Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 3302: Misunderstanding and interception

In the current protoss, nobility represents the magic and tradition.

Civilians represent technology and innovation.

No one would have imagined that an aristocratic water **** priest would actually be on the side of the common people, and he was also a member of the Protoss Technology Association.

No one thought that he would be deliberately caught in prison, just to blow up the Vulcan statue!

Anubis, a lunatic with amazing acting skills!

When the Vulcan statue collapsed, Yehong knew that the fuse of the war had been lit.

The Vulcan statue, which symbolizes regional beliefs, was bombed. Vulcanism absolutely cannot tolerate it.

For the aristocracy, it is more tantamount to being slapped severely.

In this situation where nobles and civilians are facing each other, it is tantamount to adding fuel to the fire.

After the explosion, the surrounding area of ​​the cell was still shaking, accompanied by rustling rubble.

"It's going to collapse here."

"We must leave as soon as possible!"

Everyone around Yehong reacted.

It seems that the aftermath of the explosion has also spread underground.

At this time, Anubis's group also came over.

"Hey! Do you want to go with us?"

Anubis grinned and sincerely invited.

But this smile on his face suddenly caused a chill to rise behind Ye Hong.

No one can be with this madman!

Immediately shook his head without hesitation: "We will figure out a way to leave."

"Okay, goodbye."

Anubis shrugged regretfully, and led a group of people out of the cell, towards the ground.

It can be seen that he did intend to recruit Yehong and others.

It can also be reflected from the side that the current Protoss Technology Consortium is just in the midst of employing people.

"Let's go too."

After Anubis and the others left, Yehong led a group of people to leave from another direction.

And they don't want to stay in Vulcan City, they will leave this place of right and wrong overnight.

The Hundred-meter Colossus collapsed suddenly.

The moment the Vulcan statue was blasted and stepped on, it was like a major earthquake in the city of Vulcan.

Countless residents were awakened from their sleep, panicked and shocked.

At that time, the arrogant of the Phoenix family, Vulcan inspector Teresia Phoenix, was in the cathedral in the city.

The one who talked to her was the local city lord and the archbishop [Kaido] sent by Vulcanism to manage the believers.

An old man with a fierce face.


The loud noise interrupted the conversation between the two.

When the two of them walked to the window and saw the Vulcan statue collapsed, their faces became hard to look.

Kaido was trembling with anger, not daring to look towards Teresia.

It is hard for him to escape the blame for such a major incident that harmed the face of the Vulcan Sect during his tenure.

What's more, something happened in front of the inspector!

If it is really not handled properly, he, the archbishop, may not be far from being fired.

"Hurry up and investigate, who did it?!"

At the door, Archbishop Kaido roared at a dry Vulcan knight.

In the room, Teresia was still looking at the collapsed idol in the city.

The red light gathered in the eyes, as if something was evolving.

Next to her, the girl who looked like a nun reminded: "Miss, could it be the guy who impersonated you during the day?"

At this time, the red light in Teresia's eyes also turned into red little people.

All the little red people moved in her eyes, as if playing a stage play.

And if Ye Hong were here at this time, he would surely find that the actions of these red villains were exactly the same as those in their prisons.

Including Anubis unchaining the shackles for Yehong and the others, including Anubis leading people to blow up the energy foundation...

All the corresponding behaviors at that time reappeared in Teresia's pupils!

"You are right, it is really related to him."

The red light in Teresia's eyes dissipated, but there was a strong murderous look.

"Elei, keep up."

"Miss, where are we going?"


After Yehong and his party left the cell, they headed straight out of the city.

Along the way, many people can be seen stopping on the street, looking at the collapsed Vulcan statue in the distance.

There were even a large number of soldiers rushing there hurriedly.

This further strengthened Yehong's idea of ​​staying away from Vulcan City.

Otherwise, once the soldiers found that they were in the same cell as Anubis, they would not be able to clean up by jumping into the Yellow River.

Just when Ye Hong and the others were not far from the city gate, they all stopped.

Because on the city gate avenue in front, a woman in a red robe stood quietly.

Red hair is like flames, and eyes are like frost.

It was the Vulcan inspector who had a glimpse during the day, Teresia!

Seeing her appearance, she was actually waiting for Yehong and the others.

Ye Hong couldn't help frowning.

Although it was Teresia who caused him to be put in jail, the original intention was because Yehong pretended to be her.

From Teresia's perspective, she did nothing wrong.

So Ye Hong didn't actually plan to conflict with her.

However, Judging from Teresia's cold eyes, she seemed to think differently from Yehong.

"Shameless prison breaker, who instructed you to blow up the Vulcan statue?"

Teresia asked coldly.

"Hey hey hey, you figure it out, it's not us who exploded the statue!"

Ming Yuan was irritated by Teresia's unreasonable attitude, and immediately retorted.

"You really didn't blow up the Vulcan statue directly, but I [see] the culprit of the explosion of the God statue untied the electronic shackles for you."

Teresia glanced at Yehong and his group, as if looking for something.

Ye Hong's head grew louder.

Although he didn't know how Teresia saw everything that happened in the cell, he knew that Teresia should have regarded them as Anubis' associates.

The previous hunch came true!

"We don't know the person who bombed the statue, but just happened to be in the same cell."

Ye Hong shook his head and said lightly.

"Huh! Then why did he untie the electronic shackles for you?" Teresia gave a [you continue editing] expression of disdain.

"You should ask him about this kind of thing, not us." Ye Hong said expressionlessly, "Pretending to be your identity during the day is also because of his involvement, so I have to do it."

"It's ridiculous, you thought I would believe this kind of crappy excuse?" Teresia sneered.

She scanned everyone, but did not find Anubis and the others, her eyes suddenly became cold.

"It seems that only by re-arresting you can we interrogate all the truth!"

As she said, she suddenly took a hand.

The flame sprang from the open palm, turned into a serpentine flame rope, bound towards Yehong and his group!

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