Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 3187: The so-called goddess

That night, Qu Yiyuan insisted on pulling Yehong and insisted on drinking with him all night.

Of course, Ye Hong didn't want to pay attention to the crazy woman. He just found an excuse and went away with five meteorite cats.

Of course, before leaving, he also made an appointment with Lin Yulu.

When things happened in the Beast Emperor Valley this time, I took her back to Lan Ye Mountain.

The next time Blazing Meteorite returns to Blue Star, she will be sent to Blue Star to reunite with her family.

In Lin Yulu's grateful gaze, Ye Hong bypassed the already drunk interstellar pirates, and left the pirate ship Poyu with five meteorite cats.


After returning to the city, it was almost late at night.

To Yehong's surprise, everyone in the team seemed to have known his whereabouts.

Seeing Ye Hong's return, he didn't even ask more questions.

It turned out that Wenrou had tracked Yehong's location long ago and reached the Xinghai Wandering Place in the eastern suburbs.

After detecting that Yehong's situation was safe, she relayed the news back to the city.

So everyone was relieved early.

Only Ming Yuan came up with a mysterious face: "Brother Ye Ye, is that Qu Yiyuan really the captain of the legendary interstellar pirate ship Poyu?"

Ye Hong nodded calmly.

At that moment, he seemed to see something slowly collapsing in Ming Yuan's eyes.

"How, how come... my idol shouldn't be like that..."

Ye Hong didn't care about Ming Yuan, whose faith collapsed, but found tenderness alone and shared his findings today with her.

Gentleness is now Yehong's first help, and has an intricate relationship with the Fifth Family. This kind of key information must be discussed with her.

After listening to Yehong's words, Gentle also fell into thinking.

"Based on what I know about the patriarch, it is indeed possible to give this order.

But why did he take away the Lord Saint at the time, I don't understand this.


Gentle thought for a while, then asked: "Could it be that there is something here in the ancient world, and the Lord Saint must be present?"

But she immediately frowned: "But what on earth does the Lord Saint have to do?"

Ye Hong raised his eyebrows, and suddenly remembered a question he had been ignoring.

"Um...what is the strength of my grandma?"

That's right, Ye Hong had never seen the fifth Mohan from beginning to end, and never knew her specific strength.

After all, in Taiyixianzong's hierarchical system, there is no corresponding description of the level of Xianzong Saintess.

"The strength of your saint..."

The gentle eyes became distant, as if recalling the distant past.

"For the Lord Saint, I think there are only four words to describe her, that is, [the Proud Girl of Heaven].

As soon as she was born, it seemed to have brought together heaven and earth, and contained all directions.

From childhood to adulthood, Her Excellency Saintess did not go to school, did not approve of teachers, did not practice... but her strength has grown naturally.

And the speed of growth makes most people of the same age envious to gnash their teeth.

Let's put it this way... In order to be the teacher of the Saintess, the Taiyisanxian did not know how many fights they fought with each other.

But the Lord Saint was stunned that no one would choose.

In the final analysis, she has no interest in cultivation.

What she likes to do is to go on adventures incognito, observe new things in the world, and make all kinds of friends...

Of course, her favorite is all kinds of food..."

With the gentle and slow narration, the corners of Ye Hong's mouth rose unconsciously.

In my mind, the image of a goddess of heaven with a compelling aura, amazing talent, and terrifying comprehension was outlined bit by bit.

Especially when she heard that she liked food most, Ye Hong suddenly understood why his grandfather would eventually return home with a beautiful woman.

"Grandpa saved the universe in his last life, he could meet such a little fairy!"

When Ye Hong sighed in his heart, Gentle also recalled: "If I remember correctly, when the Saintess went to the New Territories, his strength was already in the fairyland."

Ye Hong's mouth twitched.

Almost without any effort, his strength naturally grew to the war fairyland.

It's no wonder that people of the same age will be jealous and hateful, and it's no wonder that it will also cause a rivalry between Taiyi and Sanxian.

Let alone others, Ye Hong couldn't help being envious.

You must know that if he hadn't had the system to help him, from the point of view of his cultivation speed alone, he would definitely not be as good as his grandmother.

However, this also overturned the previous gentle guess, after all, with the fifth Mohan's level of war in Wonderland at the time, it is hard to imagine that there is something she would do in person.

That night, Yehong talked with Gentle until the latter half of the night.

Even though I only talked about some of the past about Fifth Mohan, Ye Hong was satisfied.

At the same time, I look forward to the day when I see my grandma.

By the way, he has forgotten the old story of finding Yu Lijin.


The next day, the city was still lively.

The flow of people in Liuli Square has only increased.

After yesterday's rigorous elimination round, the two hundred contestants who stood out once again gathered in the square.

This time the competition venue has risen from yesterday’s eighth square to the ninth square.

The previous round is called the knockout.

And this round of competition is called the promotion competition.

The previous night, the organizer Gujie Food Appraiser Association sent two hundred participants the specific rules for the promotion.

But because Yehong was out, other people in the team took it for him.

Before going out today, Yehong also flipped through the rule book a little, and got a general understanding of the promotion rules.

Of course, in order to let the audience understand the rules, the organizers also took advantage of the gap before the game to start scrolling the game rules on the big screen.

The promotion match, as the name suggests, is to decide the promotion.

In this round, of the 200 contestants who emerged from the knockout round, only ten were able to advance to the next round.

Those ten people are the ones who can finally read and comprehend "The Treasures of the Chef"

Just considering the order of reading, there will be a qualifying match between ten people tomorrow.

In today's promotion competition, the appraiser will still serve as the judge.

But the two hundred contestants did not compete independently like yesterday, but were divided into ten groups in total.

Twenty people from each group compete together, and finally one person is selected to advance.

Ten teams are ten people promoted.

Taking into account the principle of fairness, groups are also randomly divided by machines.

It didn't take long for the final group list to appear on the screen.

Ye Hong glanced around and found that he was not in the same group as Lu Lirong and Linglong.

Similarly, there is no Lin Yulu's name in the group of the three.

Coincidentally, Linglong and Yu Lijin were in the same group.

Even with distant crowds, Ye Hong could see Yu Lijin's stunned face, wondering if he saw Linglong's name.

At this moment, Lu Lirong next to him stared blankly at a name in his group.

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