Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 3287: Demon Fire Array

For an instant, Ye Hong's mind flashed the face of a famous fellow.

Orca, Lu Pingyou, Niu Zhen, Hu Yuzhu...

Could it be that some of these cancer burial alliance's strong men are spies?

Before Ye Hong thought about it, he found that his body had penetrated directly into the door.

This technique...!

Yehong suddenly thought of the penetration technique of the Magic Diamond Leo.

In the next second, Ye Hong found himself in a big dim room.

In the darkness, a pair of twinkling eyes lit up.

There are hundreds of them densely packed, like ghosts and ghosts in horror movies appearing at the same time.

"Ah! I'm scared to death!"

Naturally, it was not Ye Hong who suddenly screamed, but Niuzhen who came in right behind.

Ye Hong discovered that, except for himself, almost all of his colleagues had entered this room.

When asked, they were all pushed forward.

And they found that one person did not come in!

That is Shi Luoqing of the Winged Lion Clan, Shicheng Iron's deputy!

Could it be that the guy who sneaked on everyone was Shi Luoqing?

Without waiting for everyone to discuss, those dark eyes appeared one by one.

But it is a black cat with a translucent body.

Black cats are big and small, fat and thin. The only thing in common is the translucent black body and the blue eyes that make people look straight.

These black cats gathered around, staring at everyone for a while.

Naturally, Ye Hong and others are also observing them.

In the weird atmosphere, suddenly an old black cat with a beard that often mopped the floor slowly stepped out of the group of black cats.

It seems that this old black cat is the leader of this group of black cats.

I saw it glanced at everyone and opened its mouth. The old man said, "You were also caught by those black guys?"

Everyone was taken aback.

But Ye Hong's eyes flashed sharply, and he realized that what the old black cat said should be the cloaked group of Nightmare Sea.

With a move in his heart, speculation about the identity of these black cats came to mind.

"Are you a black cat?"

Hearing Ye Hong's words, the crowd behind him was startled again.

Hu Yuzhu frowned and said, "Although the black cats have black cat genes, they are still mainly human in appearance. How could they be like this..."

Before he finished his words, the old black cat gave Fox Yuzhu a grimly white look: "That's because you didn't see it!"

Hu Yuzhu was suddenly choked and rolled his eyes.

And just when Ye Hong was about to ask in detail, Shicheng Tie returned to the front of Tongmen.

With a loud shout, he planned to open the bronze door with brute force.

However, he blushed and tried to eat milk, the bronze door remained motionless.

Niu Zhen didn't believe in this evil, and went to break the door together.

"Two Tie Hanhan, save your energy.

This door has been set up and can only be opened from the outside, it is absolutely impossible to open it from the inside. "

The old black cat glanced contemptuously at Niuzhen as the Lion City Iron.


When Ye Hong heard this, he stared at the Tongmen.

I saw inside the bronze gate, there was indeed a formation, on which was engraved with seals similar to those outside the gate.

Fu Zhuan seems to be composed of some kind of text and graphics, but Ye Hong has never seen this kind of text.

And based on his language and writing skills, he couldn't analyze what kind of writing it was. He just didn't think it looked like the writing of any tribe in the ancient world.

After thinking about it, Ye Hong still felt that there was a big problem in the text, and suddenly had an idea in his heart.

"Ding! Trigger ability transfer, the ability of the host selection has been transferred to the proficient text translation ability.

Proficiency level text translation ability upgrade, current level: Grandmaster level.

Obtained the effect of grandmaster level [Text in Heart]: The level of text translation is improved.

Current promotion factor: 100 times. "

A language and writing are not created in vain, but follow certain laws.

For example, pictographs are based on changes in graphics.

Although Yehong had never seen this kind of text on the formation in front of him, he found that it was similar to the hieroglyphs.

In his sharp eyes, the meaning of the words was also intermittently translated in his mind.

"Burning...sacrifice...the devil..."

Just looking at these translated texts, Ye Hong felt a dangerous aura rushing toward him.

At this moment, Shi Luoqing's voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"Everyone can be well in there?"

The voice was leisurely, with an evil charm that had never been revealed before, and it was not at all the cautious look before.

Ye Hong said coldly: "You really attacked us just now, right?"

Lion City Tie's eyes widened, and he shook his head again and again and said: "This is impossible, what did that kid do to attack us?"

Unexpectedly, Shi Luoqing's laughter suddenly came from outside the door: "General, you are so naive that I can't bear to do it!"

Shicheng Tie was completely stunned, and realized that he was indeed calculated by Shi Luoqing.

He couldn't help but slapped the bronze door hard, shouting at the door: "Asshole! Why are you betraying me?"

"Betrayal? Haha!" Shi Luoqing sneered: "I have never been loyal to you from the beginning to the end. I have entered the resistance force. It is just a task assigned to me by the organization. Why should I betray you?"

"It turns out that you are a double agent!" Shicheng Iron instantly took a breath.

By now, he completely understood.

The information that Shi Luoqing had revealed to the rebel forces about the Sea of ​​Nightmare was basically the strategy of the Sea of ​​Nightmare!

Because even if Shi Luoqing doesn't say anything, the resistance forces will find Shikong me and the Wingshizu heads sooner or later.

Instead of this, it's better to take the opportunity to bury a nail in the resistance.

Also because of the spy Lion Luoqing, when the resistance forces were about to launch an action, they were easily spotted by the Sea of ​​Nightmare.

There was also the Thunder action against the rebellious forces.

The Lion City Iron, who wanted to understand everything, became even more annoyed and slapped the bronze gate loudly: "Lion Luoqing, you villain!

Open the door if there is a seed, I must peel your skin! "

"Ha ha ha... Rather than having time to be incompetent and furious, it is better to cherish your last time in this world."

Hearing Shi Luoqing's words, everyone in the room was shocked.

This lion Luoqing, does he want to kill them by himself?

However, Shi Luoqing did not speak any more, but a strange syllable curse faintly passed through the door.

Ye Hong frowned, recognizing that this syllable was the same language as the syllable when Ye Hong summoned the Golem.

Although he could not understand this language, he could feel the evil and gloomy aura coming from it.

And with the appearance of this kind of curse, the formation talisman on the bronze gate also brightened one by one.


Suddenly, a purple-black flame burned on the Fu seal.

The fire followed those talisman seals and gradually filled the entire formation.

"It's over, it's over, we are all going to die!"

The old black cat looked at the burning flame formation in horror.

The other black cats in the room also made sharp meows.

It seems that the creepy cat cry they heard outside before came from here.

Ye Hong came to the old black cat and asked, "What did you mean by what you just said?"

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