Yuzhu and said, "Your Excellency Fox King, let's talk later."

Hu Yuzhu also smiled helplessly and nodded.

Ever since, the group of people who originally planned to go shopping separately was also attracted by the Liuli Street.

Linglong, who took the lead, has already rushed into the street.

"Meow, this is my heaven!"

Linglong looked at the stalls on both sides of the street with bright eyes, and wiped off the saliva with the back of her hand.

"Idiot Yehong, those skewers are packed for me!"

"And those puffs, I want them all!"

Linglong bounced back and forth between the stalls, her mouth stuffed with fruit she didn't know where she got from, and her oily hands each held a handful of skewers.

Not only that, but one side did not forget to order Yehong.

Although Ye Hong looked black, he still packed up Linglong's fancy food.

Because of the relationship between Xianchu Sijue and the Transcendent Dragon, Yehong has always regarded Linglong as the key to awakening his sister Ao Ling.

Naturally, he has a special feeling for Linglong.

It's rare that this little guy is willing to come out once, so let her be willful once.

But in fact, before Ye Hong made a move, people such as the fox cake, who was cute by Linglong, were already carrying food for Linglong with joy.

The tourists on the street also looked at Linglong with amazement, presumably wondering how that little belly can hold so much food.

The stall owners stared at Linglong with expectation and longing.

Linglong's lavish shots are all in their eyes.

With his eager gaze, it seemed that he almost rushed to the street and hugged Linglong to his stall!

Ye Hong secretly couldn't laugh or cry, taking time to look around.

Linglong's attention is on food, and Hu Susu's attention is on Linglong, but not many people pay attention to the surrounding scenery.

At that time, when I was far away, I could see that this glazed street had an extraordinary structure.

When you set foot on the street, you have an extraordinary experience.

Because the streets are made of colored glaze, so everyone walking on it is like walking on a mirror, reflecting the strange reflections.

The clouds in the sky and the surrounding buildings also reflect beautiful shadows.

Heaven and earth blend together, and people and architecture seem to form a harmonious picture.

"Ding! Appreciate the special building, +1 for integration ability!"


Ye Hong suddenly felt surprised.

Because at this moment, he actually felt the purple portrait inside his body move.

Unexpectedly, simply appreciating the scenery is also helpful to the cultivation of the body.

The sentiment comes from life, and it really does not deceive me.

This unexpected joy was suddenly interrupted by Linglong's exclamation.

"Idiot Yehong, come here, come here!"

Ye Hong looked up and found that Linglong was standing in a long line.

There are 800 food stalls on this Liuli street.

But different stalls have different business conditions.

The unpopular stalls are almost unpopular.

The highly sought-after booth, like the one waiting exquisitely in front of me, lined up with a long line.

Even Linglong willingly lined up, showing how attractive this stall was.

Under curiosity, Ye Hong looked over the line and looked at the booth itself.

I saw that the booth was not big and the furnishings were quite simple.

A table and a chair, plus some food materials and cooking tools displayed on the table, there is no other people.

And the one responsible for cooking is a little deer girl.

Similar to the appearance of other deer people, the little girl has a pair of white jade antlers on her forehead.

The age of deer people is usually judged, and it can also be distinguished by the length of the antlers.

So Ye Hong saw the pair of antlers and judged that this little deer girl was only about ten years old.

At this time, the little deer girl was stepping on the chair with her feet, half on tiptoes, kneading the dough with her hands on the table.

The childish little face was full of solemn expression.

It can even be described as sacred.

As if she was not kneading dough, but fighting a battle!

Ye Hong glanced around the booth and found no relatives such as the little girl.

Can't help but feel surprised, is it possible that this little girl came out alone to set up a stall?

After a while, Yehong's eyes were attracted by the dough on the little girl's hands.

The dough itself is nothing. To be precise, what attracted Yehong was the way the little girl kneaded the dough.

A pair of small hands knead the dough back and forth, gradually kneading the dough into dough balls.

Then he took a rolling pin and rolled the ball into the shape of a cake.

The technique seems to be no different from the general procedure of making noodles, but Ye Hong's eyes are slightly bright.

From the little girl's technique, he actually felt the similar aura that he usually had when he made food.

But he confirmed it several times, and the little girl clearly did not cultivate herself.

In this way, things are much more interesting.

In her eyes, the little girl puts the spread raw noodles into a round frying pan, but she is making pancakes.

Not long after the dough was left, a peculiar fragrance floated from the pan.

The tourists who were queuing suddenly made a commotion.

After Ye Hong smelled the scent, he seemed to understand why Linglong was attracted.

This scent is really special!

Perhaps the commotion in the team caused the little girl's dissatisfaction. She frowned and stopped her movements.

He patted the remaining flour on his hands, akimbo his hands, and whispered in a voice with a hint of milky voice: "Quiet! You bothered me to make cakes!"

Those tourists who had a large circle of older little girls did not show the slightest dissatisfaction, instead they immediately covered their mouths, silently.

From the performance of these tourists, we can see how popular the little girl’s pancakes are.

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