Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 3206: The true eighth bone

I saw that the recipe on the first page only had two plain words-[pancake].

But looking at the process described in it, Yehong immediately understood that the pancake here was the one made by Lulirong.

He seemed to be able to imagine that when the young Lu Lirong read this book, he learned this recipe because he first saw this pancake recipe.

Ye Hong continued to scroll down and found that the contents of the book were all recipes.

But every few pages of text description, there will be illustrations.

It's just that the illustrations are very weird, like the graffiti of a three-year-old kid. Ye Hong shook his head repeatedly.

After that, Yehong flicked through the book, till the end.

However, in addition to the recipe, it is the recipe!

Ye Hong had to admit that the dishes in the above recipes were all wonderful.

Take it out at random, and it will surely be as popular as Lulirong's pancakes.

However, Ye Hong went to great lengths to find this book, not for these ordinary recipes.

Where are the dishes that Lee Congee has cooked?

He didn't find the dishes that could cause changes in his body!

What's more, a book that was rumored to contain the secret of the eighth emperor's heart and bones is really that simple?

Could it be that Li congee was lying to him?

Or is it said that this "Cooking Emperor's Record" is not the original, but the scrap?

Ye Hong didn't give up and looked at the book in his hand over and over.

He tried to read the book in various postures and angles. Even if it weren't for the ancient environment, he would like to use water and fire to check whether there are any mechanisms in the book.

But no matter what method he used, the book or the book, nothing changed.

Just when Ye Hong was depressed, his body moved suddenly.

The calm blood flow trembled strangely.

"Could it be..."

A flash of lightning flashed in Ye Hong's heart, his eyes closed slightly, and he once again entered the state of sentiment just now.

The blood stream in the body converges again, and the body white mist evaporates again.

In his sight, it turned into a **** world again.

In Scarlet's vision, Ye Hong suddenly saw the difference in the book!

I saw that in the blank space of the book, the red light appeared!

These sudden red words and the black words that make up the recipe are combined to form sentences with brand-new meaning!

Ye Hong was excited and continued to scroll down.

Sure enough, almost every page has similar signs.

And those original graffiti-like illustrations have also undergone similar changes.

The red lines appearing in the blank part, combined with the original black lines, form a picture of the human body!

Yehong finally understood why the original illustration looked so weird, because it was a broken painting at all!

Only by adding these red lines, is a complete picture!

Ye Hong looked at the portrait of the human body on the book, his eyes shook again.

Because these portraits are exactly the same as the outlines of the human figures formed by Zi Yezhu in his body!

The only difference is the details inside the portrait.

Inside each portrait, there are different lines.

After Yehong's careful observation, it was found that these lines should be the flow direction of the ancient atmosphere.

He flipped forward again, looking at the words combining black and red, and suddenly realized!

If these portraits are to guide the direction of the flow of ancient Qi, then the words in front are a series of formulas!

On the surface, this book is a recipe, but it is actually a practice secret!


Ye Hong had to sigh for the ingenious thoughts of the author of this book.

From beginning to end, I carefully studied those formulas and portraits.

[Heaven and earth are bounded, everything is in barrier.

If you want endless desire, you must first break the wall.

Cook the mind with Tao, cook the mind with thought.

Cultivating Taoism and breaking down barriers. 】

At the beginning of the book is such a sentence.

Ye Hong chewed these words carefully, and continued to look down.

As he flipped through page by page, Ye Hong seemed to be able to see a vague figure climbing the mountains on the path of spiritual practice.

Every time you cross a high mountain, the aura that the figure shows becomes stronger.

At this moment, Ye Hong finally understood what kind of book it was!

Every practitioner will encounter barriers on the path of practice.

If the immortal comes to the immortal emperor, he will have to go through various realms such as great immortal, famous immortal, war immortal, confiscated immortal, immortal monarch...

Between each realm, there is a thick barrier.

Break through the barriers and step into a new world, making breakthroughs on the path of spiritual practice.

The status in the world can even rise a lot.

But those practitioners who cannot cross the barrier can only be mediocre, trapped outside the wall all their lives, and cannot see the better scenery on the path of practice.

And the formulas and pictures in this book are to guide practitioners on how to overcome the barriers of practice more effectively!

And the knowledge in the book is not only applicable to immortals, but also to practitioners of other races.

It's like tailor-made for Yehong, who is a multi-ethnic cultivator!

Although Ye Hong only read the beginning part, he could already see the terrible potential contained in this book.

Ye Hong even felt that if he could comprehend the entire book, he might not have the opportunity to challenge the highest barrier in the world of spiritual practice.

That is, the level between level 99 and level 100 [Heaven and Earth Barrier]!

The reason there is such a name is because it is unknown how many level 99 powers have fallen in front of this barrier since ancient times.

As long as you cross this barrier, you can rise from level 99 to level 100.

Even though the difference between the two is only level 1, the realm is as separate as heaven and earth.

Because only after reaching level 100, is the [Emperor Realm] recognized by this world!

Since ancient times, the imperial realm powerhouse has been maintained at a fixed number of seven, that is, the seven emperors of the seven clans.

Because they have the bones of the emperor to decide whether to enter the emperor realm!

Otherwise, no matter how high the strength is, without the emperor's bones, there will be no chance to enter the emperor for a lifetime!

This is also why a "Cooking Emperor's Record" can attract the relationship between all directions, because it is rumored that the "Cooking Emperor's Record" contains the secret of the eighth heart.

The practitioner who gets this secret will become the eighth emperor besides the current seven emperors!

Yehong also sneered at this rumor, but today he admitted the truth of the rumor.

Because he has found the secret of the so-called eighth heart bone!

If it is said that the practitioners are looking for the eighth emperor's heart bone in order to step into the emperor realm.

Then these formulas and images recorded in this book correspond to the premise of stepping into the emperor realm-the ability to break through the barriers of heaven and earth?

Therefore, in fact, there is no such thing as the eighth emperor bone!

In other words, the "Cooking Emperor's Record" that Ye Hong is holding now is the eighth emperor's heart!

Just when Ye Hong's heart was enlightened, the book in his hand suddenly appeared dazzling purple light!

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