Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 3181: Shut up, i don't listen


The five meteorite cats saw Qu Yiyuan getting closer and closer, and all of them immediately guarded Yehong, showing a guard attitude towards Qu Yiyuan.

"Oh, don't be nervous, kitties, just don't get close."

Qu Yiyuan stopped and pressed his hands in the air, his face showed a smile that he believed to be kind, as if he intended to calm the mood of a few meteorite cats.

However, when she smiles on her scarred face, she can usually only use two words to describe it-crippled.

Therefore, the five meteorite cats not only did not relax their vigilance, but became more vigilant, making Qu Yiyuan scratch his head.

Ye Hong didn't feel that Qu Yiyuan was cheating.

After all, with the strength of Qu Yiyuan, if you want to deal with them one person and five cats, there is no need to use this method, just use your fist to flatten it.

But Ye Hong didn't completely relax his vigilance, just frowned and said, "What are you trying to say?"


"Shut up, I won't listen!"

As soon as Qu Yiyuan spoke, Ye Hong interrupted with a sneer.

It can be considered a tooth for a tooth.

Qu Yiyuan's face instantly turned red, and after holding back for a long time, he uttered three words: "Childish ghost!"

"What should I say..." She scratched her cheek, seeming to be organizing her words, and after a while she raised her eyes and asked: "You tell us first, what are you doing with Lin Yulu?"

"Didn't you say it just now, I have something to tell her!" Yehong still contained resentment in his words, but not much anger.

By now, he had vaguely seen it.

Qu Yiyuan seemed to be protecting Lin Yulu.

Obviously, Ye Hong was misunderstood as someone who was disadvantageous to Lin Yulu, so Qu Yiyuan would suddenly act.

"Oh, let's apologize to you first, we thought you were sent by those guys, haha...haha..."

Qu Yiyuan's finger scratched his cheek, his eyes were erratic, and he smiled dryly.

There is no sincerity to apologize at all!

But Ye Hong couldn't say anything, who told him to have a big fist now.

He sighed secretly and asked depressed: "Speaking of which, who are the ‘those guys’ you are talking about?"

Qu Yiyuan's expression instantly became serious, and he said word by word: "Nightmare Sea!"

Ye Hong's heart trembled, staring at Qu Yiyuan, without speaking.

What she meant was that people who once had a sea of ​​nightmares wanted to be against Lin Yulu?

But it's no wonder that Qu Yiyuan just misunderstood Ye Hong as a person in the sea of ​​nightmares, after all, Ye Hong was too light to put away the evil spirits.


"Why is the misunderstanding suddenly resolved?" Ye Hong frowned and asked.

"Because of the meteorite cat." Qu Yiyuan said to the five meteorite cats. "Meteorites are the nemesis of evil spirits. The people who can be protected by the meteorite cats can be the group of Nightmare Sea."

The five meteorite cats tilted their heads with confusion.

Ye Hong had already reacted, looking at the five little guys with complicated eyes.

Do you dare to love yourself or get their light?

But Qu Yiyuan was right.

Because this is also a point that Yehong guessed-the nightmare sea is fearing the meteorite clan!

Looking back at the millennium battle, why did the evil spirits control the middle-level soldiers of the six races among the seven clans, but not the soldiers of the meteorite tribe?

In fact, it's not that they don't want to, but can't do it!

The meteorites in the meteorite clan seem to be born with attributes that are not controlled by evil spirits.

So thousands of years ago, Nightmare Sea would use evil spirits to control the human wife of Meteorite Dragon Rock, letting the wife stabbed Longyan with a knife, and then forged Longyan orders, causing the meteorite clan to chaos.

Therefore, after a thousand years, Nightmare Sea will try to get rid of the big trouble of the meteorite tribe.

In short, the misunderstanding should be resolved.

"Then let me see Lin Yulu now, right?" Ye Hong said helplessly.

"No, you must first tell us what you want to say to Lin Yulu." Qu Yiyuan still insisted on this, like an old hen guarding the calf.

Ye Hong squeezed his painful brows and said lightly: "You help me bring her a word, and she will come out to see me."

"What?" Qu Yiyuan showed an expression of interest.

"Egret City, Sister Song."

"Huh?" Qu Yiyuan was confused.

Later, one of his subordinates entered the valley of the Xinghai Wandering Spirit.

Not long after, the woman Yehong had seen before was taken out.

Ye Hong finally saw her face clearly.

Looking at the facial features similar to those of the Song family sisters, Ye Hong was sure that the middle-aged woman in front of her was definitely Lin Yulu, the sister's mother.

Lin Yulu, who came to the front, looked excited and opened his mouth. He wanted to say something but couldn't say anything. He just looked straight at Yehong with a complicated look of expectation and anxiety.

Standing not far away, Qu Yiyuan touched his chin, glanced at Ye Hong, and Lin Yulu again, as if speculating on the relationship between the two.

Ye Hong didn't say anything, but immediately took out the pair of bisected jade bracelets that Song family sisters had placed on him, and handed them to Lin Yulu.

Lin Yulu tremblingly took the jade bracelet and stroked it carefully, his eyes became moist for an instant.

"Excuse me, are you..."

After a long time, she looked at Ye Hong with red eyes, and asked with a choked voice.

"Aunt Lin, shall we change the place?"

Ye Hong glanced at Qu Yiyuan, who was curious about the baby not far away, and said lightly.

"Go and talk on our boat, our boat is quiet, hehe!"

Qu Yiyuan’s ears were very sharp, and a big gangster face came over directly, put his arms around Yehong’s shoulders, and grinned: “Didn’t we just misunderstood you? By the way, I will entertain you on the boat and show you Apologize!"

Ye Hong was in a daze and almost listened to the boat as a bed, and his heart trembled.

He raised his eyes to look at Lin Yulu, wanting to hear Lin Yulu's thoughts, from which he could judge the relationship between Lin Yulu and Qu Yiyuan.

"Captain Qu is very nice, don't worry."

Lin Yulu wiped her tears with a tissue, and nodded towards Yehong.

It seemed that Lin Yulu was not threatened.

After rest assured, Ye Hong agreed to Qu Yiyuan's invitation.

In fact, he also wanted to see with his own eyes what this super-giant ancient ghost ship looked like inside.

Afterwards, Qu Yiyuan personally took the lead, leading Ye Hong and five meteorite cats to the Xinghai Yuling.

As soon as you enter the ship, you will see a golden spot.

The passages and walls inside the ship were all painted golden.

No, it should be directly plated with gold.

It is estimated that only a woman like Qu Yiyuan can do this kind of show-off behavior like a big dog.

Along the way, you can see fierce faces everywhere, from all races.

They must be the legendary interstellar pirates, Qu Yiyuan's men.

Some of them wiped the weapons in their hands, and some deliberately exposed strong muscles, looking at Ye Hong as if they were looking at a lamb to be slaughtered.

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