Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 3200: Seven dragons take off, the myth reappears

I saw that the spoonful of soup that Yehong poured on the seven **** was like a spring rain on the young seedlings.

Almost instantly, the seven **** the size of table tennis **** changed.

Their body shape is growing rapidly!

Before everyone has reacted, it has expanded to the size of a fist.

Not only that, but it continued to expand until it was the size of a volleyball.

At this moment, everyone seemed to understand why Yehong had to prepare a large disk in advance.

Because of this magical scene, the audience's curses stopped in a mysterious manner.

Everyone's attention was unconsciously attracted by this scene.

Only Ning Qixiang was still indifferent: "I want to see, how can you "raw meat out of nothing"!"

After he reminded, the judges next to him also reacted.

Indeed, from the current point of view, Yehong's move is indeed a bit surprising.

The seven meatballs that have grown larger are still vegetarian, and there is no trace of meat at all.

"Hehehe, President Ning, this king feels that your face will be swollen this time."

Niu Wang Niu Zhen, who had also been silent, suddenly grinned at this moment.

"Wh, what do you mean?" Ning Qixiang didn't expect Niuzhen to say this suddenly, and looked at Niuzhen angrily.

The Niuwang tribe is a big tribe that ranks high among the orcs, and Niuzhen is a long-established orc powerhouse. According to legend, the strength is no worse than that of the nearby Lu Pingyou, so Ning Qixiang cares about Niuzhen's words.

However, Niu Zhen made a stubborn mouth toward the court, motioning Ning Qixiang to continue watching.

Ning Qixiang looked at the court with a gloomy expression, but her pupils suddenly shrank.

Because at this moment, the seven swollen **** melted quickly like ice and snow.

But this is not over yet!

I saw the seven shadows flying out of the melted balls!

Everyone took a closer look and was shocked to find that it was actually seven flying dragons with their wings fluttering!

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple, a total of seven colors of dragons, corresponding to the colors of the previous seven balls.



Seven dragons fly into the sky, and the dragons roar together!

In the judges' seat, the major judges stood up in shock.

The eight players were stunned.

The spectators on and off the field fell into a weird silence.

The barrage on the live broadcast platform was strangely stuck for a few seconds, making the screen blank.

After a while, countless barrages burst open on the screen.

[The creation holy emperor is here, what did I see? 】

[Dragon! It's a giant dragon! 】

[Please take my knees! 】

In the judges' bench, an orc judge looked at the seven dragons flying in the sky excitedly: "Seven dragons are in the sky, and the myth reappears!

This is the real [Dragon Ball]! "

Next to him, Ning Qixiang withdrew the extension from the dragon in the sky with difficulty, staring at the judge and said, "What nonsense are you talking about, how can [Seven Dragon Ball] be such a fancy thing!"

The judge explained on the spot: "The chairman did not know something. It was recorded in the book that the earliest "Dragon Ball" was made of dragon meat.

The book also mentioned that on the day of the dish, the souls of seven dragons soared out of the seven **** of meat, flying together in the sky.

The wonders recorded in the book are exactly the same as what we see now!

Therefore, Chef Yeyun has perfectly restored the original [Dragon Ball]! "

"..." Ning Qixiang choked on her chest and didn't know what to say for a while.

Soon, the judge's explanation reached the audience.

A new round of discussions broke out.

[It turns out that we wrongly blamed Ye Yun, he is really capable! 】

[No wonder people would say that there are some scenes that we can only watch this once in a lifetime. I think no one other than him can restore the scene of Qilong taking off. 】

[Then what are you doing? Hurry up and take a screenshot! 】

[Yeyun, sorry! 】

The argument seems to be reversed in an instant.

No more verbal abuse, only a full screen of admiration.

Inside the shed, the phantom of the seven dragons was still flying and staying for a long time.

Although everyone knew that it was not a real dragon, it was only Ye Hong's method, but it was still hard to conceal the shock.

Even the photographer who was in charge of the camera was taken aback, not even knowing that the lens was shifted.

Suddenly, the scene of seven giant dragons dancing suddenly disappeared on the screen.

Countless viewers shouted.

[Director, I am stunned! 】

[Quickly switch back, we have to watch Yeyun, otherwise we will take the pass! 】

The speed of light of the barrage changed faces, making Li Man and the others angry and funny.

The director and photographer who reacted are also scared and quickly adjust the lens back.

Among the players, Yu Lijin was the most shocking.

Because only he knew that among the players on the scene, Ye Hong still had a cooking artifact like Xianchu Sijue.

However, Yehong didn't even use the Four Wonders of the Immortal Kitchen this time, and he had already created such a world-shaking scene. If he used the Four Wonders of the Immortal Kitchen, would it be worth it?

In just an instant, Yu Lijin realized the gap between himself and Ye Hong.

But among the players, there are also unconvinced existences.

A young chef suddenly snorted: "As we all know, a perfect dish is full of color, flavor and taste.

I must admit that Yeyun has restored the [color] of [Dragon Ball], but what about [scent] and [taste]? "

Yu Lijin frowned, and he could smell the sour taste of the chef far away.

But the chef's words reminded Ning Qixiang.

I saw Ning Qixiang's gloomy expression suddenly improved again, and smiled at Yehong: "Chef Yeyun, I heard that [Seven Dragon Ball] is a pure meat dish.

So why haven’t I smelled meat until now? "

Facing Ning Qixiang's doubts, Ye Hong just smiled lightly.

Moving the iron spoon in his hand, he took another spoonful of soup.

As before, it was also drenched in the air.

And this time the soup was poured impartially on the seven flying dragons.

The shadows of the seven dragons disappeared like bubbles when they encountered the soup, and they were all absorbed by the soup, falling back into the disc along with the soup, and spilling on the broken balls.

There seems to be some kind of wonderful chemical reaction between the two.

At that moment, there was a peculiar fragrance from the disc.

The disappearance of the dragon made the judges feel lost.

But the scent that suddenly spread to their noses refreshed them.

"this is......"

"Meat! I smell the meat!"

The judges followed the source of the meat taste and looked at the disc in front of Yehong.

All faces are full of confusion.

Obviously there is no meat or fish on the plate, why does the meat smell come out?

Ye Hong did not explain, but looked at Ning Qixiang with a slightly twitched corner of his mouth: "President Ning, do you smell meat now?"

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